
Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

author:Love to talk about life like crazy

1. Courage and fearlessness is dedication, and the past is only a mark of glory

She is the film and television giant who was thunderous and powerful! After dozens of hardships and hardships in the intricate entertainment industry, with endless professionalism and outstanding talent, he has risen to the top of his career step by step, and is known as an indispensable treasure and pride in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Shining at the award ceremony, word-of-mouth praise surging like a tide, her achievements are like stars, illuminating the path of countless young actors to pursue their dreams.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

However, just as her career was in full swing, a scandal triggered by her personal emotional life was like a bolt from the blue, instantly destroying the reputation and honor she had worked so hard to build.

In the face of the trough of life, she did not choose to retreat, but reshaped her self-image with an extremely focused professional attitude, looking forward to winning the admiration and appreciation of the audience again with strength and diligence.

Second, the hidden evil was exposed, and the scandal caused by the extramarital affair shocked the world

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

The source of this turmoil is an extramarital affair hidden in the dark that no one knows.

Late one night, the heroine quietly arrives at a motel in the suburbs with trepidation. There, she meets a mysterious young man, and the two kiss affectionately, behaving intimately and ambiguously.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

However, just as they were immersed in their pleasure, an anonymous voyeur quietly recorded their indecent behavior and uploaded the video online, causing a stormy storm of public opinion.

As soon as the video was released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention. Both parties fell into an embarrassing situation and could not justify themselves for a while. Soon after, they began to fiercely criticize each other, going back and forth, revealing each other's private lives and dark deeds.

In fact, this pair of "big beauties" and "little white faces" have long been inextricably linked. As early as a few years ago, the heroine was at a low point in her career, and when she was discouraged, she accidentally met this young man named PGone in the online world.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

PGone quickly approaches the long-neglected film and television superstar as a newcomer to the workplace and lures her into stepping into the forbidden zone of homosexuality.

Under the inducement and instigation of PGone, the heroine is completely addicted to this emotional entanglement that violates ethics and morals, abandoning years of adherence to chastity and morality, and is willing to become a third party.

However, PGone, the so-called "saboteur", has cunning intentions and tries to take this opportunity to extort money, so as to make huge profits and accumulate wealth. It wasn't until the jaw-dropping and indecent video incident broke out that the dark and despicable personal relationship between them was completely exposed to the public eye.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

3. Violating morality and ethics and betraying family affection, decisively separating from brothers and sisters, and being hospitalized for treatment

In fact, the heroine's deviant behavior has already begun to appear. The origin of all this can be traced back to the moment of her break with her own brother.

Once, her relationship with her brother could be described as a match made in heaven. Since childhood, they have been inseparable, struggling together to survive in difficult living conditions.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

For her, her brother is undoubtedly the closest person in the world.

However, due to some trivial issues over the distribution of family property, violent conflicts broke out between them, even leading to physical collisions.

The heroine is ruthless and ruthless, and even throws a heavy punch on her brother who is single and weak, causing him to be seriously injured and hospitalized. Since then, the younger brother has never wanted to have anything to do with her, and the family bond between them has been completely broken.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

The heroine has a rebellious personality and has always scoffed at the world's norms of chastity. In her opinion, finding a lover to fall in love with is a personal freedom that does not need to be tied in any way.

Therefore, as if she had entered a no-man's land, she was constantly entangled with all kinds of lovers and experienced the flavors of life.

Once, she was just a simple country girl, with extremely limited knowledge of the outside world, and no interest in fame, fortune and power. However, as she gradually rose to prominence and ventured into the business world, her inner world and moral code were confused by money and fame, and she became arrogant and arrogant.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

In the end, she mercilessly abandoned even her dearest brother, completely cutting off the last family ties.

Fourth, his youth has transformed into a bright star, and his career has experienced ups and downs and hardships

The heroine has shown extraordinary artistic talent since childhood. At the age of 3, she began to learn the Mao'er dialect of Peking Opera, a very challenging opera that won her master's praise for her comprehension and depth of understanding of drama.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

At the age of 17, she has already made a name for herself, leaving an unforgettable impression on the audience with her role as a chivalrous heroine in a martial arts drama. Although she is still young, her ability to control the drama has surpassed ordinary people, and she is known as a "genius in the entertainment industry".

Since then, her career has taken a straight upward spiral. In 2002, at the age of 19, she won the crown of actress and was known as the top of the pyramid of the film industry.

For a fledgling young actress, this achievement is undoubtedly a great affirmation and huge support for her acting skills! .

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

With this award-winning film, the door to the screen suddenly opened for her, and her career ushered in a glorious peak. However, fate doesn't seem to want her to go too well, and it doesn't take long for it to show its unpredictable side.

In the following years, her acting career fell into a downturn, and her new works suffered Waterloo one after another, with a dismal box office and poor reputation. In order to maintain her life, she had to take over some large-scale tertiary films and played some erotic roles, which made her image in the public mind gradually change to a "large-scale actress".

However, the turning point came in 2008, when she starred in a high-profile costume blockbuster that once again attracted attention. After the show was broadcast, the response was enthusiastic, and her superb acting skills were once again praised by the audience, and her career gradually got back on track.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

However, just as her career was about to usher in a new dawn, a storm triggered by a private video incident swept in, which dealt a heavy blow to her image and left her in a difficult situation for a while, unable to focus on filming.

In the face of such a serious setback, she stood firm and supported herself with unyielding perseverance, and finally got through the most difficult moment of her life. However, before this storm broke out, the heroine had long been infamous, riddled with peachy news, and her relationships with numerous rumored boyfriends had sparked endless speculation and questions over the years.

Among them, the most well-known is the scandal between her and the actor Li Chen and the popular idol Han Geng. Some media have captured photos of her and Li Chen's intimate interaction in the hotel, and even witnesses said that they saw her and Han Geng kissing and hugging each other on the street.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

Although the parties have denied it many times, in the eyes of the outside world, the evidence is conclusive enough to be difficult to refute.

In addition to this, the heroine's peachy scandal is much more than that. Her behavior is uninhibited and her words are bold, and she has long been nicknamed "Sister Zhenlang" in the circle.

Many people firmly believe that the actress is deliberately hyping up the gimmick of creating scandals, intending to win social attention and high traffic. What's even more appalling is that she even orchestrated a series of false public opinion events to win public sympathy.

Let Li Chen be a cow and a horse, kiss Han Geng on the street, and be put in the hospital by her younger brother, she is Sister Zhenlang

For example, in the turmoil of her younger brother's protest, she tried her best to create a sad image of being abandoned by her relatives, mobilized a powerful network water army to help, and finally succeeded in attracting the attention of the general public, however, everything was just a well-planned scam! In fact, it was she who was ruthless and brutally beat her brother, who had no power to resist, causing him to be seriously injured and hospitalized.

All in all, the actress has long been controversial for her arrogant and disrespectful behavior. In the eyes of the public, she seems to be a walking fragrant scandal distribution center, and she is comfortable in the entertainment industry with her means of fox and fake tiger, and often causes an uproar.

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