
also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

author:Thirteen Taibao in the entertainment industry
also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious
also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Text | Mu Ran

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At a glance at the second season of "Celebrating More Than Years", they are all old acquaintances!

Fan Xian played by Zhang Ruoyun is still a familiar feeling, Fan Sizhen played by Guo Qilin is still a money fan who only cares about money, and Wang Qinian played by Tian Yu always makes people feel unreliable, but every time he is the most loyal and powerful.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

There is also the second prince played by Liu Duanduan, who still wears alpaca bangs and doesn't like to wear shoes, and the prince played by Zhang Haowei still likes to put the word "charter" on his lips so much, always pretending to be stupid, unlike the prince's style.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

But compared with these familiar characters who have returned from the original cast, what is more eye-catching is the new characters who only appeared in the second season.

In the premiere plot, the first famous scene is Fan Xian's compilation of Baoyue Tower, and there are two indispensable characters in Baoyue Tower, one is the old bustard Yuan Meng, the former Oiran who has a great relationship with the second prince.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

One is Sang Wen, who plays a good pipa, but he is a performer and not a person, but he was forcibly taken to Baoyue Tower, forced to be a prostitute, because of his outstanding appearance, he became the new Oiran of Baoyue Tower.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

There is a big similarity between the settings of the two characters: they are both Oiran, which inevitably has to be compared.

And after watching the early plot, I just want to say, don't be embarrassed to act "Oiran", put Wang Xiaochen and Wang Churan together, and then you will know what is flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

The first, Wang Xiaochen plays Yuan Meng

Wang Xiaochen, who has never acted in costume dramas, not only has a very accurate vision for choosing roles, but also makes people look good in ancient costumes.

This time, Yuan Meng, who she played in the play, looks quite gentle on the surface, but she actually kills people without blinking.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

forcibly got the daughter of the old vegetable farmer into the green building, forced her to sell herself, and told the old farmer that he had to bring 500 taels of silver to redeem his daughter.

When the old farmer brought 500 taels, he was told that the money could only be seen for two hours, and if he wanted to redeem his daughter, he had to take 10,000 taels.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

From this point, it can be seen how vicious Yuan Meng's heart is.

Yuan Menggang asked the old farmer to be beaten to death, but when he turned his head, he pretended to be a good man, and wanted to bury the old farmer.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

And Wang Xiaochen's acting skills add a lot to the role, she always has a playful smile on her face, hearing that the old farmer selling vegetables is dead, Yuan Meng, as the culprit, looks like he has nothing to do with himself, and it makes people feel very pitiful when he says it, but the corners of his mouth are raised.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

It can be said that Wang Xiaochen played the image of a ruthless beauty like Yuan Meng very well.

Although Wang Xiaochen plays the role of Lao Bustard in the play, he doesn't seem to have a sense of age at all, his smile is still full of charm, and he still feels like a girl when he looks at his face.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

The key is that there is a sense of charm in her eyes, even if she is squeezed everywhere by people like Fan Sizhen who are not close to women, and driven out of the door, she can do not take this matter to heart at all, and continue to release seductive signals with her eyes.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Seeing such a beautiful and charming Yuan Meng, I feel that I can't control it, this kind of charming and natural temperament is really too substitutional.

Therefore, the Oiran played by Wang Xiaochen is still very convincing, except for the fact that the person is a little bad, the others are full marks.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

second, Wang Churan plays Sang Wen

Let's take a look at Wang Churan's performance!

Judging from the appearance and temperament alone, Wang Churan is not inferior to Wang Xiaochen at all, and even has a sense of classical beauty after dressing up in ancient costumes.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Because Wang Churan's appearance is already a little alienated, the overall temperament is more cold, and there is a little more taste of arrogant and talented women.

In the play, even though her appearance is not so charming, but a fresh and girly pink dress makes her temperament look exceptionally clean, and she feels a little muddy and unstained.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

In addition, Sang Wen is a pipa girl who is proficient in music and rhythm, and always insists on only performing and not selling herself, which also adds a lot of likable ingredients to this role.

But as long as Wang Churan's acting skills are a little better, he will not play this ace card badly.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Wang Churan fully explained what is more beautiful than static, when standing still in the play, not needing to act or speak, it is quite convincing, but as long as Wang Churan moves, he will immediately become a wooden beauty.

The old bustard Yuan Meng asked her to smile more, so that she could please the guests, so Wang Churan grinned the corners of her mouth, revealing a fake smile, looking like someone forced her to laugh.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

When she met the guests, she still wore this expression, and it was hard not to think that it was not an oiran who walked in, but a fool.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

And when this character debuted, Fan Xian wanted to get key information from her, hoping that the other party would help him and tell him the truth he knew.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

At this time, Sang Wen should be like seeing hope, she is willing to help Fan Xian, but she also hopes that the other party can help herself, but Wang Churan neither performed the humility of begging the other party, nor the joy of finding hope, and spit out lines in a daze throughout the whole process.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

When he starred in "Fireworks in My World" before, Wang Churan had the problem of rolling his eyes and rolling his eyes at every turn, but he didn't change at all in this drama, and it was even more serious.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Even if he stood on the pile and said his lines, Wang Churan had to sway left and right, as if he had drunk fake wine, he couldn't stand steadily, he didn't have the demeanor of an oiran at all, but cowered.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

This kind of acting directly made Wang Churan's whole face change, the original cold feeling is gone, but the more I look at it, the more I feel that it is vulgar and contrived, this kind of Oiran is really unlikeable.

And when he heard Fan Xian and Guo Qilin say the secret of Baoyue Tower, Wang Churan's expression was also quite exaggerated, and when he expressed his shock, he stared at his eyes and opened his mouth, and he didn't feel calm and calm at all.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

Later, because I was afraid that my life was short, I was afraid to listen to the whole process, so I made the action of covering my ears, but my hands were loose, more like pinching my earlobes, and the idol burden was not too heavy!

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious


Wang Xiaochen and Wang Churan starred in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", obviously to prove their strength, one is to show their compatibility with ancient costumes, and the other is to reverse the declining reputation during the period of "Fireworks in My World".

The two played the same beauty image, Wang Xiaochen not only let everyone see how beautiful he was in ancient costumes, but also proved his acting skills and strength by the way.

also played the oiran, Wang Xiaochen compared Wang Churan, only to know what is called flattering and natural, and what is vulgar and pretentious

On the other hand, Wang Churan, not only did she prove herself, but also confirmed her reputation that her facial features were flying around and she couldn't act, which was undoubtedly self-destructive!

Who do you think plays the Oiran with a more sense of substitution?

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