
After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

author:Baby elephant literature says

1. Sa Beining and Li Bai's unexpected encounter

This excellent quality was on display when she participated in the "Walk of Fame". With his tall and upright figure, exquisite manners, and outstanding musical talent, Li Bai won the championship in the event of the month in one fell swoop. The audience was all attracted by her sunny stage style and voice.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

After the game, Li Bai, who had planned to return to her hometown in Canada, never thought that this small decision would change the trajectory of her life. In the same year, CCTV host Sa Beining was invited to host the "Guinness China Night" program.

Offstage, Li Bai was also invited to serve as the "Guinness World Records Adjudicator".

As if it was a wonderful fate, at the scene, the eyes of the two met. Li Bai was attracted by Sa Beining's calm and introverted but intelligent hosting style; And Sa Beining was also impressed by Li Bai's sunny and energetic temperament.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

In the back and forth conversations, the two found a tacit understanding of sympathy for each other, and left an indelible good impression of each other.

At this moment, they didn't expect that this unexpected encounter would rewrite the trajectory of their next life.

2. Retrace the past experiences of the two

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

Before they met, Sa Beining and Li Bai were already leaders in their respective fields.

Sa Beining has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, and he is far ahead of his peers in both learning and other aspects. Family and friends looked at this child's top-notch grades and extraordinary wisdom, and they all had high hopes for him.

Sure enough, Sa Beining was easily escorted into Peking University, a top university. There, he won the appreciation of the division commander with excellent results and outstanding performance.

After graduating from university, he entered CCTV as if he were walking on his feet, and soon became the "pillar" of this authoritative media.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

Along the way, Sa Beining seems to be a natural leader, no matter which track he is far ahead of, far ahead of others, and he is simply "someone else's child" in the eyes of everyone.

From elementary school to university, no matter at what stage, Li Bai's academic performance has always been among the best, winning countless praises from teachers and the envy of his classmates.

It wasn't until she was in college that she was even more impressive - in her spare time, she not only studied diligently, but also used her extraordinary financial acumen to earn money to buy a house in Canada by trading stocks! It's the perfect combination of talent and wealth.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

In addition to his outstanding studies, Li Bai also has outstanding musical talent. At the age of 6, she began to study vocal music, and at the age of 18, she went to the Sydney Conservatory of Music to further her studies, and went further and further on the road of music.

Two outstanding young people, one in China and the other in Canada, neither imagined that they would meet in such an encounter and eventually change each other's fate.

3. Overcome many difficulties and move towards the future hand in hand

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

An encounter between Li Bai and Sa Beining at the show scene seemed to be a thunderclap, igniting a spark of love for two young people who were already outstanding. After that, they began to date and contact frequently, and their hearts became closer and closer to each other.

Soon, the two confirmed their relationship. However, their road to love is not smooth, and they have to overcome many difficulties. The biggest obstacle is that the two people come from different countries, different cultures, and have very different languages and living habits.

For Li Bai, the most difficult thing is that she has to give up her original plan to return to Canada after graduation and choose to stay in China for a long time. It was a difficult decision for her, as Canada was where she grew up and where her family and friends were.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

But in order to be with Sa Beining, she finally made this choice ruthlessly.

In 2016, the two achieved positive results and tied the knot in Beijing. Watching the two make an eternal vow in the auditorium, countless people at the scene were moved.

It is really touching that a Chinese man and a Canadian woman finally became married after overcoming many obstacles in such a transnational marriage.

For a time, the outside world had mixed opinions about this multinational couple. Some people praised Sa Beining for marrying a "foreign daughter-in-law" who was both talented and beautiful, which was a "blessing"; Some people also questioned that Li Bai was for the purpose of "exchanging power for money".

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

But in any case, Sa Beining's infatuation with his wife is obvious to all.

In order to allow Li Bai to better integrate into the family and adapt to life in China, Sa Beining is considerate and meticulous. The fridge is always stuffed with her favorite foods; When he took her home to meet her parents, he also taught his father a few simple words of English, for fear that Li Bai would feel uncomfortable.

