
A colleague ordered a takeaway boy who was 10 minutes late, and the colleague refused to take out the food because it was overtime

author:Lady Luck is round

In the morning, a colleague ordered takeout, and the takeaway guy was 10 minutes late, and the colleague refused the takeout on the grounds that it was overtime. The takeaway guy explained that the road was too congested this morning. He kept apologizing, hoping to be forgiven by his colleagues. But the colleague was still unmoved, and the takeaway brother immediately cried.

Taking the breakfast from the takeaway boy's hand, I could feel the trembling palms of his hands and the beads of sweat on his forehead, which was a testimony of his hard work under the heat and pressure. I gently patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't be sad, young man, it's not your fault. Everyone knows the traffic in the morning, and no one can predict it. ”

A colleague ordered a takeaway boy who was 10 minutes late, and the colleague refused to take out the food because it was overtime

He looked up at me with those tearful eyes, and his voice was a little choked: "Thank you, sir. I'm really sorry to keep you and your colleagues waiting so long. ”

I smiled and shook my head and said, "It's okay, we can all understand." You've worked hard, go and deliver the next order, don't make customers wait too long. ”

He nodded gratefully and turned to leave. I looked at his back, and an inexplicable emotion welled up in my heart. In this city, there are too many people like the takeaway guy, who silently put in hard work and sweat for a living. And we, as consumers, should also give them more understanding and tolerance?

Back in the office, I put breakfast on my colleague's desk and transferred him the money for takeaway. My colleague looked at me with a flash of confusion in his eyes: "Why are you helping him?" ”

I smiled and replied, "Be forgiving and forgiving, and he didn't mean to be late." Think about it, if you refuse to accept this takeaway today, he will definitely be punished by the platform when he goes back. The job of food delivery is not easy enough, so why should we add pressure to him? ”

The colleague was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "You're right, I may indeed be a little excessive." However, if he is late, he is late, and it is his responsibility. ”

I nodded in understanding, then continued, "Yes, it's his responsibility to be late. However, we also have a responsibility to understand and tolerate others. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The important thing is that we are able to recognize our mistakes and correct them. ”

A colleague ordered a takeaway boy who was 10 minutes late, and the colleague refused to take out the food because it was overtime

The colleague seemed to be moved by my words, and he lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "You're right. I will be more tolerant and understanding of others in the future. ”

I was very relieved to hear this. Because I know that my words are not only tolerance and understanding for the takeaway brother, but also a kind of respect and care for human nature. In this competitive and stressful society, we all need to learn to understand and tolerate others, because only in this way can we create a more harmonious and beautiful world together.

Over time, it became a topic of conversation in the office. Whenever someone mentions it, everyone will sigh: "You have to be forgiving and forgiving!" This sentence is not only a tolerance and understanding of the takeaway brother, but also a reminder and warning to ourselves.

However, in this world, there are always people who cannot understand this tolerance and understanding. They see it as connivance and condoning for mistakes. However, I would like to say that tolerance and understanding do not mean condoning and condoning mistakes. Rather, it is a more mature, rational attitude. It allows us to better face the mistakes and shortcomings of others, while also allowing us to better reflect on our own actions and words.

In my heart, I have always believed that everyone is an individual, and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. We cannot deny the merits of others because of their shortcomings, nor can we deny their personality because of their mistakes. On the contrary, we should accept and respect them with a heart of tolerance and understanding. Because only in this way can we truly feel the beauty and greatness of human nature.

A colleague ordered a takeaway boy who was 10 minutes late, and the colleague refused to take out the food because it was overtime

In closing, I would like to say that tolerance and understanding are both virtues and strengths. It can make us more mature, rational, tolerant and kind. At the same time, it also allows us to get along better with others and better integrate into society. Therefore, I hope that everyone can learn to be tolerant and understanding of others, so that we can create a more harmonious and beautiful world together.

So, back to the original question: should we show tolerance and understanding for the lateness of the delivery guy? I think the answer is already obvious. Yes, we should give them more tolerance and understanding. Because in this world, no one is perfect. Everyone has their own difficulties and sufferings. All we can do is do our best to understand them and support them. Because only in this way can we truly feel the beauty and greatness of human nature.

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