
The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Who of you would have thought that a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and as a result, half a year later, when I went for a physical examination, the doctor actually said that I was messing around!"

At the community center, 56-year-old Aunt Liu, with helplessness and anger on her face, confided in her old friends about the embarrassing and confusing experience.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Aunt Liu is a retired Chinese teacher who lives a simple life, and her favorite thing is to raise some flowers and plants on the balcony and tell stories to the children in the neighborhood.

By chance, she saw an article on the Internet about the miraculous effects of honey grapefruit tea, claiming that this tea can detoxify and nourish the skin, clear away heat and fire, and can also help lose weight.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Thinking that she had gained weight and her skin began to sagge after retirement, Auntie Liu decided to try this simple and healthy drink.

Every morning, Aunt Liu takes out a spoonful of honey and a few slices of grapefruit, plus a cup of warm water, to make a cup of sweet and delicious honey yuzu tea. She is confident in the tea and believes that she has found a shortcut to health and beauty. However, half a year later, she was severely reprimanded by the doctor during a routine physical examination.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

On the day of the physical examination, Aunt Liu came to the hospital happily, thinking that the health drink she had insisted on for half a year would definitely impress the doctor with her physical condition.

The doctor, Dr. Zhang, said directly to her, "Aunt Liu, you are messing around!" Your blood sugar and blood lipids are elevated, and drinking honey grapefruit tea like this is harmful to your body! ”

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Aunt Liu was confused when she heard this, and asked with a blank face: "Doctor, didn't you say that honey grapefruit tea has many benefits?" How can there still be a problem? ”

Dr. Zhang sighed and patiently explained, "Although honey has a lot of nutrients, it is also high in sugar, and drinking it every day will cause blood sugar to rise. ”

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

In addition, naringin and other components contained in grapefruit may affect liver metabolism, and long-term consumption of large amounts is not good for the body. Especially at your age, blood sugar and blood lipids need to be controlled, and drinking it like this will only backfire. Aunt Liu suddenly realized that her kindness had turned into 'nonsense'.

Dr. Zhang advised: "It is okay to drink honey yuzu tea in moderation, but not in excess. In addition, it is recommended to eat more fiber-rich foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, which will be more beneficial to your body. ”

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Aunt Liu nodded, determined not to blindly pursue those so-called 'magic drinks' anymore. She began to adjust her diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits every day, reduce sugar intake, and insist on walking every day to maintain a moderate amount of exercise.

A neighbor's aunt asked, "Aunt Liu, how should we eat to be healthier?" Aunt Liu replied: "Actually, it's very simple, that is, we should eat more pesticide-free and fertilizer-free natural fruits and vegetables grown by the farmer's uncle, and eat less frozen processed food." In addition, proper exercise should not be missing.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

The neighbors listened and nodded in agreement. Dr. Zhang also added on the side: "Aunt Liu is right. For middle-aged and elderly people, regular physical examinations are also very important, which can detect and prevent some chronic diseases in time. ”

They are beginning to realize that staying healthy is not something that depends on the so-called 'magic drinks', but something that needs to be constantly worked on and maintained in their daily lives.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Aunt Liu's story has become a classic case in the community, and everyone has benefited a lot from it. Whether it's at the community center or in the park's morning exercise team, Auntie Liu is always happy to share her health secrets.

One day, a young mother approached Aunt Liu with her child and asked, "Aunt Liu, I also want my family to eat healthier, but I don't know how to do it." Do you have any suggestions? ”

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Aunt Liu smiled and said, "Healthy eating is actually very simple, the key is to have patience and perseverance. First, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and reduce your sugar and fat intake. Secondly, make sure that you get enough exercise every day, even if it's a walk. The most important thing is to maintain a good work and rest habits, don't stay up late, and rest more. ”

Through such exchanges and sharing, Auntie Liu has not only improved her own health, but also helped more people live healthier lives.

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

She proves that healthy living doesn't require complicated recipes and expensive ingredients, but can make a significant difference with a few simple adjustments and persistence.

At the end, a resident asked, "Dr. Zhang, is honey grapefruit tea really bad for the body?" I've also started drinking this tea recently, is it time to stop? ”

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

Through this story, the community not only learned how to eat healthily, but also realized the importance of healthy living. Auntie Liu's experience has inspired more people to pay attention to their own health and make the whole community more harmonious and healthy.

What do you think about honey yuzu tea? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 56-year-old aunt has a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day, and goes for a physical examination half a year later: the doctor scolds: It's really nonsense

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