
Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

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Text: Northern Lights

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Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!


Life is long, and it's all about cultivation.

Today's protagonist, Mr. Li Guangjie, was deeply saddened by a girl he missed when he was young.

Years later, he humbly boasted to himself that "the person I can't live with in this life is her."

However, it seems that fate finally gave him a gift of happiness...

Since you'd like to find out, let's start at the beginning!

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

A poor boy's dream of going to school

Li Guangjie was born in an ordinary working family, and his family was poor.

Both parents work in a local state-owned coal mine.

However, a sudden mining disaster not only took away the livelihood of more than 5,000 miners, but also plunged the Li family into extreme economic difficulties.

At first, Li Guangjie and his younger brother did not fully appreciate the seriousness of this change because they were still young.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Until one day, Li Guangjie asked his parents for a living allowance, but was flatly refused.

At that time, he was in the prime of his youth and could not understand the distress of his parents, and tears rolled in his eyes.

And at this juncture, the younger brother, who was only 10 years old, walked over with a piggy bank in his hand.

"Brother, it's all saved by me, let's use it for you." The kindness and admiration of his younger brother deeply touched Li Guangjie.

He made up his mind that he must study hard and repay his family for raising him in the future.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Since then, in the face of all kinds of hardships in life, no matter how grievances there are, they can only swallow them hard.

Li Guangjie fished like all his might, and took advantage of every opportunity to work and make money.

Finally, with his outstanding performance, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and became the first child in his family to step into a higher education institution.

Meet, know and love Hao Lei

After graduating from Chinese opera, Li Guangjie ran between the major crews all day long to apply for jobs, and it was not surprising that his photos were discarded in the trash by the crew at will.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Fate is like a heavy punch, hitting this dream-chasing boy hard.

Just when he began to waver in his dreams, a fluttering figure changed the trajectory of his life.

In 2005, when Li Guangjie was filming the TV series "Secret Order 1949", he met Hao Lei, who was already a mother.

Despite the age difference of 11 years, Hao Lei's beautiful appearance still fascinated the young and vigorous Li Guangjie.

At first, Hao Lei turned a blind eye to Li Guangjie's pursuit.

She had just been freed from an emotional entanglement with another well-known actor, and she was still traumatized in her heart.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

But Li Guangjie's perseverance and perseverance made her slowly melt her defenses.

"At that time, I had to perform intense scenes every day, and many times I was so tired that I couldn't even stand, and Li Guangjie would silently support me."

During the filming, Li Guangjie cared for everything about Hao Lei.

Hao Lei said that she had never seen such a considerate boy.

Even a small episode of an accidental sprain, Li Guangjie accompanied the hospital overnight and took good care of him.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

So, a seed of love sprouted silently in the hearts of the two.

They often meet for drinks after work and talk about their life ideals.

Hao Lei was deeply moved by Li Guangjie's simple and kind heart.

Soon after, she resolutely accepted the love of this simple boy.

The thorn road of love

Fresh love is like a flower blooming under the sun, full of fragrance.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

However, the cruel reality also made the journey of the two not all smooth sailing.

Hao Lei is a diligent professional woman, while Li Guangjie is deeply rooted in the traditional patriarchal family concept.

As a result, there are many differences and contradictions between the two at the level of values.

There was an intimate photo of Li Guangjie and a girl circulating on the Internet, and the outside world once thought he was cheating.

The fact is that the girl in the photo is just a neighbor of Li Guangjie, and the two have known each other since childhood.

However, this incident exacerbated the estrangement between Li Guangjie and Hao Lei.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Hao Lei began to guard against Li Guangjie's every move, for fear of being involved in the next "scandal".

"Her strong and independent personality often made me feel unpredictable, and I was worried that she would fly too high and forget about me." Li Guangjie once said so.

Although the two are in love, they are still unable to cross the gap of values in the end.

This is how love naturally comes to an end...

The dream stretches

Even though the love affair with Hao Lei eventually came to naught, Li Guangjie did not give up the persistent pursuit of his dreams.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

With his enthusiasm for acting, he gradually became famous in the film and television industry and participated in many excellent works.

In 2024, in the TV series "The Wind Blows in the Summer" and "The Courtyard of the County Party Committee", he will perfectly interpret the vivid characters one by one, showing his extraordinary acting strength.

However, just as his career is improving, the other side of life is uncertain.

41-year-old Li Guangjie is still single, and he said regretfully: "The most unbearable person in this life is Hao Lei." "

But apparently, fate did not favor this charitable-minded good man so much.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

At a charity event, Li Guangjie and Sui Yumeng met, which destined him to a new turning point in his life.

Charity gatherings have deep roots

In 2017, a chance encounter at a charity event became the beginning of the fate of Li Guangjie and Sui Yumeng.

At that time, because of his long-term dedication to charity, Li Guangjie was named "Charity Star of the Year".

Sui Yumeng, a young actor at the same scene, sincerely admired his good deeds, and the two began to have some contact.

But at first, Li Guangjie only had a brother-like love for Sui Yumeng, and did not have other ideas.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

After all, the age difference between the two is as much as 10 years, and he is deeply afraid that his involvement will bring trouble to the young Sui Yumeng.

However, Sui Yumeng quickly dispelled Li Guangjie's concerns.

She took the initiative to deepen her contact with Li Guangjie and gave Li Guangjie enough time and space to digest this age difference.

It was Sui Yumeng's understanding and support that finally made Li Guangjie gradually let go of his guard.

The two attended more public welfare activities together, which also invisibly increased the nourishment of their feelings.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

It wasn't until July 2019 that Li Guangjie finally threw away the last bit of mustard in his heart, made his relationship public with Sui Yumeng, and announced his marriage.

The two walked hand in hand to the palace of marriage, even though there was some criticism from the outside world, but they didn't care about each other, they just wanted to focus on cherishing this hard-won fate.

Revelation of life

Now, after experiencing the ups and downs of art and life, Li Guangjie has finally gained the ultimate inspiration in life.

Looking back on the past, his guilt for Hao Lei actually contains the cherishing and reflection of friendship.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Although the two of them did not have the opportunity to achieve positive results, Hao Lei is still an important member of his life.

He said solemnly: "The most sorry thing is Hao Lei." These words show his pure heart of pursuing the truth and respecting friendship.

"I ignored her and hurt her. If we do it all over again, I will definitely cherish our friendship better. "

And the marriage with Sui Yumeng made Li Guangjie realize that a good fate often comes from the most casual time, and the most important thing is to learn to grasp it.

Sui Yumeng used her tolerance and understanding to dispel all the doubts in Li Guangjie's heart.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

As he puts it, "She inspired me to approach life with peace. "

Now, the couple is working together to promise the second half of their lives.

And Li Guangjie will continue to write his artistic life with a sophisticated calmness and a purer mentality.


Everyone's journey in life is inevitably stumbling and even getting lost.

What matters is whether we maintain a humble and kind heart.

Li Guangjie: Go all the way, in my life, the most sorry person is Hao Lei!

Li Guangjie's story is ordinary, but it is empathetic.

Because he is the ordinary person around us, he will also be obsessed, hesitant, hurt, and regretful.

But it is under the guidance of the kindness of his heart that the actor understands the value of life and will eventually live a wonderful life.

I hope that every dream chaser can be like Li Guangjie, experience and grow in the ups and downs of life, be grateful for the fate that you missed, and have courage when embracing new opportunities.

In the end, we will all be enlightened on this tortuous road and live the best version of ourselves.

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