
I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

author:Integrity citrus loves gossip

On a summer afternoon, sunlight shines through the tall glass windows and shines on the company's swimming pool. Li Ming, a company employee of medium stature and a simple face, was sitting on a lounge chair by the pool, holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand, and his eyes swept over the colleagues playing in the pool from time to time. He didn't particularly enjoy this kind of group activity, but as a new employee, he felt the need to get involved to better integrate into the team.

"Li Ming, why don't you come and play together?" Colleague Xiao Wang shouted with a smile.

Li Ming smiled and waved his hand, "I'm not very good at swimming, just take a look here." ”

At this time, the female boss Zhang Wei wore a simple swimsuit and walked into the pool elegantly. Her arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention. Zhang Wei is the general manager of the company, usually rigorous in work, but very approachable in private.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Mr. Zhang, it's rare to see you swim!" Xiao Wang greeted warmly.

Zhang Wei responded with a smile, "No matter how busy you are at work, you have to find time to relax." ”

With that, Zhang Wei jumped into the water and swam in the water like an elegant fish. Li Ming's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the past, and he had to admit that Zhang Wei's swimming appearance was really beautiful.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei seemed to choke on a mouthful of water, and her body began to struggle. The colleagues by the pool were nervous, but they didn't know how to swim well, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Quick, who's going to help her!" Xiao Wang shouted anxiously.

Seeing this, Li Ming didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately jumped into the water and swam towards Zhang Wei with all his might. His swimming skills were not good, but at this critical juncture, he still tried his best to get close to Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?" Li Ming shouted as he swam.

Zhang Wei choked a few mouthfuls of water, her face was a little pale, but she still barely managed to squeeze out a smile, "I'm fine, thank you, Li Ming." ”

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Li Ming carefully helped Zhang Wei to the pool, and other colleagues also hurriedly surrounded and helped.

"Mr. Zhang, how do you feel?" Xiao Wang asked with concern.

Zhang Wei waved her hand, "I'm fine, I just choked on a mouthful of water just now, and I was a little panicked." ”

Li Ming stood aside, a little apprehensive in his heart. He knew that when he was saving Zhang Wei just now, he inadvertently touched her waist, which made him feel very embarrassed.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry, I ...... just now" Before Li Ming's words were finished, he was interrupted by Zhang Wei.

"It's okay, Li Ming, you also have good intentions." Zhang Wei smiled and said, "Thanks to you today, otherwise I might be really in danger." ”

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhang Wei gratefully. He didn't expect that this usually high-minded female boss would be so tolerant and understanding.

After this incident, there seem to have been some subtle changes in the relationship between Li Ming and Zhang Wei. Although there wasn't much communication between them, Li Ming could feel that Zhang Wei's attitude towards him had become gentler.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

The next day, Li Ming came to the company early, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, ready to express his apologies to Zhang Wei. He knew that although yesterday's accident was a misunderstanding, after all, it involved the privacy of the female boss, and he never wanted to go.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry for yesterday's incident." Li Ming stood in front of Zhang Wei's office door and said a little nervously.

Zhang Wei was sorting out the documents, and when she heard Li Ming's words, she raised her head and said with a smile: "Li Ming, you are too serious." You saved me yesterday, and I should thank you. ”

Li Ming handed over the flowers, "This is a little bit of my heart, I hope you don't mind." ”

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Zhang Wei took the flowers, smelled the flowers, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Li Ming." I am very touched by your concern. ”

Since then, there has been more communication between Li Ming and Zhang Wei. In the company, Zhang Wei often talks to Li Ming about some work matters, and Li Ming will also take the initiative to ask Zhang Wei questions. The conversation between the two is always light and pleasant, and Li Ming finds that Zhang Wei is not as unattainable as he imagined, she is actually very approachable and has a great sense of humor.

"Li Ming, do you have any ideas for the promotion of this project?" Zhang Wei asked Li Ming after a meeting.

