
The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

author:Xiao Xie

The man tasted his wife's home-brewed wine and was accidentally admitted to the hospital, and the fashionable husband woke up and sighed: "A sip of wine turned out to be an adventure"

In a cozy little home in the fashion capital, an unexpected "fashion" accident occurred. A man who claims to be a fashionista is rushed to the hospital after tasting a wine made by his wife. This incident not only panicked the family, but also attracted a lot of attention in the fashion circle.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

The man's name is Li Hao, and he is a well-known figure in the fashion industry, and his keen sense of smell and unique eye for fashion have made him well-known in the industry. Li Hao's wife is a housewife who loves life and is keen to try new things. When she heard that making her own wine was a healthy and fashionable way to live, she decided to try it herself.

After months of careful brewing, his wife finally presented bottles of wine with attractive color and aroma in front of Li Hao. Looking at his wife's expectant expression, Li Hao couldn't help but want to try this "fashionable" masterpiece. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip lightly, and immediately felt a mellow taste and endless aftertaste. However, just as he was about to savor it, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness, and then lost consciousness.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

Seeing this, the family immediately called the emergency number. Soon after, an ambulance roared and rushed Li Hao to a nearby hospital. After a doctor's examination, it was found that Li Hao was in a coma because of alcohol poisoning. It turned out that when his wife was making wine, due to her lack of experience, the alcohol concentration in the wine was too high. And Li Hao, because of his pursuit of fashion and trust in his wife, tasted this "dangerous" bottle of wine without paying much attention.

In the hospital bed, Li Hao gradually regained consciousness. He looked at his familiar family and medical staff around him, and his heart was filled with gratitude. At this time, the wife also hurried over, and looking at her pale husband, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

"Honey, how could you be? I just wanted you to taste my own wine, but I didn't expect ......," my wife said in a choked voice.

Li Hao gently held his wife's hand and comforted: "Don't worry, I'm fine." It's just that I didn't expect this bottle of wine to be so strong, I just took a small sip and couldn't stand it. ”

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

"It's all my fault, I should learn more about winemaking, and be more cautious......," the wife blamed herself.

Li Hao interrupted his wife's words with a smile: "How can I blame you for this? You're making wine to make me happy. Moreover, this experience also made me realize that fashion is not only about pursuing external trends and tastes, but also about paying attention to the details of life and the health of my family. ”

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

After this incident, Li Hao has a deeper understanding of fashion. He realized that fashion is not only the pursuit of trends and tastes, but also an attitude and values of life. He began to pay more attention to the details and quality of life, and paid attention to the health and safety of his family. At the same time, he also cherishes the time with his family more and strives to create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

For his wife, this experience also made her more aware of her shortcomings and what she needed to improve. She began to learn the knowledge and skills of winemaking, and constantly improved her winemaking skills. At the same time, she also pays more attention to the needs and feelings of her family, and strives to make her family live a happier and healthier life.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

This incident has attracted a lot of attention in the fashion circle. Many people have said that fashion is not only the pursuit of external trends and tastes, but also a life attitude and values. We should pay attention to the details and quality of life, cherish the time with our families, and make fashion a beautiful enjoyment in our lives.

Of course, this incident also brought us a profound lesson: in the process of pursuing fashion, we cannot blindly follow the trend and pursue the trend. We should choose the fashion method and style that suits us according to our actual situation and needs. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the culture and values behind fashion, so that fashion can become a positive energy and driving force in our lives.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

Finally, let us send our most sincere blessings to Li Hao and his wife. I hope that they can continue to pursue fashion and enjoy life in their future lives, and let fashion become a beautiful companion in their lives.

The man drank his daughter-in-law's own wine and was taken to the hospital, and the husband woke up and sighed: I just drank one

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