
Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

author:Evening Breeze wants to say


Xiaobawang's daily life: Your husband is looking for you

In the latest issue of the popular variety show "Three Children Are Coming 2", the audience was deeply attracted by a small figure - she is Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting's little public act.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

There is a scene in the show that makes people laugh, that is, Xiao Gongju ran to Guo Biting and announced loudly in her immature voice: "Your husband is looking for you". This can't help but make people wonder how this little guy usually gets along with his parents.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

Not only that, the screenshots of this scene in the circle of friends have been swiped, and netizens have ridiculed: "This is to dominate the rhythm of my mother", "I am unreasonable at a young age, how will I marry in the future", it can be seen that this little guy is indeed very individual.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

Child-rearing class for small public jukes

It is not difficult to see in the show that Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting's attitude towards parenting is quite open and scientific. They did not overly spoil Xiao Gongju because of his domineering, but at the same time gave her enough love and security, they also taught her to be independent and distinguish between right and wrong.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

This kind of parenting method has made many netizens praise it, and some people left a message saying: "Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting are really good at educating children, I also want to learn!" Some people even said: "This is the real self-freedom, but without losing the way of discipline, admire!" It seems that the couple's parenting concept has become a role model for many young parents.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

Tough guy daddy's tender moments

Whenever Xiang Zuo mentions his wife and daughter in front of the camera, the pride and happiness on his face are overflowing. There are even many netizens who took screenshots of his expressions, with various funny comments below: "Is this still the tough guy we are familiar with?" It's like melting sugar! "Who would have thought that the iron man also has a time when he twists his fingers."

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

This kind of Xiang Zuo made people see a new image of fatherhood, and also aroused the discussion of many netizens about the image of "father in the new era".

The pedagogy of the little overlord

Many fans have said that the couple will neither overly spoil nor be too strict when educating their daughter, which is a very rare balanced way of education. Some netizens hotly discussed: "It seems that Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting's daughter will be an assertive strong woman in the future!" ”

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

"In their family, the little princess has the final say, but he can also feel the gentle teaching of his parents." This kind of respect and understanding for children is also what more and more young parents in modern society are pursuing.

A small dessert in a variety show


In this big family full of laughter, Xiao Gongju is undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence. Every action and every word of her can become a conversation among the audience after dinner.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

On Weibo, topics about her can always be searched, and netizens are not stingy with their likes and shares: "This little baby is so happy, every time I see her, I can laugh all day!" "She's the spice of the whole show, and there's no laughter without her!"

Behind the variety show

Although the show is broadcast on the happy side, it is not difficult to imagine that as public figures, Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting are also under a lot of pressure on parenting and family life.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

They must have put a lot of effort and sweat behind them to present such a sunny and healthy family image to everyone. Netizens also expressed their understanding and support: "They must also have a lot of hardships and challenges in front of and behind the camera. "Support Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting, I hope their families will be happier and happier!"

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

The audience's expectations

As the show deepens, the audience is also full of expectations for the future growth of this little guy. Everyone hopes that she can grow up to be a kind-hearted and capable person under the influence of her parents. And the discussion among netizens has also shifted from pure entertainment to education and the future, "What kind of surprises will such children bring us in the future?" "Looking forward to seeing every stage of her growth!" These warm expectations and blessings have also become another reason for the popularity of the show.

Xiang Zuo Guo Biting's parenting record: Xiao Gongju teaches you how to sweetly dominate your mother

In this story full of jokes and warmth, we see the love and education of modern families, and the wisdom of parents in the new era. Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting's daughter is not only their pride, but also the focus of public attention, and her story inspires viewers to think about parenting, family and even the future. In this relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, we look forward to more stories like this and more exciting things in the future. And all this, please leave your own views and expectations in the comment area!

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