
Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

author:Shen Zhi Yi

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Shen Zhiyi

Edited by Shen Zhiyi

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife


In the entertainment industry, how many people can stand the test of time and walk hand in hand with their lovers through decades of ups and downs?

How many people can always maintain their original intention in Vanity Fair, and interpret their love for the acting career with perseverance and sweat?

Li Hongtao, an old actor who has been unknown for many years and sticks to the stage, gave the answer with his more than 30 years of marriage and art experience.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

The mockery of fate: the railway worker becomes a Chinese drama student

Li Hongtao was born in Shandong in 1964, in an ordinary working family.

After graduating from high school, he worked as a railroad worker according to his father's arrangement, repetitive work day after day, but he had a dream of being an actor in his heart.

At that time, he would never have thought that he would have the opportunity to step into the entertainment industry in the future and become a well-known actor.

Fate seems to be playing a joke on him.

Learning vocal music and acting, he suffered setbacks because he started too late.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Applying for university, I missed my dream school again and again.

It wasn't until 1987 that 26-year-old Li Hongtao was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and became a classmate of Hu Jun and He Bing.

Fate finally smiled at this persistent youth.

He knows that this is where dreams begin and the key to a turning point in his life.

Since then, he has begun to explore the path of art, step by step towards the palace of actors.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

A cake sparked love

In the days of Chinese opera, Li Hongtao met the girl who changed his life - Wang Honglei.

The first time they met, the two made a joke over a plate of cake.

Li Hongtao didn't know that the girl was the teacher's daughter, and she ate the cake in a big gulp, which made Wang Honglei angry and laughing.

This interesting first encounter became the beginning of their love.

Since then, Li Hongtao began to pursue Wang Honglei.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

He touched the girl's heart with sincerity and steadfastness, and the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.

After graduation, although his career was not smooth and his life was poor, with Wang Honglei's support and encouragement, Li Hongtao strengthened his determination to act.

They have gone through the toughest years together and witnessed each other's growth.

This love not only gave Li Hongtao the motivation to move forward, but also added warmth and happiness to his life.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Perseverance in the trough: grinding on the stage of human art

After graduation, he was assigned to Renyi, and Li Hongtao began to work silently on the drama stage.

The classmates have switched to the film and television industry, but he sticks to the stage and continues to perform one after another.

In those years, he endured poverty and loneliness, but never thought of giving up.

Because he has a belief in his heart: the stage is the best place to practice his acting skills.

The weight of life is on your shoulders.

In order to save money, his wife did not say anything when she was sick and had a fever.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Li Hongtao blamed himself, and even filed for divorce and asked his wife to find a better man.

But Wang Honglei did not give up, she always supported her husband to chase his dreams.

She understands that Li Hongtao needs not only material support, but also spiritual understanding and encouragement.

It is with such a caring wife that Li Hongtao can still maintain his love and dedication to acting in difficult days.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

The willows are dark and the flowers are bright: the counterattack of the poor mouth plum wooden spoon

In 1997, a turning point occurred.

Li Hongtao took over the filming of "The Happy Life of Poor Zhang Damin" and played the role of Li Musco.

His improvisation and comedic talent impressed the director and made the audience laugh.

This drama has become an important turning point in Li Hongtao's acting career.

Overnight, Li Hongtao, who had been unknown for many years, became popular.

Walking down the street, people recognized this poor-mouthed and kind-hearted character.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Li Hongtao regained his self-confidence, and he knew that his performance was finally recognized.

Years of perseverance have not been in vain.

He saw hope and a future of his own.

At this moment, Li Hongtao felt the joy of success and the meaning of life.

He decided to continue on the road of performance and create more excitement.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Interpreting the grassland hero: Geerdan in "Kangxi Dynasty".

After that, Li Hongtao starred in dramas such as "Mansion Gate" and "Kangxi Dynasty" one after another, creating impressive roles.

Especially in "Kangxi Dynasty", he played Geerdan, who played an ambitious and affectionate grassland hero vividly and convincingly.

This role shows the full explosion of Li Hongtao's acting skills, and also allows the audience to see his multi-facetedness.

The brilliance of his career made Li Hongtao more persistent in acting.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

"The drama is bigger than the sky" has become his motto.

When filming, he can lose weight like crazy for the role, withstand the scorching sun, and let his wife see it in his eyes and worry about it.

But Li Hongtao has no regrets, because he knows that this is the fate of actors.

He is willing to give everything for the cause he loves.

In his opinion, acting is not only a profession, but also a belief and a pursuit of art.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Loving husband and wife for 30 years: they have been in love with each other and never give up

After becoming popular, Li Hongtao has always been loyal to his wife.

For more than 30 years, they have been in the same boat through thick and thin, and their relationship has endured.

Li Hongtao took the initiative to hand over his salary to his wife to take care of, so that his wife could feel at ease.

This move reflects his sense of responsibility to his family, as well as his trust and dependence on his wife.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

After the age of 50, he began to devote more time to his family.

Accept fewer drama appointments and spend more time with his wife and children, but smoking addiction and sugar addiction are still the problems that wives worry about.

There is no indissolate feast in the world, and the two know each other and have gone through most of the journey of life hand in hand.

This marriage has witnessed their common growth and their loyalty to love.

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, the relationship between Li Hongtao and Wang Honglei is undoubtedly a bright color, a rare sincerity.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife


Li Hongtao's story is not only the mockery of fate, but also the madness and persistence of life.

From railway workers to Chinese opera students, from drama stages to film and television screens, he used sweat and tears to interpret the true meaning of "drama is bigger than the sky".

And the love between him and his wife for more than 30 years is a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

In the face of the temptation of fame and fortune, Li Hongtao never forgot his original intention and cherished his marriage.

This may be the most valuable quality of an actor.

The years go by, and the drama is like life.

Li Hongtao: Marrying the teacher's daughter, he has been in love for 30 years without scandals, and his two hobbies annoy his wife

Each of us is on our own stage, deducing joys and sorrows.

Li Hongtao's story enlightens us that no matter in good times or bad, sticking to one's heart, persisting in dreams, and caring for the people around him with true feelings is the most beautiful script in life.

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