
Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula all-media reporter Duan Yilin correspondent Wang Xuedi

Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened
Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened
Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened

Brilliant May, blue sea and blue sky, the breeze is not dry, and the sun is just right. In this beautiful season, Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District, held the opening of the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival on May 17, 2024 on the beautiful Liuqingwan Beach.

This activity gives full play to the "trinity" education of society, kindergarten and family, creates a sports atmosphere, learns sports skills, stimulates sports enthusiasm, and forms sports habits, so that children can be healthy and happy in sports, and shape children's excellent character. With the theme of "Enjoy Sports, Happy Games, and Healthy Children's Travel", the sports meeting will use parent-child games and fun games to enjoy the joy of sports and experience the game of childhood. This sports meeting not only enhanced the love of children and parents for sports, but also cultivated children's bravery, self-confidence, tenacious and hard-working character and strong will, and enhanced the emotional communication between children and parents, creating a harmonious atmosphere at home.

Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened
Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened
Enjoy sports, happy games, and healthy "children" - the 2nd Beach Parent-Child Games and Sports Festival of Maiyao Kindergarten in Shazikou Street, Laoshan District opened

Accompanied by the passionate entrance song, a group of cute and invincible children entered the stadium with vigorous steps and shouted their slogans full of energy! The dragon dance is an intangible cultural heritage art that we are proud of, embodying thousands of years of wisdom and creativity. On the sports field, children and parents showed great courage and perseverance, constantly met challenges and surpassed themselves, enjoyed the happiness brought by sports and competitions together, and presented us with wonderful sports moments. The sweet smiling faces are frozen into happy pictures. The certificate and medal are an encouragement to the children and an infinite expectation for the future. In the days to come, we will continue to accompany the children on a more beautiful journey!

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