
Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

author:Hu Yan


Yan Bingyun's handsome duel

The discussion about Yan Bingyun played by Xiao Zhan and Wu Xingjian's version of Yan Bingyun has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Wu Xingjian's appearance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" can be said to be a new attempt. His first appearance in the play was a remake of the classic scene of Yan Bingyun's assassination of Fan Xian in the first part.

Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

This scene not only rekindled the interest of many viewers in this role, but also gave expectations to Wu Xingjian's acting ability. His costume style shows a significant contrast compared with his previous roles, which also makes the audience curious about whether he can successfully create a Yan Bingyun who is different from Xiao Zhan but is equally deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The story behind the charisma of the characters

In this "who is better Yan Bingyun" competition, many fans and passers-by have been engaged in heated discussions. Some viewers believe that Xiao Zhan gave Yan Bingyun a unique temperament, making this role profound and unforgettable. On the other hand, some people think that Wu Xingjian has shown a new charm in the classic scenes of the remake, and although his interpretation is different from Xiao Zhan, it also has its own uniqueness.

Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

On social media, the discussion has almost turned into a contest between fans and passers-by, with people voicing their opinions, some even using hilarious comments and memes to express their opinions, which makes the atmosphere of the discussion more relaxed and interesting.

Yan Bingyun is more of a symbol


In this discussion, some people pointed out that it is not very fair to compare the words of the two actors. Each actor has their own way of understanding and expression, and their interpretation of the role will also vary depending on the individual's acting style. What's more, the role of Yan Bingyun itself is full of complexity, and any actor needs to make great efforts to explore the connotation of the role.

Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

Therefore, rather than simply comparing who is better, it is better to appreciate each actor's unique understanding and interpretation of the role.

The meaning behind the character arguments

For some netizens, discussing who is better than Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian may just be a form of entertainment. But behind this it also reflects the audience's high attention to the TV series characters and actors' acting skills.

Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

There was no shortage of in-depth analysis and honest exchanges during this discussion, and many people improved their understanding of the plot and characters by sharing their own opinions. This interaction not only enriches the audience's viewing experience, but also brings more attention and discussion to the TV series and actors.

Argument summary, who won in the end?

In the end, there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer to the discussion about who is better Yan Bingyun between Xiao Zhan and Wu Xingjian. The best words in everyone's hearts are different, which may be the charm of TV dramas. Whether it is Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, they all interpret this role in their own way and leave a deep impression on the audience.

Yan Bingyun has been replaced? Xiao Zhan or Wu Xingjian, who is the real prince of ancient costumes?

For fans and passers-by, through this discussion, they not only showed their support for their idols, but also expressed their pursuit of high-quality dramas and excellent acting skills. This seemingly endless discussion ended up being a platform for exchange and understanding.

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