Li Ming thought for a while and said seriously: "I think we can use the power of social media to do some online interactive activities, so as to attract more young users." ”

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Zhang Wei nodded, "That's a good idea, can you elaborate on your plan?" ”

Li Ming elaborated his thoughts in detail, and Zhang Wei listened very carefully and nodded in agreement from time to time.

"Li Ming, your idea is very creative, I will consider adding your suggestions to the project." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

When Li Ming heard this, he was very happy in his heart. He didn't expect that his little suggestion would be recognized by the female boss.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

As time passed, the relationship between Li Ming and Zhang Wei became more and more harmonious. Not only do they have a lot of communication at work, but they also participate in some company activities together after work. The friendship between the two gradually deepened in these daily interactions, and the rest of the company also saw it.

"Li Ming, you and Mr. Zhang have been getting very close recently." Xiao Wang said jokingly at a lunch.

Li Ming smiled, "Don't talk nonsense, we just have more communication at work." ”

Xiao Wang smiled, "I understand, I understand." But seriously, Mr. Zhang's attitude towards you is indeed different, and we can all see it. ”

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Li Ming didn't say anything more, but his heart was a little complicated. He knew that the relationship between himself and Zhang Wei had gone beyond the ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates, but he also knew that there was an insurmountable boundary between them.

As the interaction between Li Ming and Zhang Wei increased, some whispers began to appear in the company. Colleagues exchanged meaningful glances in the pantry and at the lunch table, and rumors about their relationship began to circulate within the company.

"Did you hear that? Li Ming and Mr. Zhang have been very close recently. Colleague Xiao Chen said to Xiao Wang in the pantry.

"yes, I've noticed that the two of them often talk about work together late into the night." Xiao Wang responded, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

These gossips inevitably reached Li Ming's ears, and he felt both embarrassed and helpless. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Xiaoya also heard the rumors, and she began to question Li Ming's loyalty.

"Li Ming, what's going on with you and your boss?" Xiaoya asked directly at a dinner, with obvious dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Xiaoya, we just have a working relationship, there really isn't anything." Li Ming tried to explain, but Xiaoya's face did not soften because of this.

"Working relationship? So why are you always alone? Xiaoya's questioning made Li Ming feel suffocated.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Li Ming fell silent, he didn't know how to explain this misunderstanding. He did get close to Zhang Wei, but it was only because of the needs of work, and he never had the idea of going beyond the boundary.

At the same time, Li Ming's parents also heard about the rumors, and they were worried about their son's future.

"Son, you can't ruin your future because of a momentary impulse." Li Ming's father said earnestly on the phone.

Li Ming felt unprecedented pressure, and he began to wonder if his closeness to Zhang Wei was really suitable. He didn't want his work to be affected by his personal affairs, and he didn't want his family to worry.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

After an accidental overtime, Li Ming decided to talk to Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Zhang, I think we may need to keep some distance." Li Ming stood in front of Zhang Wei's office door, his voice a little heavy.

Zhang Wei stopped what she was doing, she looked at Li Ming, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Li Ming, I understand your concerns. But our cooperation is beneficial to the company, isn't it? Zhang Wei said calmly.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"I know, but my family and girlfriend have misunderstood our relationship." Li Ming said frankly.

Zhang Wei was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I see, Li Ming. We really should be mindful of the impact. She said seriously.

Since then, Li Ming began to deliberately keep a distance from Zhang Wei, he no longer took the initiative to discuss work with Zhang Wei, and tried to avoid being alone with her. Although it made his job more stressful, he felt that it was a necessary sacrifice.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

An important project meeting in the company was about to take place, and Li Ming knew it was an opportunity to showcase the results of his work. He spent several nights preparing an innovative pitch that he hoped would be recognized by the company's top management.

In the conference room, the long conference table was full of the company's top management, and the atmosphere seemed a little tense. Li Ming stood in front of the projector, although he was nervous, he still introduced his plan smoothly.

