
Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

author:Cold Snow Mountain

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Text: Cold Snow Mountain

Edited by Hanxue Mountain

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives


An ordinary actress who has encountered many tests in life on the road to pursue her dreams.

How will she face the dark side of the entertainment industry? How will they get out of the haze and find happiness?

Let's walk into her life story and feel those ups and downs.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

Workplace resistance: a newcomer's helpless road

In 2003, 23-year-old Zhang Yu left his ancestral hometown in Jiangxi, and came to Beijing, the capital of his dreams, with a vision for his acting career.

As a rural girl from an ordinary background, she worked hard from scratch.

When he first entered this circle, Zhang Yu felt like a small grain of sand, completely submerged in this vast sea.

She kept going to auditions and interviews, but often got nothing.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

For a while, she couldn't even get a chance to show her face, so she had to be a small supporting role and an extra.

Despite this, Zhang Yu was not discouraged.

She firmly believes that as long as she works hard enough and is good enough, she will one day get ahead.

She will repeatedly study the script and take the creation of each character seriously, even if it is just a small role of a passer-by.

However, her dedication does not seem to be valued by the directors.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

She often sees that those little flowers who rely on "background" to enter the group can easily get official roles, but it is difficult for them to even get a chance to appear.

A Deal in the Dark: The Temptation of the Director

Zhang Yu is tireless in her longing for her acting career, but the obstacles of reality have hit her enthusiasm again and again.

Just when she was about to give up, by chance, she got acquainted with the popular director Huang Jianzhong.

The other party has a good impression of Zhang Yu, a newcomer, and feels that she not only has outstanding appearance, but also has potential in acting skills.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

So, in a private meeting, Huang Jianzhong half-jokingly threw a "green card" condition to Zhang Yu.

At first, Zhang Yu couldn't believe his ears at all.

Could it be that this director is making that unbearable condition clear to herself?!, but soon, she realized that this may be the reason why she has been pursuing hard for many years, but she has always been overstretched.

In this circle, you can't succeed with your own strength and hard work, you have to rely on these dirty means.

Zhang Yu's heart was extremely conflicted at that time.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

On the one hand, she knew that agreeing to the director was tantamount to tarnishing her personality and dignity;

On the other hand, if she misses the opportunity, when will she get her ahead?

After struggling again and again, she finally chose to agree.

Since then, Zhang Yu has "dedicated" to more than 30 different directors, exchanging all kinds of dirty ways for a little opportunity.

Exposing the Dark: The Dark Side of the Entertainment Industry

However, even so, Zhang Yu's career has not improved.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

She began to realize that in this circle full of power and money transactions, she was doomed to be used and exploited from the beginning.

For these directors, young girls like her are nothing more than tools for venting their desires, objects that can be snatched and harmed at will.

In the midst of anger and disappointment, Zhang Yu made an unprecedented and courageous decision - she wanted to tear off the fig leaf of the industry and completely expose the dirty side of these directors.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

So in 2008, she made a voice on her social platform, listing in detail the list of more than 30 directors and all kinds of obscene details, including Zhang Jizhong, Huo Jianxin and other bigwigs in the entertainment industry, which caused an uproar in the entire circle.

This undoubtedly caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

Soon, these directors named by her joined forces and launched a crazy retaliation against Zhang Yu.

They insulted her as a "black sheep who corrupts the order of the entertainment industry", not only ruthlessly banned her in the circle, but also slandered her everywhere as a "liar" and a "mentally problematic" person.

A senior director even rebuked Zhang Yu in front of everyone, saying that her accusations were completely nonsense.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

In the face of heavy pressure, Zhang Yu still insisted on his position unwaveringly.

She began to seek legal recourse, wanting to get justice to herself.

However, she soon discovered that the whirlpool of the entertainment industry completely surrounded her, and the law had lost its due power here.

All her appeals ended in failure.

The cynicism of loved ones: reproducing the darkness of human nature

Just when Zhang Yu was at her most desperate, a force she didn't expect struck - cynicism from relatives and friends.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

They felt that Zhang Yu was in trouble, smeared the entire family with black mud, and avoided her.

Soon, Zhang Yu had to leave Beijing and live in his hometown of Jiangxi.

But who would have thought that in the place she was most intimate and familiar with, what awaited her was an even heavier blow.

Friends and relatives shunned her, spitting on her stained past.

Even her closest family members ignored her, believing that she was a completely "polluted" person who had long been unable to turn over in this world.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

As a result, Zhang Yu wandered around his hometown all day long, suffering the ridicule and rejection of the people around him, either explicitly or implicitly.

Sometimes she would secretly cry at night, and sometimes she would fall into hopeless thoughts, thinking that there was no point in living.

The betrayal and cynicism of her loved ones made her completely lose the last hope in humanity, and she felt that the whole world was mocking and hurting her.

Finding True Love: A Ray of Warm Sunshine

Just when Zhang Yu was about to lose all thoughts, a rare ray of warm sunshine came in his life.

It was an ordinary man who ran a small local company.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

At the beginning of their acquaintance, he didn't know that Zhang Yu was a well-known film and television actor, and he didn't know anything about her past.

The two gradually got to know each other, developed a good impression of each other, and finally decided to come together.

This man has a deep affection for Zhang Yu, and uses his kindness and tolerance to warm her wounded heart.

He never asked Zhang Yu about his bad experience, but silently told her with his actions: The pain of the past will eventually be forgotten, and the future is the beginning of happiness.

Under the careful care of the man, Zhang Yu finally regained the hope and courage to survive.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

On Zhang Yu's 33rd birthday in 2009, she unreservedly published her wedding photos and pregnancy photos on social platforms, boldly announcing her life trend after being disappointed in the entertainment industry.

Despite leaving her former stage, at least she found a warm haven.

Regaining Happiness: The Meaning of Life

Today, Zhang Yu is 44 years old, and she takes care of her daily food and clothing at home, and takes care of her husband and children.

This kind of unpretentious life may seem ordinary to outsiders, but for her, who has fallen into the quagmire several times in her life, it is the greatest treasure and blessing.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

Whenever she sees her husband going out to work hard and her children innocently playing at home, Zhang Yu will feel sincerely satisfied.

She was glad that she had given up on her ethereal dreams and embraced the true and beautiful happiness in front of her.

I have to say that she truly realized that the so-called career achievements are not equal to happiness, and real happiness is actually in ordinary life.

Therefore, although Zhang Yu has long been away from the flashy and dazzling stage of the past, her life has never been so full and rich.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, she is still the "dirty woman" who cheated; But in her own opinion, she is just a happy ordinary woman.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives


Zhang Yu's bumpy life story certainly highlights the dark side of the entertainment industry, but more importantly, it allows us to see the valuable power of having the courage to face the dark side of life.

As long as we are willing to face the setbacks and difficulties in life positively, even if we falter, we will eventually be able to achieve our own happiness.

Although the former young actress encountered many obstacles on the way to chase her dreams and succumbed to power play, she finally chose to bravely expose the darkness, even at the cost of being isolated and questioned.

Actor Zhang Yu: After being forced to withdraw from the circle by 30 directors, he was sneered at by his relatives

It was this courage that allowed her to finally get rid of her prisoner-like life and obtain the gift of love and happiness.

Everyone will inevitably stumble and experience difficulties of one kind or another in life.

But as long as you have good intentions and have the courage to face setbacks, you will be able to break through the haze of life and get a happy life that truly belongs to you.

This is probably the true meaning of life that Zhang Yu's story wants to explain to us.

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