
Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

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Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

At this moment, the once busy and noisy scene of Beijing has disappeared, and under the cover of night, only the occasional passing vehicles emit the continuous sound of horns, echoing in this silent night.

Zhang Guoqiang, the charismatic man, is sitting quietly on the sofa in his spacious living room, staring deeply at the flickering lights in the darkness outside the window, as if his mind has been filled with endless memories, and it seems a little empty.

Indeed, his life story can be described as magnificent and full of dramatic turns. Although he has achieved some achievements now, looking back, those difficult and struggling days still make him feel emotional.

Born into a family of operas, he was supposed to have a smooth sailing journey, but the poverty of his family made this otherwise smooth road bumpy.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

His father was an outstanding Peking Opera performer, while his mother was a leading critic. Bathed in a strong artistic atmosphere since childhood, he was born with an outstanding talent for the stage.

However, due to his family's poor financial situation, he had to temporarily put his career aground on the path of pursuing his artistic dreams and chose a seemingly stable career path.

Those hard years were like a lingering haze, which always hung over his heart......

It was in that energetic and sunny youth that he ushered in another major opportunity in his life - the encounter with his first girlfriend Zhang Yu. Their feelings for each other gradually warmed up, they understood each other, and soon entered the palace of marriage.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

Not only did they perform together in the theater, but they also walked through that sweet and honeyy time together.

However, fate ruthlessly played a cruel joke. The hardships of life made Zhang Yu tired, and the marriage between the two began to crack. Although Zhang Guoqiang tried his best to save the marriage, pleading with his wife to be able to get through the difficult time with him, the other party has made up his mind not to endure this predicament anymore.

In the end, the newlyweds chose to break up in the face of the pressure of reality and embarked on a new journey in life. The pain of losing his lover made Zhang Guoqiang fall into unprecedented despair, and he had to take on the heavy responsibility of life alone, and left his hometown Jiamusi with his newborn son in tears.

After leaving Jiamusi, Zhang Guoqiang came to the bustling international metropolis of Beijing, hoping to start his life journey anew. With a vision for the future, he settled here with his young son.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

Life at the beginning was actually quite difficult, and they had no choice but to live in cramped and cramped basements, and the living conditions were quite difficult. Mr. Cheung barely made ends meet by doing simple jobs in large crews, but these incomes were so meager that they often barely covered their daily expenses.

Sometimes they couldn't find a suitable job for an entire month, so the father and son had to live in a dark, damp hut and rely on each other to get through the difficult times.

The life of poverty challenges Zhang Guoqiang's perseverance and determination all the time. Every time he saw his son's longing eyes, a deep despair welled up in his heart.

For countless silent nights, he sat alone by the window, staring at the bustling night scene outside the window, tears quietly slipping down.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

He has also wavered many times, wanting to give up his hard work in Beijing and return to his hometown to seek a stable job and live a plain and happy life.

However, every time this thought comes to mind, he always remembers his wife's encouraging words back then: "You deserve to dream bigger." Yes, he was born in a family of operas, and his love and pursuit of the stage flow in his blood.

Although life in Beipiao is full of bitterness and helplessness, he has never given up his yearning and dedication to the stage.

In this way, Zhang Guoqiang was busy running between various crews, supporting a family with a meager salary. In the process, he often suffers heavy blows from reality, but as long as he sees his son's clear and bright eyes, he will regain his spirits and grit his teeth and persevere.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

That's how fate plays tricks on life sometimes. While Zhang Guoqiang struggled alone in the unfamiliar city of Beijing, his ex-wife had re-entered a new marriage hall and lived the beautiful life they once looked forward to together.

Whenever he learned about her recent situation from newspapers and magazines, he always felt a strong grief in his heart. However, he quickly pinned all his hopes on his son, seeing it as his only motivation to move forward.

Just when Zhang Guoqiang felt that fate could not change his circumstances, a seemingly ordinary TV series brought earth-shaking changes to his life. The show, called "Soldier Assault," did not receive much attention at the time due to factors such as the subject matter and cast, and it was widely believed that it would not be a huge success.