And Li Bai is also learning dialects attentively, trying his best to adapt to the environment of this new family.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

In this way, the two are concerned and considerate of each other, and interpret the wise saying "love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas can be flat" with practical actions.

And Sa Beining has always used his behavior to prove to his wife that she chose to marry him correctly - he has always been sincere to his wife, and there has never been any scandal or negative news.

With the full support of Li Bai's family backing, Sa Beining's career has also made great progress in the past few years.

Fourth, the new stage of the family, the double treasure is coming

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

The advent of a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses has added infinite joy to Sa Beining's small family. As a successful CCTV "pillar", he has always been far ahead in terms of study, work and relationships, and this time he has finally achieved success in family life.

Watching the two lively and lovely children frolicking at home, Sa Beining's eyes were full of happiness. As a professional host, he often needs to maintain a calm and calm image in front of the camera, but at home, he can completely relax himself and show another side of his father.

Sometimes he would tease the two children, making exaggerated expressions and body movements to attract laughter from the children. Sometimes he will patiently tell stories and convey the philosophy of life step by step.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

No matter what time it is, Sa Beining is a good and meticulous father.

It is precisely because of the solid backing of the family that Sa Beining is also strengthening and progressing smoothly in his career. With his wife's full support, he doesn't need to worry about family chores, and he can unleash his talents and shine.

Looking forward to the future, Sa Beining will take his wife and two children to stride forward on the dual road of career and family, and write his own infinitely wonderful life.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

5. The former "love brain"

In fact, before meeting Li Bai, Sa Beining also had a relationship that was regarded by the outside world as "chaotic love". In 2011, at the recording site of a program, he ushered in the goddess in his mind - Zhang Ziyi.

For a long time, Sa Beining has had great admiration for Zhang Ziyi. When the two finally met on the show, Sa Beining was simply a "heart arsonist", a typical "love brain" online state.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

In the interval between the recording of the show, Sa Beining was also numb to Zhang Ziyi to the point of committing a "cow". He chattered to the camera, saying some sensual love words such as "Sister Zhang, you are so beautiful" and "You are so beautiful in this dress", so that the staff present were all shocked by his "straightforwardness".

What's even more outrageous is that Sa Beining actually called a suit that Zhang Ziyi casually touched as "the most expensive suit"! From the perspective of onlookers, he is simply a complete "love brain".

During that time, Sa Beining posted content related to Zhang Ziyi indiscriminately on social platforms, as if she was the only one left in the whole world. Whether it's work or life, his mind seems to be completely occupied by the big star.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

In retrospect, Sa Beining's obsession with Zhang Ziyi at that time was indeed "out of line". But it is precisely this persistence that makes people see his infatuation with love.

Later, this infatuation turned into deep affection and doting on his wife Li Bai, maybe in her, he will never be as "unscrupulous" as he was with Zhang Ziyi back then.

After all, meeting the true love of life is Sa Beining's greatest luck. Instead of lingering on others, it is better to give all your sincerity to the people closest to you.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

This affection is the most precious.

6. Looking forward to the future life

Today's Sa Beining can be described as a bumper harvest for career and family, and happiness both physically and mentally. Not only does he have a job that he loves and strives for, but he also has a caring wife and lively and lovely baby children by his side.

Whenever night falls, Sa Beining returns home tired, and can always see his wife Li Bai's warm and kind smile at the door. The two children would also bounce into his arms, bringing new vitality to the father after a tiring day.

After digging deeply, I finally found the reason why Sa Beining wanted to marry the "foreign daughter-in-law" Li Bai!

For Li Bai, marrying Sa Beining should be one of the most correct decisions she has ever made in her life. The husband has a successful career, a great reputation, and is very fond of himself; The home enjoys generous living conditions and a happy atmosphere, which can be described as everything.

This couple interprets the eternal power of love with actions, and writes their own wonderful life with practical actions. There is still a long way to go, and there will be more stories that will be repeated on the stage of their lives.

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