
Wang Jianlin strongly supports real estate, the collapse theory is untenable, whoever wants to believe it has a problem with his head!


In the big chess game of China's economy, real estate has always been the highlight of people's hearts. Recently, a direct refutation of Wang Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group, to the "collapse theory" of the real estate market has caused widespread heated discussions in the industry. As a former leader in the real estate industry, Wang Jianlin's remarks not only reflect his deep understanding of the industry, but also once again focus the public's attention on the future direction of the real estate market.

Wang Jianlin strongly supports real estate, the collapse theory is untenable, whoever wants to believe it has a problem with his head!

We can't help but ask: after years of rapid development of China's real estate, is it really as Wang Jianlin said, there is no possibility of collapse? What industry logic and social impact are hidden behind this assertion?

Imagine a city skyline being refreshed, high-rise buildings springing up, and ordinary people toiling for a place to stay, and the ratio of housing prices to income to income becoming a boulder. In the face of such a reality, Wang Jianlin categorically said that the real estate crash was "completely unbelievable", what is the confidence and logic behind his remarks? This is not only a bold prediction for the industry, but also a commitment to the dream of hundreds of millions of Chinese.

The real estate industry has entered a "new normal", bidding farewell to the era of savage growth in the past, and moving towards refined and high-quality development. The "no collapse" that Wang Jianlin refers to is actually confidence in the adjustment period of the industry, rather than ignoring the existence of challenges.

The real estate market, as an important part of the macroeconomy, is complex and self-evident. Wang Jianlin's view is essentially a comprehensive consideration of China's economic fundamentals, urbanization process, demographic changes, and policy regulation capabilities. To put it simply, he believes that China's huge market demand, the government's effective regulatory mechanism, and the transformation efforts of real estate companies have combined to build a solid breakwater that can withstand the impact of market volatility.

Wang Jianlin strongly supports real estate, the collapse theory is untenable, whoever wants to believe it has a problem with his head!

Digging deeper, we can find that Wang's judgment is based on several key points: first, China's urbanization process is far from over, and as more rural people migrate to cities, housing demand will continue to be released; Secondly, the government's positioning of "housing for living, not speculation" and a series of regulatory measures have effectively suppressed the market bubble and enhanced the stability of the market; In addition, many real estate companies, including Wanda, are actively transforming, exploring asset-light models, reducing their dependence on traditional residential development, and improving the risk resistance of the entire industry.

Among the many voices of "singing down" real estate, Wang Jianlin's view is particularly unique. Not only does he deny the possibility of a crash, but he also points to the motivations and cognitive limitations of those pessimists, and this courage and insight to swim against the current undoubtedly provides a new perspective for the industry and beyond. The innovation lies in the fact that he prompts us to think that the development path of the real estate market should not be limited to the traditional relationship between supply and demand, but should pay more attention to quality and sustainability, which is the key to the transformation and upgrading of the real estate industry in the future.

For the majority of home buyers, investors and even ordinary people, Wang Jianlin's remarks are undoubtedly a shot in the arm. People are hungry to know the truth about the real estate market and how to find opportunities in the midst of change. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the logic behind Wang Jianlin's views not only satisfies the public's demand for professional knowledge, but also responds to their expectations for the future living environment.

Wang Jianlin strongly supports real estate, the collapse theory is untenable, whoever wants to believe it has a problem with his head!

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's urbanization rate has exceeded 60%, but there is still much room for improvement compared with developed countries. At the same time, with the promotion of new urbanization in the 14th Five-Year Plan, housing demand is expected to maintain steady growth in the next few years. Although housing prices in first-tier cities have fluctuated in recent years, they have generally shown a steady and rising trend, which further confirms Wang Jianlin's confidence in the stability of the real estate market.

Wang Jianlin's theory of "no collapse" is not only a firm optimism about the real estate industry, but also a trust in the resilience and transformation potential of China's economy. These remarks remind us to look at the fluctuations of the real estate market rationally, and realize that under the combined effect of government regulation, enterprise transformation and market demand, the industry is gradually moving towards a healthier and more sustainable development track.

In the face of the changes in the real estate market, everyone has their own observations and thoughts. Rationally look at the "crash theory", and the emergence of the "crash theory" often comes from an over-interpretation of short-term fluctuations or a misunderstanding of the economic cycle. In fact, China's real estate market is supported by a huge domestic demand base and the government's ability to regulate and control the economy, and some people may ignore these key factors. Rational analysis, we should see that the real estate market is experiencing structural adjustment, not collapse.

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