
Can you drink more water to achieve health? Wrong! If you develop these drinking habits, you are actually hurting your body

author:Yishui release

As one of the important metabolic organs of the human body, the kidney is also a major factory for producing urine, but in daily life, many people think that excessive drinking water will increase the work burden of the kidney to a certain extent.

According to the reference indicators of dietary nutrients, for men, try to keep the daily water intake at about 1700 ml, while women should keep it at about 1500 ml, in addition, as long as the water intake is kept within a reasonable range, then it usually will not harm the health of the kidneys, but will also be conducive to the care of the kidneys. Because the kidneys will accelerate the production of urine, and drinking more water can dilute the concentration of urine and accelerate its excretion, which can also reduce the chance of kidney stone formation to a certain extent, so as to play a role in caring for the kidneys.

Can you drink more water to achieve health? Wrong! If you develop these drinking habits, you are actually hurting your body

However, for people with kidney disease, this is a different matter, because kidney function is impaired or there is kidney failure, then the water in the body may not be able to be metabolized smoothly, once the urine cannot be excreted in time, it may accumulate in the body, and then form water and sodium retention, and edema or heart failure.

Therefore, except for patients with kidney disease, other relatively healthy people can control their water intake within a reasonable range, so drinking a little more will not actually hurt their health. However, everyone should pay attention to the fact that in daily life, these 3 drinking habits may hurt the body and stomach, and it is best for everyone to correct them in time.

1. Drink water when you're thirsty

Can you drink more water to achieve health? Wrong! If you develop these drinking habits, you are actually hurting your body

If you have obviously felt thirsty, then at this time, the body may have lost at least 2% of water, and the body is in a state of dehydration for a long time, the blood concentration in the body will continue to rise, at this time, it will increase the probability of a series of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, whether you are thirsty or not, you should replenish your body with water in time, and if you need to go out, it is also necessary to have water ready at any time. In the hot summer, the amount of sweating is often more, and it is necessary to develop a good habit of drinking water in a timely and independent manner.

2. Drinking water too quickly

Can you drink more water to achieve health? Wrong! If you develop these drinking habits, you are actually hurting your body

In daily life, if you always drink water too quickly, it is easy to harm the health of the kidneys, because excessive water pressure will have an impact on the kidney tissue, in addition, it may also cause acute expansion of the stomach, if the temperature of the ingested water is too low, it may also induce a sharp constriction of blood vessels because of the large contrast with the temperature in the body, in this state, the heart, kidneys and stomach may be a little unbearable.

3. Drink water after meals

If you habitually drink water immediately after eating, the water ingested may be washed away or the digestive enzymes secreted by the digestive organs may be diluted, which will affect the normal function of digestive enzymes, which will also hinder the smooth absorption of food. If the food you eat is already difficult to digest, you should not drink water immediately in this case, otherwise it will take longer for the stomach and intestines to digest and absorb.

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