
Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

author:Fox Liquor Shop
Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

"The Water of the Waves" is a novel written by Mr. Yan Zhen that describes the life of officialdom and won the 4th Mao Dun Literature Award.

This novel is a novel written by contemporary Chinese writer Yan Zhen, which was first published in the fourth issue of Contemporary in 2001 and first published in October 2001.

Yan Zhen, a native of Changsha, Hunan, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer who graduated from the Department of Chinese at Peking University and later obtained a master's degree in literature from Hunan Normal University. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Liberal Arts, Central South University, and a member of the Chinese Writers Association. Beloved by readers and critics alike, his work reveals the complexities of society and human nature with his unique perspective and deep insight.

Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

Yan Zhen, Baidu|

Yan Zhen has made remarkable achievements in literary creation, and one of his representative works is the novel "The Water of the Waves". The background of this work is closely related to Yan Zhen's personal psychological journey.

Before writing The Water of the Waves, Yan Zhen's graduation thesis at Peking University was a novella, and after graduation, he entered the university to teach, and for a time turned his main focus to research.

However, he always maintained a deep interest in literary creation.

In 1992, Yan Zhen began to work on "The Water of the Waves".

In this creative process, he delves into the situation and mentality of intellectuals in contemporary Chinese society.

He found that.

In the process of creating "The Water of the Waves", Yan Zhen extended his brushstrokes to the depths of the characters' hearts, truly and vividly showing the dilemmas faced by intellectuals and the complex and painful mental journey when they gradually gave up their ethics and original beliefs and values in the process of breaking through.

Through the image of the protagonist Chi Dawei, he profoundly reveals the fission and tragedy of the intellectual's mind.

When Yan Zhen created "The Water of the Waves", he also experienced a psychological journey. He reflects deeply on a variety of issues in contemporary society, including: He tries to reveal the root and nature of these problems through fiction and explore ways to solve them.

In this process, he felt the hardships and challenges of creation, but also gained a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"The Water of the Waves" takes the protagonist Chi Dawei's spiritual vision and living space as the examination level.

The novel criticizes the power of official-oriented culture and the harm of power worship, and debunks the illusory truth, which goes beyond the pattern of ordinary officialdom novels.

Chi Dawei went from an ambitious civil servant of the Provincial Health Department to soul torture, experienced the heat and coldness of the world, and was full of dangers all the way, and finally walked to the officialdom promotion of the director's throne.

However, this is not an inspirational chicken soup story, but rather a shuddering feeling of confronting the truth and staring into the abyss.

The novel explores human nature very profoundly, showing the inner struggle and changes of people in the face of various temptations and pressures such as power, interests, and morality. Everyone has many facets, from kindness and integrity to selfishness and greed.

By reading "The Water of the Waves", we can have a deeper understanding of contemporary society and a deeper thinking about the ecology of officialdom.

Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

The name of this novel is quoted from: "The water of the waves is clear, and you can wet me; The water of the waves is turbid, and it can wet my feet. ”

This is a famous quote from the pre-Qin Chinese poem "Song of the Waves". "Song of the Waves" is a fresh and melodious short song, and it is impossible to verify who the author of the song is.

It means: "Even if the water of the Canglang River is clear and bright, it can wash my hair, and even if the water of the Canglang River is muddy, it can also wash my feet." ”

The meaning of this sentence mainly refers to:

Interpretation of "Song of the Waves":

In "Chu Ci Fisherman", you can see the dialogue between the fisherman and Qu Yuan, who are wise men in troubled times.

The fisherman's persuasion to Qu Yuan contains the mutual understanding and sympathy of a philosopher and a poet, which is based on the understanding of the tacit understanding of the soul.

Later generations composed it into a guqin song, called "Canglang Song". And quoted from it.

Qu Yuan thinks: "Can An be white with a bright sky, but covered with the dust of the world? ”

However, the song of the waves said: "The water of the waves is turbid, you can wet my feet", which is another way of saying "the lotus comes out of the sludge and is not stained", that is, the confession of the white man will not be defiled, you (referring to Qu Yuan) do not need to die to show your nobility, (since you are powerless to change the environment of "the world is turbid") then you should suddenly face this environment.

The poem Confucius and Mencius also mentioned.

Mencius said: "There is a song of a son who says: 'The water of the waves is clear, and you can wet me; The water of the waves is turbid, and it can wet my feet. ’”

Confucius said: "Listen to it, boy! Qing Si is sufficient, turbidity is enough, and it is also self-sufficient. ”

"Song of the Waves" is rich in profound philosophy of life, and there are two novels in the current literary works that inherit the philosophy contained in "The Song of the Waves", one is the online novel "The Song of the Waves" written by Zhu Ge Zhuoling, and the other is the officialdom novel "The Water of the Waves" written by Yan Zhen recommended to you today.

The protagonist of the novel "The Water of the Waves" is a medical graduate student named Chi Dawei - just after graduation, he was appreciated by the director and stayed in the health bureau to work, telling the story of how Chi Dawei won the respect and trust of others in the officialdom through his own efforts and wisdom.

From the perspective of Chi Dawei, the novel depicts and shows the relationships between civil servants at different levels and their different life situations.

Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

years, Douban stills|

In the novel, Chi Dawei is portrayed as a responsible, upright, and honest man who constantly strives to improve his abilities, enrich his professional knowledge, and challenge his limits.

After many heavy blows to the cold reality, he not only excels at work, but also gradually becomes adept at handling interpersonal relationships.

He also developed a very good relationship with his colleagues and a very good relationship with his superiors.

With his talent and hard work, he eventually rose to the top of the officialdom, became a successful agency officer, and eventually became the director of the bureau.

Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

years, Douban stills|

The novel "The Water of the Waves" writes the story of Chi Dawei, a medical graduate student, who has empty ambitions, from the misery of having no job and no power, to the difficulties of running and becoming famous and profitable in the future, while truly showing his life journey, it also analyzes the life problems that plague him one by one.

Compared with other officialdom novels, Yan Zhen's "The Water of the Waves" pays more attention to showing the human feelings between officials, and also depicts a detailed and delicate officialdom life.

In the novel, the officials in the government units show a strong motivation for profit and the importance of dealing with people, everyone works hard, and they are exquisite and easy, but they also expose some ugly officialdom phenomena.

These phenomena are emotional, but they are also real, and make people have to think about why such phenomena exist.

In the actual life of officialdom, the duties of civil servants are particularly important.

They are an important part of ensuring the lasting and stable operation of the country, and their words and deeds, attitudes and work efficiency will affect the country's political ecology.

Therefore, this novel also provides us with some deep food for thought. It helps us understand the nature of the professional responsibilities of civil servants, guides us to become socially responsible citizens, and also provides some professional ethics and codes of conduct for civil servants.

Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

years, Douban stills|

To sum up, "The Water of the Waves" is a very recommendable officialdom novel.

It shows a real and delicate officialdom life by depicting Chi Dawei's various encounters and hard struggles in officialdom. At the same time, it also brings some deep reflection to people, reminding us to be a responsible social citizen. If you are a civil servant, or you are interested in officialdom, or you are planning to take the civil service exam, then this novel will definitely give you a new understanding of civil service and make you gain something.

If you're interested, start reading!

That's all for today.

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Civil servants must read the novel "The Water of the Waves" to understand the real officialdom life before deciding whether to take the public examination

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