
The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

author:Xiong Xiong talks about martial arts

There is a law in the Russian-Ukrainian war: as long as the Ukrainian army is unfavorable in the main battlefield on land, it will find trouble with the Russian Black Sea Fleet, and it has repeatedly achieved some brilliant results, which has a considerable hedging effect in public opinion.

In the recent period, the progress of the Russian army on the main battlefield on land is obvious to all, but there are no well-known ships on the Black Sea Fleet side that have been sunk.

- That's impossible, of course.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

In fact, in the past two months, the Ukrainian army's strikes on missiles, drones, and unmanned boats of the Russian army in the entire Crimea have almost reached the highest peak since the start of the war; The targets it targets include the Russian army's air defense system, army stations, ship targets, logistics nodes, etc., and there are also some results.

Because the determination of some results is controversial, in terms of undisputed results of the Ukrainian army, it is much worse than in the past.

Why is it that the investment is greater now, but the results are smaller?

This is actually not surprising, because both sides in the war are not fools, and will make appropriate adjustments according to the situation on the battlefield and study the corresponding war methods.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

For example, the Russian army is now increasingly using "siege tanks" that are almost completely wrapped in land offensive operations; This "big turtle" is very laughable from a conventional point of view, but on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, it can indeed prevent most of the Ukrainian drone attacks, and after installing mine-sweeping equipment, it can act as a "pioneer" for the assault force in relative safety.

It's ridiculous, but it works, and that's the rule of survival on the battlefield.

In the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation in the Crimea direction, after the Russian army intensified the targeted interference of the Ukrainian army's long-range ammunition, the latter's strike efficiency decreased significantly, which can be confirmed by the feedback information from Western countries.

As for responding to the attack of the Ukrainian army's unmanned boats, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has taken a lot of countermeasures in various aspects after the new commander has been replaced.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

For example, the Russian army has intensified the detection and search of unmanned boats, used helicopters to establish a search-strike mechanism on the periphery, and strengthened the practice of "unmanned to unmanned" in the countermeasures of unmanned boats by FPV drones.

The strengthening of this countermeasure strategy has advanced the main line of defense of the Russian Black Sea Fleet to deal with unmanned boats from the ultimate duel of ships VS unmanned boats to the level of air VS unmanned boats, which has greatly strengthened the countermeasure effect.

Therefore, from the beginning of March to the beginning of May, the Ukrainian army did not achieve outstanding results in the unmanned boat strike.

But just as the Russian army has improved the "siege tank" in response to the Ukrainian army's FPV drones, in the face of the "air defense line" built by the Russian army in the Black Sea, the Ukrainian army has also modified its unmanned boats accordingly.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

This modification can be said to be quite "whimsical", because the Ukrainian army has installed the R-73 air-to-air missile on the unmanned boat, which gives it the ability to theoretically counter Russian fighters.

In the latest round of Black Sea confrontations, the Russian Ka-29 helicopter discovered this specialized model when it was chasing the Ukrainian unmanned boat.

And in the video released so far, the Ukrainian unmanned boat had launched an R-73 air-to-air missile at that time, but according to feedback from both sides, the missile did not hit the Russian helicopter.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?
The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

In the subsequent "cat and mouse" game, the ammunition on the Russian helicopter still hit the engine part of the missile and burned out the unmanned boat, and the details of this modification can be seen more clearly on the wreckage of the unmanned boat after the war.

Just as the Russian army's "siege tank" was ridiculed when it appeared, this modification of the Ukrainian army has also been ridiculed on the Internet, but in our opinion, the fundamental purpose of any weapons and tactics is to serve the military, not to deal with public opinion first.

Whether the Russian army modifies tanks or the Ukrainian army modifies unmanned boats, it is a targeted adjustment to deal with the current threat, this kind of modification may not achieve the desired effect at the beginning, but the idea is correct, and with further improvement in the future, they may really achieve the desired effect.

Of course, the Russian and Ukrainian armies are forced to do so in actual combat, and many of their lessons outside the battlefield can actually give onlookers more ideas to investigate.

If the technical ability is stronger, then bystanders can make more suitable "siege tanks" or "air defense unmanned boats", which is what we should think of more outside the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

As for the current confrontation in the Black Sea, while announcing the interception of "air defense unmanned boats", the Russian army also announced that it had killed a total of 5 unmanned boats, which was obviously publicized as a result and a record of achievements.

But judging from the video released by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, it is impossible to say that the unmanned boats of the Ukrainian army have no record.

Because in the video released by it, there are still unmanned boats approaching the port area of Crimea, but there are no high-value Russian ships in the area it breaks through, and they are also blocked by close fire, so they can only choose a small boat as a target; Follow-up Russian news feedback that the Ukrainian unmanned boat hit only a small hydrographic survey ship.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

Compared with the previous results of sinking Russian landing ships, patrol ships and missile boats achieved by Ukrainian unmanned boats, such results are not very good.

Of course, there will definitely be netizens who ridicule that the main forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet have been wiped out, so the Ukrainian unmanned boats cannot find high-value targets.

Regarding this kind of "military blindness" remarks that can mislead many low-intelligence netizens, it is recommended to check the list of ships of the Black Sea Fleet first, as well as the results of the sinking of the Ukrainian army that can be confirmed, and then it is better to shake the wit.

Of course, it is estimated that they have neither the heart to check the real results of the Ukrainian army, nor are they interested in the specific strength of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, anyway, they just shout slogans. For this kind of noise outside the military confrontation between the two sides, we just know that there is such an existence.

The Ukrainian army sacrificed a "specialized" version of the unmanned boat, but it was blown up by a Russian helicopter, what is going on in this battle?

In terms of military affairs, it should be noted that although the Russian army has a series of countermeasures, the Ukrainian army will not stop there; Therefore, we must not think that the Ukrainian army will not be able to achieve any results after that.

Especially in the context of the increase in long-range weapons in the West, the Russian Black Sea Fleet and even the entire Russian army in Crimea, the real test has just arrived.

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