
After drying quilts for so many years, the way is wrong! The way is not right, it is equal to white sun, have you been tricked?

author:Consumer food encyclopedia

Ladies and gentlemen, how long has it been since the last time your quilts were dried? Are you oblivious to the subtle moisture or odor in your bedding and still cuddle it to sleep? Today, let me uncover the "little secrets" of the futon for you, and besides, can you dry the quilt if you live in a high-rise and the balcony is too small? Read on.


The quilt is not dried all year round

There will be a lot of mites

Whenever we fall asleep, in addition to fatigue, we are left on the quilt with sweat and dandruff from the body.

These substances not only make the quilt heavy and warm, but also mean that the quilt is quietly becoming a breeding ground for mites.

After drying quilts for so many years, the way is wrong! The way is not right, it is equal to white sun, have you been tricked?

Mites, you heard it right, those large amounts of sweat and dander are the food source of the mites. According to research, an adult can shed 0.5~1 grams of dander every day, which is enough to feed one million dust mites.

You might say that mites are just tiny creatures that don't matter to us. But did you know that among the allergens of allergic rhinitis and asthma patients in mainland China, dust mites occupy the top spot, and the allergy problems they cause have become a "nightmare" for countless people's health.


Misunderstandings of drying quilts

1. Bask all day

First of all, in line with many people's opinions, leaving the bedding in the morning sun and waiting until night to get it back is not the best way to dry the bedding throughout the day. In fact, prolonged exposure to the sun is not only unhelpful, but may damage the fibrous structure of the quilt, thereby weakening its warmth-retaining function.

After drying quilts for so many years, the way is wrong! The way is not right, it is equal to white sun, have you been tricked?

2. Put it away immediately after drying

Many people like to take out all the quilts at home to bask in the sun in sunny weather, and quickly fold them into the closet after drying.

However, the bedding should not be folded immediately after sunning, as the warmth can promote the growth of dust mites.


Tips for drying quilts

There are some tips you may not know about drying quilts. Here, I'll show you one by one.

1. The time and place of drying the quilt are very important. It's best to choose a sunny day between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., avoiding early morning and dusk when the humidity is heavier. At the same time, choose an open and ventilated place for drying to ensure that the quilt is fully exposed to sunlight.

After drying quilts for so many years, the way is wrong! The way is not right, it is equal to white sun, have you been tricked?

2. Before drying the quilt, gently pat the quilt, and after the quilt is suspended, shake it several times with greater force to remove the dust inside the quilt as much as possible.

3. The longer the drying time, the better, and the long-term exposure to the sun is easy to damage the quilt, so it is best to control the drying time to 2-3 hours to keep the quilt properly moist and protected from excessive ultraviolet rays.

4. Try to dry the quilt once a week to ensure that the quilt is dry and hygienic.

5. Covering the futon with a piece of fabric helps prevent color fading caused by intense light exposure, and also prevents dust and pollen from falling on the surface of the bedding to prevent it from becoming contaminated again.

6. Put a black plastic bag over the quilt. Putting the quilt in a black plastic bag is a simple and easy way to enhance the heat-absorbing function of the quilt and increase the internal temperature, while also saving space and making it easy to move. Although using a plastic bag to dry the quilt cannot produce ultraviolet disinfection, sufficient heat absorption and heating can also effectively eliminate mites in the quilt.


How to dry quilts of different materials?

The quilt is different, and the drying method is different. Quilts, chemical fiber quilts, silk quilts, duvets...... Quilts made of different materials have their own characteristics, so the way to dry quilts also needs to be taught according to their aptitude.

1. The cotton quilt can only be dried but not washed to prevent the cotton from clumping; Cotton-filled quilts are susceptible to moisture absorption and slow drying, and should be dried regularly, preferably in the sun every other week.

2. The chemical fiber quilt can be washed in the washing machine or dry cleaned; Synthetic fiber quilt cores are usually filled with polyester, which is not easy to absorb water, and its purpose is to disinfect and sterilize, so two to three hours of exposure to the sun is enough.

After drying quilts for so many years, the way is wrong! The way is not right, it is equal to white sun, have you been tricked?

3. Silk quilts and duvets should not be exposed to the sun to maintain the integrity of their internal fibers; Therefore, the main purpose of these two mattresses is to keep them breathable and dry, and it is sufficient to gently dust off the surface after 1 to 2 hours of sun exposure.

4. Wool is highly absorbent, easily absorbs moisture and attracts insects, so it must be exposed to the sun regularly. However, it should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, as the high temperatures may cause the oil in it to smell and may affect the flexibility of the wool.

If your wool mat smells strange, lightly spray some lemon juice on the surface of the wool mat and let it dry in a well-ventilated environment for just one hour.

The above is some explanation on how to dry quilts, have you learned? Let's welcome the sun, dry the quilt in the right way, and give ourselves a healthy dream.

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