
Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

author:Xiaoyu talks about sports

The Olympic dream in Paris, the holy place in the hearts of every athlete. When the competition for women's singles qualification has just begun, there is already a lot of discussion in the outside world, and who can set foot on that arena has become the focus of attention.

Voices on the Internet can always make waves. And this time, a polling event seemed to drop a shock bomb on the debate. It's not a simple preference, it's a contrast of power behind the numbers.

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

Wang Manyu, the leader with more than 8,000 votes, stood out among the fans. This number is like an unclimbable mountain, which is beyond the reach of other teammates. Even Sun Yingsha, who is in the limelight, only has more than 10,000 votes, and the gap with Wang Manyu is obvious.

Chen Meng, once a leader, has only received more than 500 votes in this online vote. Compared with Wang Manyu's astonishing more than 8,000 votes, this number of votes is indeed a bit bleak. And Wang Yidi seems to be more marginal in this popularity competition, only receiving 20 votes of support.

Netizen "The Little Prince of Ping Pong" said: "Wang Manyu's momentum is really unstoppable! Look at this number of votes, do the other team members still have a show? Chen Meng and Wang Yidi have to work harder, otherwise the Olympic stage will be useless. ”

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

And netizen "National Ball Guardian" retorted: "High popularity means strong strength? Don't forget, it's all about skill and experience on the field. It is true that Wang Manyu is popular, but Chen Meng and Wang Yidi have more practical experience, don't underestimate them. ”

On the field, the numbers are cold, but they also reveal the inner tendencies of the fans. Wang Manyu, with her extraordinary skills and dazzling performance on the field, easily captured the hearts of everyone. And Chen Meng and Wang Yidi, the two leaders of national table tennis, seem to be slightly inferior in terms of audience popularity.

The confirmation of strength and the bearing of honor

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

Wang Manyu has become the focus of attention because of his brilliant achievements on the field. Every swing of the racket seems to be writing her own legend. In this Olympic cycle, she has achieved great results, trophies have followed, and every honor is a testament to her strength. Because of this, countless fans are eagerly awaiting her to achieve another great result at the Paris Olympics.

The challenge of the dark horse, the duel with tradition

Chen Meng's outstanding performance in the Saudi Grand Slam is eye-catching, but it seems that she still has a way to go before she can fully win the hearts of her fans. Compared with Wang Manyu's long-term stability, Chen Meng still needs more good results to prove himself. And Wang Yidi, whose name has not yet been heard like thunder, the applause she has received is relatively rare.

The interweaving of expectations and reality

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

This seemingly simple vote actually contains the deep expectations of fans for each player.

Netizen "Little Prince of Table Tennis" said:

"Wang Manyu is now the light of national table tennis, and her strength and stability are unmatched. Chen Meng and Wang Yidi still have a long way to go if they want to compete with her. ”

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

Netizen "Big Dreamer" ridiculed:

"Hmph, Wang Manyu is just in the limelight now, Chen Meng and Wang Yidi's potential has not yet been fully tapped, and the future of national table tennis, who will be in charge of ups and downs."

The pace of the Paris Olympics is approaching, and the atmosphere of preparation for the table tennis team is getting stronger and stronger. At this critical moment, fans are naturally hotly discussing who can represent the country. Wang Manyu, the girl who has won glory for the country many times on the field, the public has high expectations for her, hoping that she can achieve better results in the Olympic Games and let the five-star red flag fly again.

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

Meanwhile, Chen Meng, an experienced player, has been met with some skepticism, but people still hope that she can hold her ground and continue to show her excellent form.

And Wang Yidi, the new youngster, is still on the road of growth. Everyone is waiting to see how much time she needs before she can use her results to prove her talent and strength.

The voting on the Internet, although lively, is just wishful thinking of the people. The real decision is still in the hands of the national team coach. They hold the scepter of professionalism and experience, and their choice is the final decision.

But whatever the outcome, we should give it the utmost understanding and support. Because no matter who plays, they will represent China and will fight for the honor of the country.

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

The Paris Olympics is a tense arena and a stage that every athlete dreams of. Whoever will set foot on that arena will surely carry the expectations and blessings of hundreds of millions of people.

Netizen "Ping Pong Master" said: Wang Manyu is undoubtedly our greatest hope, her skills and mentality are top-notch, I firmly believe that she will shine in the Olympic Games!

Netizen "Dream Team Fan Group" retorted: Don't underestimate Chen Meng and Wang Yidi, they also have their own shining points. It's not just about technique, it's about experience and mentality. The final list still depends on the decision of the coaching staff, let's wait and see!

Break 8,000 votes! Wang Manyu's Olympic votes hit a new high, Chen Meng's countdown was only a fraction, and Sun Yingsha's count exceeded 10,000

In the world of table tennis, we are like bunches of closely intertwined vines, entwined with the glory and dreams of national table tennis.

Our pulse resonates with the fighting spirit of the players, cheering every racket they wield.

Wang Manyu's words seem to still echo in his ears: "No matter who wins the Olympic qualification, we will always fight side by side, like a family." "Yes, only by holding hands and connecting hearts can we be invincible on the battlefield of the Olympics and continue to write the legend of national table tennis.

The bell of the Paris Olympics is about to ring, and it is our war drum and trumpet. I am convinced that on this high-profile stage, the soldiers of national table tennis will shine brightly and continue to write the myth of undefeated!

Netizen "Ping Pong Man" (who claims to be a senior table tennis enthusiast): Hey, now these national table tennis players are really squeamish. Back then, we didn't have so many bells and whistles to play table tennis, just do it! It's good now, one by one, it's like an idol group, can you still play well?

Netizen "Olympic Star" (claiming to have participated in many Olympic volunteer services): Upstairs, you can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour. Unity is strength, haven't you heard? It is precisely because of this team spirit that national table tennis can achieve great results. Paris Olympics, I am optimistic that they will create another glory!

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