
The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

#酱牛肉有多香# #酱牛肉做法# The method of braised beef is different from house to house, why don't you try the lazy version? It's really delicious, the sauce is fragrant, soft and delicious, and the method is simple, just look at it.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

Don't ask me why people who shout "weight loss" every day are not happy with meat, the reason is that beef is one of the few meats recommended by fitness coaches that can both satiety and not gain weight, better than chicken, lower fat than pork, and very simple to make, especially sauce beef, rich in sauce and rich in nutrition, it is undoubtedly the most popular choice for fitness and weight loss people, there is no one!

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

Today I will share with you this pressure cooker version of sauce beef, which is not greasy, has a fresh and tender taste, and is suitable for all ages. At the same time, it is also especially suitable for weight loss. Although there are many ways to make beef, sauced beef, stir-fried beef tenderloin, fried steak...... However, some dishes are quite a test of heat and cooking skills, only sauce beef is the simplest, especially if there is a pressure cooker at home, and the kitchen novice can also succeed without failure at one time.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

The most suitable part for making sauce beef is the beef tendon, because the tendon meat is connected with a little meat tendon, the sauce beef soaked in a variety of seasonings is oily in color, the sauce is red and rich, and a small amount of beef tendon mixed in the delicate beef is tight Q bomb, because there is beef tendon control, the beef meat quality of the sauce is firm, and the thin slices can be kept intact and loose, and the mellow taste of the sauce beef has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the muscles and bones, and can help the family improve immunity. It tastes delicious and tender, not greasy, and is often used as an appetizer and is also a favorite of people who are losing weight.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √
The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

Pressure cooker version of beef sauce


Ingredients: 1500 grams of fresh beef tendon

Seasoning: 10 grams of green onions + 10 grams of garlic + 10 grams of ginger + 10 ml of cooking wine + 5 grams of dried chili peppers + 20 grams of rock sugar + 3 grams of bay leaves + 10 grams of yellow sauce + 10 grams of sweet noodle sauce + 4 grams of salt + 1 bag of beef sauce pack


2 large plates + N small plates + knife + cutting board + pan + cold water basin + soup spoon + toothpick + pressure cooker + wet towel + chopsticks

● Practice

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(1) First of all, prepare the ingredients needed for this "pressure cooker version of sauce beef": choose fresh and high-quality beef tendons in regular halal butcher shops, so be sure to buy safe meat that has been inspected and quarantined. In addition to buying a special seasoning package for sauced beef, there are more than three catties of beef, if you are worried that the package is not flavorful enough, you can add a few seasonings by yourself.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(2) Because the beef tendon meat is a long strip, it is necessary to cut the fresh beef keys bought back into suitable meat pieces with a knife, rinse them with water and put them in a cold water basin to soak, change the water several times, and fully soak the blood mixed in the beef. Then put an appropriate amount of water into the soup pot, put in the washed beef cubes and bring to a boil, and after boiling, use a soup spoon to skim off the blood foam impurities floating on the water surface.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(3) The blanched beef pieces are taken out with a colander and soaked in a basin of cold water, the function of this step is to make the beef become firmer and more delicate in the alternation of hot and cold water. After soaking the beef in cold water, use a toothpick to prick some small holes, don't underestimate these small holes, which can help the beef taste better in the process of stewing.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(4) Take out the inner liner of the pressure cooker, put the beef pieces evenly at the bottom of the pot, first put an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the smell, and then put the sauce meat package and the green onions, ginger and garlic, chili, bay leaves, salt and rock sugar prepared by yourself into the pot, and finally wash the yellow sauce and sweet noodle sauce with warm boiled water, fully stir and pour the melted miso soup on the beef pieces. It is best not to exceed the highest water level of the pressure cooker, otherwise the boiling soup is easy to overflow, which will also affect the flavor of the beef.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(5) When the pressure cooker whistles and turns on the green light, you can turn off the power, don't open the lid directly, if you are in a hurry, you can cover the lid with a wet towel to assist in cooling, and it is safe to open the lid after the valve releases the pressure in the pot. When you open the pot, you can smell the fragrant sauce, and the soup of the sauce beef can be seen to the naked eye to turn into a fragrant sauce red, and the beef can be easily pierced with chopsticks to indicate that it is cooked thoroughly, and if you taste a bite of salty and sweet, you can declare that the sauce beef has been successfully made.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √

(6) Do not remove the uneaten beef in the miso immediately, and let the beef pieces soak in the miso soup for several hours to make it more flavorful. When eating, take out the sauce beef and drain the soup, let it cool thoroughly and tighten the meat, cut it against the texture of the beef with a knife, the meat is not easy to loosen, cut it into thin slices and adjust a plate of dipping sauce to share the delicious taste with the family. What do you think? Is it super simple to make the tall hard dish "sauce beef"? Smart as you are, you will see it at a glance.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √


(1) Before making beef, it must be operated by cold-hot-cold process, first soaked in cold water to clean, then blanched with hot water to remove impurities, and finally blanched with cold water to tighten the meat quality, these three steps should not be omitted as much as possible, otherwise the beef out of the sauce will not only taste fresh, but also the meat quality will be relatively loose, and it is easy to become slag when cutting.

(2) Although it is convenient and time-saving to use a pressure cooker to sauce beef, it will be easy to explode if used incorrectly, so after preparing the ingredients, you need to carefully check whether the rubber ring of the pressure cooker has been shifted. The rubber ring plays the role of sealing, if you forget to install the rubber ring or move it without adjustment, it will lead to air leakage or overflow, and the food will not be cooked.

The sauce is fragrant and fragrant, but it is not firewood + zero failure recipe = sauce beef delicacies get √


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