
The farce of the Philippine ship "storming Scarborough Shoal" ended in law, and the Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

author:Phoenix TV

Recently, a number of Philippine non-governmental organizations illegally gathered in the waters near China's Huangyan Island, causing trouble, and put on a show by posing with each other and displaying flags, concocting so-called "sovereignty declaration activities". The China Coast Guard has stepped up on-site surveillance and evidence collection, and conducted on-site control of Philippine vessels illegally intruding into the waters adjacent to Scarborough Shoal. In response to the Philippine organization's claim that it has "successfully" completed the predetermined target tasks, the mainland media pointed out that this is not true.

The farce of the Philippine ship "storming Scarborough Shoal" ended in law, and the Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

Philippine media reported that the Philippine non-governmental organization "This is Ours" orchestrated the abusive activity, led by five main boats, carrying members of the "This is Ours" organization, journalists and foreign observers, and more than 100 fishing boats, with the goal of breaking into the vicinity of China's Scarborough Shoal within 12 nautical miles.

The group claimed on the 16th that its vanguard had distributed fuel and other assistance to Filipino fishermen more than 50 nautical miles from Scarborough Shoal, and that the mission had been "victorious."

The farce of the Philippine ship "storming Scarborough Shoal" ended in law, and the Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

However, a person familiar with the matter said that China's maritime rights protection and law enforcement forces have been carrying out tasks in the waters near China's Huangyan Dao, but they have not waited for the so-called non-governmental organizations to come to the Philippines to "break through", and in fact, the Philippine fishing boat is still more than 50 nautical miles away from China's Huangyan Dao, and the Philippine organization's unilateral declaration of "mission success" is not true.

Mainland media also reported that a number of Philippine non-governmental organizations illegally gathered about 60 nautical miles east of Scarborough Shoal to take pictures and videos, and Philippine official ships accompanied them and acted as "bodyguards". Footage from the scene released by the China Coast Guard shows Philippine personnel posing for photos of each other, showing off fishing operations and displaying flags, and the China Coast Guard has carried out on-site control of Philippine vessels illegally gathering in accordance with the law.

The farce of the Philippine ship "storming Scarborough Shoal" ended in law, and the Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

In order to create a false impression of success, the Philippine NGO claimed that it had "broken" the Chinese blockade and arrived at Scarborough Shoal. But in reality, the Philippine fishing boat is still about 60 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal.

The mainland media also pointed out that the Philippine side had repeatedly unleashed lies, including that in order to extend the timeline of the operation and warm up the hype, the Philippine side claimed that it had sent an "advance team" to set off for Scarborough Shoal on the morning of the 14th, but the fact was that the so-called "advance team" did not exist at all, and the fleet only departed on the morning of the 15th. In addition, in order to cover up the nature of its illegal gathering and hype, the Philippine side packaged the operation as "sending supplies to Filipino fishermen".

The farce of the Philippine ship "storming Scarborough Shoal" ended in law, and the Chinese coast guard controlled it in accordance with the law

In addition, the South China Sea Branch of the China Coast Guard Bureau organized multiple departments from the 1st to the 15th to carry out the first simultaneous law enforcement action of the 2024 South China Sea fishing moratorium in the South China Sea north of 12 degrees north latitude, strengthen patrol control, strictly implement the fishing moratorium measures, seriously investigate and deal with illegal fishing by domestic fishing vessels, severely crack down on foreign fishing vessels' infringement of fishing rights, and create a high-pressure control situation with strict law enforcement of the fishing moratorium in the off-season at the beginning.

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV Information Channel

Editor: Mu Mu

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