
The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them

author:Ah San Food

In this golden autumn season, the grapes hang from the branches like strings of purple gemstones, which not only decorate the scenery of the orchard, but also tempt every passing diner. Walking into the fruit shop, the owner always smiled and recommended us the grapes of the season, they are affordable and delicious, and they are a regular customer in almost every family's fruit bowl. However, while enjoying the sweetness, there are some little secrets that the owner of the fruit shop is reluctant to reveal - there are three kinds of grapes, even if the price is attractive, he never lets his family touch them.

The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them

1. "Laughing" grapes

When you carefully select grapes, the occasional cracked grape may be understood as the beauty of nature's imperfections. But if most of the grapes in a bunch have cracked mouths, this is something to be wary of. It is likely that these cleft grapes have undergone a "crash course" of artificial ripening during the growing process. This unnatural way of growing causes the flesh of the grapes to expand rapidly, exceeding the limits of the skin, resulting in cracks. The grapes after the crack are like opening the door to welcome guests, and mosquitoes and bacteria take advantage of the weakness to enjoy this uninvited feast. For the sake of health, this kind of grape should be kept away!

The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them

2. Grapes that have lost their "hoarfrost".

The delicate layer of hoarfrost on the skin of the grapes is a natural protective film given by nature and an important sign of the natural ripening of the grapes. Not only does it reflect strong sunlight and reduce water evaporation, but it also prevents germs from attacking. Therefore, when you encounter grapes with smooth skin and no hoarfrost, you have to cheer up. They are likely to have been artificially intervened to end their sunshine "practice" early, and such grapes often lack their natural aroma and rich flavors. Choose grapes with natural hoarfrost to truly taste the original charm of the grapes.

The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them

3. Unusually large grapes

Huge grapes may seem tempting, but they can also hide hidden secrets. Unless it is a specific variety, such as blueberry grapes or table tennis grapes, if the grapes are extremely plump, it is likely that the bulking agent is "credit". Although these grapes are attractive on the outside, the balance of nutrients inside them is disrupted, and long-term consumption is not beneficial to the body. Therefore, when selecting grapes, the right size is the best proxy for nature and health.

The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them

Brew with your own hands and taste the sweetness of life

Now that you've learned how to discern pearls, you might as well turn this knowledge into action, make your own bottle of wine, and add a different kind of fun to your life. Seedless white grapes from Turpan, Xinjiang, are the best choice for winemaking due to their thin skin, thick flesh, sweet and seedless characteristics. Follow a simple five-step process: washing, drying, sugaring, canning, and filtering, and you'll be able to harvest a bottle of homemade wine in 25 days. This is not only a trip for the taste buds, but also a small improvement in the quality of life.

The grapes are in season, don't buy these "3" grapes cheaply, the orchard owner: never let the family eat them


In the harvest season, let's take this newfound knowledge with us, avoid those grapes that seem beautiful but actually hide hidden dangers, and choose the most natural and healthy fruits. Whether it is directly tasting the sweetness of grapes or transforming them into mellow wines, it allows us to enjoy the delicious taste at the same time, get closer to nature and feel the beauty of life. Remember, choosing food is like choosing an attitude towards life, and only real ingredients can brew the purest taste of happiness.

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