
can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

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can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Text/Yide Chuangwen

Editor/Kung Fu Wow Wow Cub


Why can't I see Zhang Jie in "Singer 2024"? To explore the reasons behind it, we have to mention the "Little Hillside Incident" seven years ago


The video comes from the meat silk entertainment inventory

The performance of foreign singers on the stage of "Singer 2024" was eye-catching, making the domestic audience anxiously call for powerful mainland singers to win back a city, and Zhang Jie's name was frequently mentioned.

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Originated from the Internet

Seven years ago, the infamous "Little Hillside Incident" made Zhang Jie completely disappointed in Mango Terrace, and he has been cold ever since.

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Originated from the Internet

In 2017, because of the absence of a kicking player, Zhang Jie was urgently recalled to support "Singer 2017", although he supported director Hong Tao, coordinated the schedule, and rushed to the scene, but he was also controversial and accused of being questioned about lip-syncing.

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Originated from the Internet

Seeing this topic, a wave of heated discussions was set off on social platforms, and many netizens left their opinions.

was stabbed in the back by the so-called "good brother" Xiao Jingteng, and it was he who questioned Zhang Jie's lip-syncing

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Brother Jie's most heart-wrenching sentence is: Obviously they invited me here, why do they still come to question me

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Netizen: Mango TV has always been like this, and when you need to use it, you will be pressured by public opinion

But more than ten years ago, Hunan Taiwan was very influential, and Zhang Jie was not less praised

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Zhang Jie was wronged at the beginning, and Hong Tao also shared

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Netizen: Aren't you netizens who are screaming, and you can't see others every day

I really took it, how many years has Brother Jie been scolded for Mango Terrace

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Standing on a hillside in the rain waiting for the results of the investigation, surrounded by fans accompanying them in the rain and apologies late at night, it was both touching and chilling.

can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

Originated from the Internet

Zhang Jie said at the time that this kind of questioning was an insult to the singer, even if the program team later apologized, that experience had made him feel cold about Mango Channel, and it would be difficult to return to the stage he once loved.

Therefore, no matter how "Singer 2024" calls, the possibility of Zhang Jie reappearing on the stage is very small.

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Let's talk about the things between Zhang Jie and "Singer" today, it is indeed quite complicated. Zhang Jie temporarily jumped into "Singer 2017" to help that time, originally with good intentions and wanted to save the scene.

But who would have thought that this rescue ended up putting him in a super embarrassing position and being questioned about lip-syncing, which is not a trivial matter in the eyes of the public. In the entertainment industry, as soon as the wind changes, you may change from a hero to a villain.

In this case, Zhang Jie must feel particularly wronged, after all, a singer who takes music seriously is most afraid of others questioning his professionalism. But that's the power of public opinion, and once it's turned on, it's hard to control.

This is not just Zhang Jie's problem, almost all public figures may face such risks, and they will be pushed to the forefront if they are not careful.

And then, you see, although he was later proven innocent, the incident also had a big impact on his psychology and career. This makes people think that the partnership between artists and TV stations is really a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, artists do need such a big platform to show themselves and increase their popularity; On the other hand, once the platform does something wrong, the artist can easily become a victim.

This experience, although it is a challenge for Zhang Jie, can also be an opportunity for growth.

In the face of public and media pressure, how to maintain his authenticity and professionalism, and how to protect his brand in a crisis, these are all valuable lessons he may have learned.

But at the same time, it is also a test for his support team, how to respond correctly in the first time, how to deal with public relations crises, these skills are all necessary for modern artists.

As for us, the audience, we should also maintain a certain sensitivity and empathy for the stories behind these while enjoying the entertainment. Behind every glamorous artist on the stage, there may be unknown bitterness and challenges.

We watch the show, enjoy the show, and at the same time we should maintain a sense of sanity and recognize the intricacies behind the seemingly simple gossip.

To sum up, the turmoil between Zhang Jie and "Singer" is not just a small episode in the entertainment industry.

It reflects some deep-seated problems in the entire entertainment industry, such as the relationship between artists and platforms, the influence of public opinion, and the construction and maintenance of public image.

It is hoped that in the future, both artists and platforms can learn from these incidents and handle these complex relationships and emergencies more maturely and prudently.



Editor's note: The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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can't laugh anymore, Zhang Jie was once questioned about lip-synching for the singer's compensation, and now he responds to the singer domineeringly

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