However, Zhang Guoqiang is fully committed to this hit drama, in which he successfully portrays the image of a heroic and resolute Gaocheng soldier, although it is only an inconspicuous small role, but he makes this character shine with his unique and deep understanding and interpretation of the character.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

Perhaps it is precisely because of his deep yearning for the noble profession of the military in his heart, or from his sincere admiration for this profession, that he was able to interpret this insignificant supporting role so vividly and vividly.

As expected, his outstanding acting skills immediately attracted the enthusiastic attention of the director and the audience. This series later became a well-known classic, not only starring Wang Baoqiang became famous, but even Zhang Guoqiang, who played a small role.

Just overnight, this originally unknown actor instantly transformed into the focus of attention.

With his superb performance in "Soldier Assault", Zhang Guoqiang was nominated for a number of Best Actor awards in a row, and finally won his most cherished Best TV Actor Award.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

This is undoubtedly the highest praise for his professionalism and tireless efforts. Since then, his status in the entertainment industry has been increasing day by day, starring in an endless stream of works, and his ratings have been rising.

In this way, Zhang Guoqiang's career finally got back on track and got rid of that difficult time. The poor boy who used to wander around the streets and alleys of the bustling city and work to survive has now become a high-profile first-line actor.

After all, fate showed him a merciful side, and all his hard work was finally rewarded.

His career has reached the peak of his life, and Zhang Guoqiang thought that he had nothing to worry about and could devote himself to his work. However, fate still seems to have played a joke on him, and at an unprecedented business event, he met the woman who was about to change the rest of his life - Wang Xiaonan.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

When they met for the first time, Wang Xiaonan left an indelible impression on Zhang Guoqiang. She is beautiful and tall, and is known as "Maggie Cheung of the North" by the industry, and has extraordinary artistic talent.

What's even more rare is that she gives people a sense of calm and elegant temperament, which contrasts sharply with her beautiful appearance.

The two met and met in such a wonderful way, but Zhang Guoqiang only regarded this as one of the ordinary social places and did not pay too much attention. However, what he never expected was that Wang Xiaonan took the initiative to launch a passionate and persistent pursuit of him, which made him feel very troubled.

After all, there is a seven-year age gap between them, and he is still living with a child, which undoubtedly becomes an extremely heavy burden for the new relationship.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

Zhang Guoqiang personally found Wang Xiaonan and sincerely confessed his current predicament to her. He was always worried, fearing that his son would find it difficult to adapt to the new family environment, and he couldn't bear to add any pressure to his future life.

However, Wang Xiaonan didn't care about this, she thought Zhang Guoqiang's worries were really unnecessary. On the contrary, she knows Zhang Guoqiang's past and present well, but what she cherishes more is the quality of this man's heart.

She affectionately said that she has been deeply moved by Zhang Guoqiang's conscientiousness and thoughtfulness as a father, and at the same time, she has been impressed by his sincere care for others.

It was this simple and unpretentious personality that attracted her deeply, and she was convinced that Zhang Guoqiang was the ideal partner she had been looking for. Faced with Wang Xiaonan's ardent pursuit, Zhang Guoqiang began to hesitate.

Zhang Guoqiang: Abandoned by his ex-wife because of poverty, he took his son to Beipiao, and turned over to marry Maggie Cheung in the north after his second marriage

He had to admit that this woman was indeed outstanding and independent, and she could fully become a solid backing for his career development.

However, reason told him that his son might not be able to fully embrace the relationship. Just when Zhang Guoqiang was in a dilemma, something unexpected happened. One day, he was unfortunately injured during the filming of a movie and suffered a severe sprain on his back.

I thought I could only bear the pain alone, but I didn't expect my son to take the initiative to apply medicine for him and carefully help him bandage his wounds. The son told him that seeing his father so dedicated and engrossed, he also longed for a woman who could take care of his father, so he had already figured it out and decided to fully support his father's relationship with Wang Xiaonan.

It turned out that the son had been worried that his father's remarriage would affect the love he received, but after this incident, he finally let go of his worries. He was convinced, king

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