
Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

author:Little Red Orange 1218 commented on the article

Guangzhou tap water price increase "after the turmoil"

Hey, I heard that the price of tap water in Guangzhou is going to rise, have you heard about this?

I'm telling you, it's a real disturbance.

Just yesterday, I went to eat at a restaurant in Guangzhou, and guess what?

The boss of their family turned out to be a supporter of this price increase, and he said it at the hearing!

Isn't this looking for scolding, digging out the pockets of our ordinary people to death!

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

I used to love this restaurant, but now, hmph, it's a real disappointment.

You say, as soon as the price of water rises, won't the cost of our meals go up again?

The boss thought well, anyway, their family has money, and they don't care about this little money.

But what about our people?

The pressure of life is already so great, and it is really unreasonable to be oppressed by these profiteers!

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

Some netizens said, did this boss receive any benefits?

Why is it so aggressively pushing water prices up?

Some people also say that this boss is a big traitor, who only thinks about his own interests and doesn't care about the lives of the people.

Oh, although this is a bit heavy, it is not unreasonable!

You think, when the price of water rises, it is not only our ordinary people who will be affected.

Those small restaurants and small shops, their costs will also rise, and in the end, we consumers will have to pay?

This boss is smart, and while earning our money, he is still thinking about how to get more out of our pockets.

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

I heard that there were many people who supported the price increase at this hearing.

These people are either rich and powerful, or like this boss, they want to take advantage of the price increase.

Hey, this world, it's really hard to see.

However, I don't think we should be too pessimistic.

Although this price increase makes people feel uncomfortable, we have to find a way to deal with it.

For example, we can eat less at restaurants where prices have risen and more places where prices are affordable.

Alternatively, we can cook and eat at home, which can save money and ensure a healthy and safe diet.

To tell the truth, although the turmoil of tap water price increase in Guangzhou this time is disturbing, we also have to actively deal with it, and we can't let these profiteers succeed!

Let's unite and resist this unreasonable price increase!

Why are these merchants so ignorant?

What's in it for them?

Aren't they afraid of losing our loyal customers?

I've heard that many netizens have given this restaurant bad reviews on the Internet, and some people have said that they want to boycott their products!

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

To say that this boss is really enough, he even proposed a price increase at this time, isn't it obvious that he can't get along with our people?

Don't they know that water can carry a boat and it can also capsize a boat?

If people don't go to their stores anymore, what money can they make?

However, I also have to admit that this price increase may not be so simple.

After all, water resources are limited, and as the population grows and the economy grows, so does the amount of water used.

If prices do not rise, then the supply of water is likely to be even tighter.

However, there must be a degree of price increase!

We cannot blindly pursue profits while ignoring the interests of the common people.

Oops, after all that, I feel like I'm going to be angry!

But it can't be helped, it's really infuriating.

However, I believe that as long as we unite and resist unreasonable price increases, then these merchants will eventually compromise.

Because after all, they still need the support of us consumers!

What I want to say is that regardless of whether the price of water rises or not, we must cherish every drop of water.

After all, water is the source of life, and there is no life without water.

So let's take action together, start with ourselves, save water and protect water resources!

Only in this way can we create a better future together!

Is the price of water in Guangzhou going up? There was a lot of noise at the hearing!

Yo, did you hear that?

The price of water in Guangzhou may be rising.

The hearing was held on May 9, 2024, and 17 people attended.

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

How much does it go up?

There are two options, but the average price of water supply in both options is 3.4 yuan per cubic meter.

As for the first plan, the first tier of residential water is 2.6 yuan per cubic meter, the second tier jumps to 3.9 yuan, and the third tier is as high as 7.8 yuan!

Water for non-residents is more expensive, at 4.56 yuan per cubic meter.

Option 2 is slightly cheaper, but not much cheaper.

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

So what do these deputies say?

9 people support plan 1 and think this price adjustment is quite reasonable.

However, there are also 7 resident consumer representatives who feel that the price increase in the second plan is smaller and more acceptable.

One other delegate felt that the price adjustment could be more reasonable.

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

Why is the price going up?

The Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that the current water price is still the standard of 2012, which is not in line with the current green development and urban water supply price reform.

The cost of water supply has also changed, and it is necessary to incentivize the improvement of water supply quality and promote the development of the water supply industry.

The public also has opinions, when the Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission solicited opinions, it received 17 pieces of feedback, and everyone was concerned about the tiered water price system, the price adjustment range, and the water problem in urban villages.

Subsequent! With a 1 point of negative evaluation, express dissatisfaction to the restaurant owner who supports the increase in tap water price as a representative

CCTV also responded to this, saying that it is still in the hearing stage, the water price has not changed, and it has not received a notice of adjustment.

Some residents said that a price increase is acceptable, but the water company needs to provide better service and water quality.

There is also a professor at Guangdong University of Technology, named Zhao Zhiwei, who said that the reform should give full play to the role of price regulation, so that everyone can pay more attention to water conservation.

He also suggested to water supply companies to renovate their water supply networks and improve service quality.

This thing is really a stone that has stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone is paying attention to it!

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