
The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

author:Military Coffee

Assassinations are terrible and will happen often! Everyone still remembers the assassination of Iranian high-ranking official Soleimani by the United States, which may have become commonplace in the United States! No matter which country it is, as long as there are some people who threaten the fundamental interests of the United States or hinder the progress of the United States, then the United States will often use all kinds of means to achieve its own goals! As the only superpower in the world, the United States has not shown the mind of a superpower, but is unscrupulous, and all kinds of non-compliant means can be used, which is really puzzling, but many countries are helpless! The United States is afraid of losing its hegemony and does not want some hostile countries to threaten the security of the United States, so the United States has been trying to suppress some countries, and suppressing China is a country that is afraid that China will threaten the hegemony of the United States!

The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

The assassination of the Slovak Prime Minister has become the focus of everyone's attention, and many people may not know this country, let alone the Slovak Prime Minister! According to a number of Slovak media reports, about 150 kilometers northeast of the capital Bratislava, the Slovak prime minister was suddenly shot by a group leader when he walked towards the crowd, which far exceeded everyone's expectations! Fizo will be inaugurated as the new Prime Minister of the Slovak government in October 2023, which is also his fourth time as the Prime Minister of the Slovak Government, and he himself did not expect that someone would assassinate him, after all, Fizo's actions in recent years have won the recognition of the Slovak people, especially some of Fizo's remarks have also won the respect of many countries!

The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

Fizo, 59, was shot four times outside the Palace of Culture in the town of Handlova, about 150 kilometers northeast of the capital, and was wounded in the abdomen. The security personnel at the time did not notice the attacker at all, but they did not expect that the attacker suddenly took out a gun and shot at the Slovak Prime Minister, resulting in 59-year-old Fizo being shot 4 times in a row, and injuries to multiple parts such as legs, arms and abdomen, resulting in a riot at the scene! The suspect was subdued by multiple people and arrested on the spot, the local police quickly cordoned off the area, and the ambulance arrived at the scene as soon as possible, if it was not timely enough, it may be difficult for the 59-year-old Fizzo to survive! Slovak President Chaputova condemned the "cruel and merciless" attack on the prime minister and hoped that Fizo would get better as soon as possible!

The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

The Slovak Prime Minister recently warned that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will increase the risk of a world war, and Slovakia will prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. But for Ukraine, it is obviously not good news, but why did this man assassinate the Prime Minister of Slovakia? The suspect in the attack on Sri Lankan Prime Minister Fizo was identified as a 71-year-old male named J. Fizo. C. Zbraň, from the Slovak town of Levice, whose guns were still legally registered, makes it even more puzzling why such a brazen assassination?

The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

At the time of the incident, the man first yelled at Fizo, but did not expect that when Fizo approached him and shook his hand, the man opened fire. Because the distance between the two people was so close, Fizzo couldn't dodge at all, and could only watch the bullet pass through his body. The strange man fired several shots at Fizzo at the first time, and although he was held down by multiple people at the first time, he could not prevent the tragedy from happening! But the man's son also didn't understand why his father wanted to assassinate Fizzo, and now the police are still investigating, and I believe the results will come out soon!

The Slovak prime minister was shot four times, and the murderer who fired several shots in a row was exposed, casting a shadow over his visit to China in June

According to the latest report from the Slovak TV media TA3, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo has undergone surgery and should not be in danger of life, which is also a blessing in misfortune! Fizo revealed in April this year that the Slovak delegation will visit China in June, and the two sides will sign some agreements, and everyone is full of expectations! But I didn't expect Slovak Prime Minister Fizo to be suddenly assassinated, which also cast a shadow on his visit to China in June! Obviously, some countries do not want Slovakia and China to get too close, and it is not known whether there were forces behind this attack to support it! Fizo has repeatedly opposed the provision of military aid to Ukraine, he hopes to maintain good relations with Russia, and even more so with China, and hopes that he will recover soon!

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