
The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

author:Curious cats

In the long river of history, there are moments that seem to be frozen by time and shine forever. In the spring of 1950, Hainan Island was a witness to such a moment. This tropical island, at that moment, became the stage of fierce contest between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

1. The landing in the night, the storm of the People's Liberation Army

In the early morning of April 17, 1950, the night on Hainan Island was as thick as thick ink, as if it was a sign of something about to happen. At this time, the 40th and 43rd armies of the People's Liberation Army pierced the night sky like two lightning bolts and launched a swift landing operation in Lingaojiao, Bopu Port and other places. Their actions are unstoppable like tigers descending from a mountain. In a short period of time, the PLA successfully seized the beachhead, repelled the reinforcements of the Kuomintang army, and successfully joined forces with the Qiongya Column. In the next two days and two nights, the People's Liberation Army swept through Hainan Island like a storm, and the Fushan and Calais lines were conquered one after another, and the "Boling Defense Line" that Xue Yue painstakingly managed collapsed in an instant under the iron hooves of the People's Liberation Army.

Second, the smoke of gunpowder in Meiting and Huangzhu, and the desperate struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Army

The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

Meiting and Huangzhu, two villages located in the north of Chengmai County, became the focus of contention between the Kuomintang and Communist armies at that moment. Meiting Village is connected to the highway from Haikou to Chengmai in the north, and its strategic location is extremely important. On April 19, when the soldiers of the 128th Division of the 43rd Army stormed the two villages, they encountered stubborn resistance from the Kuomintang army. The sound of guns and shouts resounded in the sky, and the two sides fought to the death on this land. Every corner was filled with gunsmoke and war, and every inch of land was soaked in blood and sweat.

3. Xue Yue's bet, a contest of determination and courage

The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

In the Qiongshan Command Headquarters, Xue Yue frowned, and a complicated expression appeared on his face. When he learned the news of the PLA's setbacks in Meiting and Huangzhu, his originally tightly knit brows unexpectedly stretched slightly, and a hint of joy appeared on his face. He quickly made a startling decision - to reinforce the front line with his own guard regiment. This decision undoubtedly shows the importance and determination he attaches to this battle. However, the Kuomintang army was not monolithic, and some generals had reservations about Xue Yue's decision. They see it as a risky move that could have unpredictable consequences. But Xue Yue insisted on his opinion, he trusted his own judgment, and he also believed that his guard regiment could turn the tide of the battle.

Fourth, the turning point of the battle situation, the contest between tactics and will

The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

At a time when the two sides were in the midst of fierce fighting, the PLA showed an astonishing ability to adjust its tactics. They took advantage of the cover of night and launched night raids and interspersed operations. These tactical adjustments caught the Kuomintang army by surprise, and the defensive line gradually collapsed under the onslaught of the PLA. At the same time, the internal contradictions of the Kuomintang army were also intensifying. Disagreements among the generals and the low morale of the soldiers were factors that weakened their combat effectiveness. And the international situation also had an indirect impact on this campaign. U.S. support and diplomatic mediation for Taiwan affected the morale and supplies of the Kuomintang army to a certain extent. These factors are intertwined, and the situation of the war is gradually developing in favor of the PLA.

Fifth, the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, and the dawn of victory

After many days of fierce fighting, the battle between Meiting and Huangzhu finally came to an end. Although the PLA paid a huge price, it ultimately emerged victorious. The victory in this battle not only laid the foundation for the PLA to fully liberate Hainan Island, but also marked the complete collapse of the Kuomintang army's defense system on Hainan Island. And although Xue Yue's decision to take him to the guard regiment showed his determination and courage, it could not change the development of the battle in the end.

The 128th Division's attack on Meiting and Huangzhu was frustrated, and Xue Yue, who was overjoyed, was actually staked into his own guard regiment

The smoke of gunpowder on Hainan Island gradually dissipated, but the historical significance of this battle is forever engraved in people's hearts. It witnessed another contest between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the War of Liberation, and also demonstrated the spirit of the People's Liberation Army's heroic and good fighting and tenacious struggle. And Xue Yue and his guard regiment also became an indelible part of this battle. With their courage and determination, they wrote a legendary chapter in history and became heroes for future generations.

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