
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Sweet "520" is coming,

This year, there are some new "tricks"!

Flower art installation check-in,

Naturalistic Bazaar,

Handicraft workshop, music live,

City Cycling ......

Lots of activities waiting for you!

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Xiaonan learned that the Nansha District Greening Committee and the Nansha District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau (District Landscaping Bureau) will organize a special event of "Nansha District Flower District Tree Conference and '520' Moon Season" next to the Juxing Bridge in Chuangxiang Bay, Nansha District from May 18 to 20, adding a unique romantic atmosphere to this summer.

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

In the name of the moon season, the activity opened up an art field of "flowers" in the living room of Jiaomen River City, putting aside the mindset of life, embracing the purity and healing brought by flowers, and creating more life memories of "flowers" and "love".


Event time

May 18, 2024

Until May 20


The address of the event

Next to the Juxing Bridge in Chuangxiang Bay, Nansha District


Event schedule

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".



Public art installations

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Music live

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Naturalistic bazaar

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Special Events:

52.0km pink ride

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Special Events:

Pilates in the garden

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".


Special Instructions

Punch-in benefits

🌹On May 19th, you can send a screenshot of the circle of friends with the on-site check-in to receive a pot of monthly flowers for free, limited to the first 99 people, first come, first served.

🌹On May 20, you can receive a bouquet of flowers with your marriage certificate and a screenshot of the on-site check-in and Moments, limited to the top 9; You can send a screenshot of the circle of friends with the on-site check-in to receive a pot of monthly flowers for free, limited to the first 199, first-come, first-served.

*Varieties of the Moon: Beatrice, Magic Radiance, True Universe, Cherry Ponica, etc.

How to register for special events

District Flower District Tree Presentation

"520" Bouquet Reservation (Top 9)

52.0km Ride Registration

Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".
Music live, urban cycling ...... "520" to → new "tricks 🥰".

Xiao Nan will show you

Nansha "Snow White" and "Black Beauty" corn are on the market!

When you look up, it's really beautiful!

Source: Lumei Nansha

Editor: Kakin

Proofreading: Hu Xiaxia

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Li Lizhi

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )

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