
The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

author:Entertainment has a circle


Les Misérables of Fei Ke: The Life of Plastic Bowls and Disposable Chopsticks

Fei Ke's life, like the plastic bowl and disposable chopsticks in his hand, is fragile and cheap. His father, who used to be the hero in his heart, smashed the image of this hero to pieces at the moment of derailment. The dining table at home is no longer a warm gathering place, but has become a battlefield, and every meal is like a silent protest.

The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

Fei Ke lived in the grocery room, where the air was filled with the smell of old newspapers and dust, and his childhood was mercilessly buried in this small space.

Netizens commented on this in a variety of ways, and some joked: "Fei Ke's childhood is like that expired canned food that can never be eaten, and every time you open it, it is a new disappointment." Someone else joked: "Fei Ke's stepmother, do you think plastic bowls and disposable chopsticks are more environmentally friendly?" After all, they can solve all problems at once. ”


Substitute exam turmoil: Fei Ke's revenge or helplessness?

Fei Ke's life always seems to be living for others. The persecution of his stepmother forced him to take the college entrance examination for his younger brother, which was not only a helpless choice, but also a kind of revenge for his family in his heart. He deliberately took the test and deliberately exposed, which was like throwing a stone on the surface of a calm lake, causing ripples. Fei Ke's behavior made him hover on the edge of morality and law, and in his heart, was he also struggling with his own behavior?

The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

The comments of netizens were full of sarcasm and sympathy: "Fei Ke's substitute test is like the broken bicycle that can never be repaired, and every time you ride it, it is a new adventure." Someone else joked: "Fei Ke's revenge, should it be called 'Romeo and Juliet in the college entrance examination', but this time, Juliet has become a college entrance examination paper." ”


The Shadow of the Family of Origin: Fei Ke's Tragedy or Society's Alarm Bells?

Fei Ke's story is a microcosm of the tragedy of the original family. His low self-esteem, short temper, disgusted with school, ungrateful people, imbecile life, and lack of assertiveness are all injuries brought to him by his original family. Fei Ke's tragedy is not only a personal tragedy, but also a wake-up call for society, reminding us that every child needs a healthy environment to grow up.

The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

Netizens' comments on this are full of humor and profundity: "Fei Ke's story is like a sketch that can never be finished, and every time you put pen to paper, it is a new challenge." Someone else joked: "Fei Ke's original family, shouldn't there be a training class on 'how to destroy a child'?" ”


Ending: Is Fei Ke's story a tragedy or a revelation?

Fei Ke's story allows us to see the great impact of the original family on the growth of children. Can his tragedy be an opportunity for us to reflect and change? In this story, we see the complexity of human nature, but also the responsibility of society. Fei Ke's story is not just a tragedy for one person, but a revelation for all of us.

The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

Netizens' comments on this are full of controversy and thinking: "Fei Ke's story is like a puzzle that can never be solved, and every time you think about it, it is a new discovery." Someone else joked: "Should Fei Ke's story be adapted into a movie, and the name is 'The Pain of the Original Family: A Lifetime of Wetness'?" ”

The Shadow of the Family of Origin: How to Get Out of a Lifetime of Dampness?

At the end of this story, we can't help but ask: Is Fei Ke's story a tragedy or a revelation? Can we learn from this and create a better environment for every child to grow up in? Let's continue this discussion in the comment section, because the future of every child is worth pondering.

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