"I suggest that we can use social media platforms to combine online and offline activities to increase the visibility and market share of our products." Li Ming explained while showing the PPT.

However, when he finished speaking, some doubts sounded in the conference room.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Li Ming, your plan sounds good, but it is very risky to operate, and we can't take risks." Manager Wang of the marketing department first raised objections.

"Yes, our previous promotion methods have proven to be effective, and there is no need to make such a big change." Another senior executive chimed in.

Li Ming stood there, feeling a little helpless in the face of these doubts. He looked at Zhang Wei, hoping that she would say something.

Zhang Wei sat at the other end of the conference table, her eyes were firm, she cleared her throat, and said, "I support Li Ming's plan." While there are risks, I think this option has the potential to deliver greater returns. We should dare to try new approaches. ”

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

Zhang Wei's words changed the atmosphere in the conference room, and some high-level executives who had originally opposed began to reconsider.

"Mr. Zhang, do you really think this plan is feasible?" Manager Zhao of the finance department asked with some hesitation.

"I believe in Li Ming's judgment and in the execution of our team." Zhang Wei answered categorically.

Li Ming felt a warm current surging into his heart, he didn't expect that at such a critical moment, Zhang Wei would support him so firmly. He plucked up the courage to stand up and defend Zhang Wei and himself.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Guys, I understand your concerns, but I think we should give the new program a chance. I will do everything in my power to ensure that the risks are minimized. Li Ming's words were firm and powerful.

After the meeting, Li Ming and Zhang Wei walked out of the conference room together. Zhang Wei patted Li Ming on the shoulder and said encouragingly, "You did a good job, Li Ming." I believe in your abilities. ”

Li Ming looked at Zhang Wei gratefully, knowing that although their relationship had been tested, they were still each other's strongest supporters at work.

Conflicts and misunderstandings weighed on Li Ming's heart like a heavy stone, but he did not give up seeking reconciliation. One weekend, the company organized a family day for employees, which included helping with household chores and cooking, with the intention of increasing understanding and team spirit among employees. Both Li Ming and Zhang Wei attended the event.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

At the event, everyone was divided into groups to carry out various household activities, and Li Ming and Zhang Wei happened to be assigned to the same group and were responsible for preparing lunch. Li Ming stood in the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, a little helpless in the face of a pile of vegetables.

"Mr. Zhang, look at this..."Li Ming smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to start.

Zhang Wei took the kitchen knife with a smile and began to chop vegetables skillfully, "It's okay, I'll teach you." ”

Under Zhang Wei's guidance, Li Ming gradually relaxed, and the two began to chat while cooking. Zhang Wei talked about her views on work and her recognition of Li Ming's ability. Li Ming also candidly expressed his concerns and expectations for the future.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

"Mr. Zhang, I am really grateful for your continued support." Li Ming said while helping to wash the vegetables.

Zhang Wei stopped what she was doing and looked at Li Ming seriously, "Li Ming, work is work, and we are friends in private." You don't need to be so formal. ”

Li Ming nodded, feeling a burst of warmth in his heart. He realizes that despite the misunderstandings between them, sincerity and understanding can resolve everything.

After lunch was prepared, everyone sat around and shared the fruits of their labor. Li Ming and Zhang Wei's dishes were well received by their colleagues. In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, the previous gossip seems to have disappeared.

I went swimming with the female boss, and in a panic, I pinched her waist, and she choked on a mouthful of water

After the event, Li Ming and Zhang Wei cleaned up the dishes together. Li Ming suddenly spoke, "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry about what happened before. ”

Zhang Wei smiled and waved her hand, "Li Ming, we don't need to apologize between us. I believe in you as a person and understand your situation. ”

A stone in Li Ming's heart finally landed, he looked at Zhang Wei gratefully, and the two looked at each other and smiled. Since then, their relationship has become more frank and natural. Whether as friends or partners, they have decided to face the future with a more mature and rational attitude.

This article is a microfiction, please do not sit in the opposite seat

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