
A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!


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A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

During the prosperous years of the Qing Dynasty, in the capital, a mansion was brightly lit, and a four-rank official named Li Xuan lived there. Although Li Xuan is in a high position, he is known for his honesty and integrity, and is deeply loved by the people. However, it is this integrity that has made him countless enemies in officialdom.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

One day, the powerful people of the DPRK and China joined forces to frame Li Xuan and put him in prison, and the crime was actually rebellion. There was a panic in the Li Mansion, and Li Xuan's family and servants were running around, trying to find a way to save them. However, at this critical juncture, Li Xuan's maid Xiaocui behaved unusually calmly.

Although Xiaocui came from a humble background, she was smart and witty since she was a child. She knew very well that in order to save Li Xuan, she had to find a way to impress the emperor. So, she began to ask around, looking for clues that might help Li Xuan.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

After many inquiries, Xiaocui learned that the emperor had recently appreciated an official named Zhang Yushi. Zhang Yushi is an upright person, not afraid of the powerful, and good at strategy, and has solved problems for the emperor many times. Xiaocui's heart moved, and she decided to rescue Li Xuan through Zhang Yushi.

However, Zhang Yushi's mansion is heavily guarded, and Xiaocui is a maid, how can he easily see him? Xiao Cui pondered and finally thought of a solution. She decided to use her wit and bravery to try her luck near Zhang Yushi's mansion.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

Early one morning, Xiaocui brought a basket of fresh fruits to the side door of Zhang Yushi's mansion. She stood at the door, staring inside, hoping to have a chance to meet Zhang Yushi. After a while, a servant came out of the house, and Xiao Cui hurriedly stepped forward to talk. She told the servant that she was the maid of the Li Mansion, and specially came to thank Master Zhang Yushi for her daily care, and gave this basket of fruits as a gesture of appreciation.

When the servant saw that Xiao Cui was earnest, he took her into the house. Xiao Cui took the opportunity to ask the servant about Zhang Yushi's preferences and habits, and secretly observed the situation in the mansion. She found that Zhang Yushi would drink tea and enjoy flowers in the back garden every afternoon, which was the best time for her to get close to Zhang Yushi.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

So, Xiaocui waited in the house until late afternoon. She changed into clean clothes, held a pot of freshly brewed Longjing tea in her hand, and came to the back garden. She saw that Zhang Yushi was sitting alone in the pavilion drinking tea, so she gently stepped forward to say hello.

Zhang Yushi saw that Xiaocui was so polite and courteous, and he couldn't help but feel good. He asked Xiao Cui about his intentions, and Xiao Cui told the truth, telling Li Xuan's grievances and his own intentions. Zhang Yushi was greatly moved after hearing this, and decided to help Xiaocui and Li Xuan.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

With the help of Zhang Yushi, the emperor re-investigated Li Xuan's case. After some verification, the truth was finally revealed to the world, and it turned out that Li Xuan had been wronged. The emperor was furious and severely punished the magnates who framed Li Xuan one by one. At the same time, he also expressed his appreciation for Zhang Yushi's loyalty and integrity, and gave him a rich reward.

After Li Xuan was acquitted, he was grateful. He came to Zhang Yushi's mansion to thank him in person, and invited Zhang Yushi to be a guest in the mansion. At the banquet, Li Xuan was full of praise for Xiao Cui, calling her a lucky star in the house. Zhang Yushi also praised Xiaocui's wit and bravery, and encouraged her to continue to work for Li Xuan.

A witty move by the maid to save the fate of the Qing Dynasty four-grade officials, official: Please come to sleep in my room!

After the banquet, Li Xuan found Xiao Cui alone and said gratefully, "Xiao Cui, your witty actions saved my fate. From today onwards, you will be the guest of honor in my house. Please come and sleep in my room and I will make your life better. ”

Although Xiao Cui was a little shy after hearing this, she understood that this was Li Xuan's gratitude and respect for her. She tearfully agreed to Li Xuan's request, and from then on she served Li Xuan more dedicatedly.

This story spread all over the streets of the capital, and people praised Xiaocui for her wit and bravery. At the same time, this story also serves as a warning to the world: in the complex and ever-changing officialdom, a person's fate is often in the hands of others. But as long as we remain calm and resourceful, it is possible to change the trajectory of fate.

So, we can't help but ask: can we also be as witty and brave as Xiaocui in the face of difficulties? Can we seize the opportunity at a critical time to gain a glimmer of life for ourselves and others? These questions deserve our deep consideration and discussion.

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