
Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

author:Worry-free history

1. Huang Qiuyan's tortuous and resolute life chapter

A cold and ruthless phone call from Jet Li was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, hitting the depths of Huang Qiuyan's heart! She had looked forward to her husband's moment of honour on the podium with great pride and pride, but she never imagined that the man she had loved for more than ten years would leave her and her two young daughters behind in such a decisive way.

Tears slipped down like broken pearls, Huang Qiuyan collapsed to the ground, and the whole person seemed to fall into endless confusion and confusion. The man she once loved so much was now so cruelly far away from her, leaving her and her two immature children behind.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Overnight, she went from the glory of Jet Li's wife to an endless dark abyss.

After the divorce, Huang Qiuyan was alone and embarked on a journey to a foreign country. In order to raise her two daughters, she had to put aside her self-esteem and take on the most menial and dirtiest jobs.

During that time, she could only live in a cold, damp, dilapidated basement in the United States, living a life even more miserable than the remnants.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Whenever night falls and the surroundings are silent, she will always cry silently, recalling the good times she spent with Jet Li in the past, and her heart is full of endless regret and pain.

As the two daughters grew up, they also chose to leave their mother and start their own life journeys. The lonely Huang Qiuyan lives a precarious life and can only rely on odd jobs to survive.

Despite such hardships in life, she always stood firm in her beliefs and never gave up the pursuit of a happy life. Years of tempering have transformed her from a young and beautiful girl to a woman who has experienced vicissitudes, but at the same time, she has also forged a tenacious and unyielding heart.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

In the end, with her unremitting efforts, Huang Qiuyan successfully taught herself to become a skilled masseuse, and regained the dignity of independent life. What's even more gratifying is that during this long period of time, she met an empathetic middle-aged man, and since then she has relied on and lived a loving and happy life.

2. The love-hate entanglement in youth

The love story of Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan can be traced back to the youth when they practiced martial arts at Shichahai Sports School in Beijing. At that time, Jet Li's family was poor, short and thin, and he often had snot.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Huang Qiuyan, on the other hand, has a cheerful personality, has a pair of bright and moving big eyes, and comes from a relatively wealthy family.

Huang Qiuyan, who has a superior background, always shares her food with Jet Li without hesitation. Whenever the weekend comes, she warmly invites Jet Li home for dinner, because she deeply understands the hardships of this hard-working little brother's family life.

Jet Li respects and trusts Huang Qiuyan like his own sister, and the intimacy between them is enviable.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

As time passed, a trace of ambiguous feelings gradually developed between the two. Huang Qiuyan, as Jet Li's senior sister, is two years older than him, has a more mature mind, and has long been in love with this innocent little junior brother.

However, Jet Li still regarded Huang Qiuyan as a close friend at that time, and his feelings for her were more like family.

Until 1982, 19-year-old Li Lianzhuo acted in "Shaolin Temple" and became famous in one fell swoop, opening a brilliant chapter in his life. With this film, he instantly became a rising star in the film industry and reaped incredible box office revenues.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Huang Qiuyan is extremely proud of the achievements of her junior brother, and at the same time, she also inspired her determination to join the entertainment industry.

However, when Jet Li's career was in full swing, he gradually realized that he only had brother and sister feelings for Huang Qiuyan, not love. In order to avoid hurting her, he decided to assist Huang Qiuyan in some film and television dramas to dilute each other's feelings.

However, during the filming of "North and South Shaolin", Jet Li was accidentally injured and almost paralyzed.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Faced with such a heavy blow to her beloved, Huang Qiuyan resolutely gave up her dream of being an actor and devoted herself to taking care of Jet Li's daily life.

During the day, she dutifully takes care of it; At night, she devoted herself to studying all kinds of rehabilitation knowledge and patiently comforted Jet Li's fear and loss, and it was thanks to Huang Qiuyan's meticulous care that Jet Li was able to get through the most difficult moment of his life and gradually recover his physical condition.

Out of gratitude, Jet Li finally chose to marry Huang Qiuyan as his wife, giving her the commitment and respect she deserves. However, soon after marriage, he fell into the passionate pursuit of the popular actress Li Zhi, and decided to reneg on his vow with Huang Qiuyan and seek new happiness.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Huang Qiuyan was extremely shocked by this, she still couldn't understand that the man who had been with her for more than ten years could betray the deep relationship between them so ruthlessly.

