
The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

The star of wisdom in the national table tennis women's team: Chen Xingtong's low-key philosophy of life

In the starry sky of the national table tennis women's team, there is a player who always seems so low-key and introverted, and she is Chen Xingtong. Different from the flamboyance and sharpness of other players, Chen Xingtong has won the love and respect of many fans with his unique attitude of being silent and not fighting.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Chen Xingtong's intelligence is not only reflected in her football skills, but also in her attitude towards life and career. In the highly competitive national table tennis team, she never deliberately pursues personal honors, but silently obeys the arrangements of leaders at all levels and contributes her own strength to the team. She knows that table tennis is not only a sport, but also an attitude towards life. Therefore, she never takes the results too seriously, but enjoys every swing and every challenge.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

It is precisely because of this mentality that Chen Xingtong has achieved good results in his career. She has won several team world championships with her team and won glory for her country. However, she didn't rest complacent, opting to retire from the rapids, and after winning several team world championships, she faded out of the game. Such a choice is not only a respect for one's career, but also a love for life.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Even after Chen Xingtong retired, life was still full and beautiful. She was given a job, a stable source of income, and was able to enjoy life beautifully. She no longer has to endure the pressure of the game, and she no longer has to stand on the cusp of being scrutinized. She is free to choose the lifestyle she wants and live an ordinary and happy life.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Of course, Chen Xingtong's choice is not something that everyone can understand. In the eyes of many people, athletes should win more championships and set more records while they are young. However, Chen Xingtong proved another possibility with his actions: life is not only table tennis, there are more things worth pursuing and cherishing.

In fact, in the national table tennis team, there are many smart athletes like Chen Xingtong. They may not have outstanding records or dazzling stars, but they interpret the true meaning of table tennis in their own way. They know how to enjoy life, how to balance work and family, and how to make the right choices at the right time.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Take Xiaopang (Fan Zhendong) and Wang Manyu as examples, they are both leaders in the national table tennis team and have extremely high talent and strength. However, instead of being complacent, they trained and competed harder. Their goal is not just to win a Grand Slam, but to enjoy every challenge and victory.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement
The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Of course, for Xiaopang and Wang Manyu, retirement is not something they need to think about now. They still have a long career to fight and struggle. However, when they choose to retire one day, they may be able to face their new life with a peaceful mind, just like Chen Xingtong. After all, there is more to life than table tennis, there are more beautiful things waiting for us to discover and experience.

No matter what situation we are in, we should keep a normal heart like Chen Xingtong. Don't go overboard with fame and honor, but learn to enjoy life and cherish the moment. Only in this way can we truly feel the beauty and happiness of life.

The smartest person in the national table tennis women's team is actually Chen Xingtong, who is silent, silent, not fighting, and obeying the leader's arrangement

Chen Xingtong's intelligent life has brought us a profound enlightenment: on the road of pursuing our dreams, we must not only work hard and keep forging ahead, but also learn to adjust our mentality and enjoy life. Let's take Chen Xingtong as an example, face the challenges and opportunities in life with a normal heart, and create a wonderful life of our own!

So, what do you think of Chen Xingtong's choice? How do you think athletes should plan their lives after retirement? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and thoughts!

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