In fact, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan's marriage was a serious misunderstanding from beginning to end. Their union is rooted in a misguided thinking and careful planning.

During their collaboration in the movie "North and South Shaolin" when they were young, Jet Li accidentally suffered a serious injury and almost faced the risk of lifelong disability. At this time, Huang Qiuyan was like a strong pillar, giving up everything for him and devoting himself to his daily life and rehabilitation.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

It is precisely because of her meticulous care that Jet Li was able to get through the dark period of his life, and his physical condition gradually recovered as before.

In the face of Huang Qiuyan's selfless dedication, Jet Li was deeply shocked, but his feelings for her have always stayed in the friendship stage of childhood sweethearts, and did not produce deeper love.

However, at that time, someone suggested to Jet Li that if he could marry a "green leaf" and go home, he would be able to drive away his disease, bring good luck, and his future career would be more brilliant.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Therefore, under the influence of misleading thinking and survival pressure, Jet Li asked Huang Qiuyan to get married. With a sincere heart, Huang Qiuyan accepted the proposal with joy, thinking that she had finally married the beloved junior brother in her heart.

However, for Jet Li, this marriage is just a transaction.

Their wedding scene was already filled with an ominous atmosphere. On the day of the wedding, neither parent attended, as if to indicate that the marriage would fail.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Sure enough, soon after marriage, Jet Li found a new love and ruthlessly abandoned his wife, who had been silently paying and taking care of him.

Looking back, this marriage is undoubtedly an unforgettable nightmare for Huang Qiuyan. She gave all her sincerity, but in exchange for Jet Li, she only regarded her as an expedient measure from beginning to end.

This is undoubtedly the heaviest blow and humiliation for a woman.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Lizhi's alluring beauty is gradually fading

When she was young, she was a peerless beauty that no one else could match. She has an outstanding appearance, thick eyebrows, bright eyes, white skin, and a graceful posture, which is simply the embodiment of "alluring the country and the city".

No wonder it made martial arts superstar Jet Li fall in love at first sight, and was even willing to give up his wife and children for her.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

However, there is no eternal beauty in this world. Even Li Zhi, who once overwhelmed the country and the city, could not resist the erosion of time, and his face gradually lost its brilliance. Looking back at the photos she recently posted on social media, we can clearly see the traces of the inexorable years.

The pretty woman who used to be extremely seductive is now only an old and haggard face. However, even in such a situation, Li Zhi still enjoys the meticulous care and warmth from Jet Li, and naturally there is no need to worry too much about the vicissitudes of appearance caused by the passage of time.

It's just quite impressive that the peerless demeanor that once fascinated Jet Li was so fragile that it withered away in an instant and was no longer beautiful, and it could only be left in the deep corner of memory by the world.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Fifth, Jet Li has a brilliant career, but his body is full of bitterness

In the Chinese film industry, Jet Li is undoubtedly a hot superstar, and his popularity is unmatched. With his profound martial arts attainments and outstanding acting talent, he has won warm praise from the audience for every action movie he starred in.

Classics such as "Drunken Fist" and "Police Story" all show his extraordinary strength.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

When Jet Li's career climbed to the top, even if he went overseas for development, his longing for his hometown never diminished. Whenever he stands on the podium to receive the honor with his outstanding performance, Huang Qiuyan will always be so excited that he bursts into tears.

She is extremely happy and proud that this little junior brother who has shared weal and sorrow with her has finally realized the dream in her heart.

However, Jet Li had to endure frequent intense action scenes during filming for the sake of his career. Coupled with the gradual increase in age, the old diseases have recurred, causing his body to suffer all kinds of pain and injury.

Li Zhi's happiness is hard to hide, abandoned by Jet Li, what happened to Huang Qiuyan, who has lived in the slum for 10 years?

Although he now lives a luxurious life and owns a luxury car and a mansion, behind this is the huge physical price he has paid.

Serious injuries again and again almost exhausted Jet Li's last strength, and he had to temporarily bid farewell to the film industry and recuperate with peace of mind. And behind the light-hearted image in front of the camera, I am afraid that few people can understand the difficult years he once spent.

The aura of an actor could not hide the ruthless traces that the years had left on him.

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