
Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name


According to AFP, NBC and other media reports, U.S. President Joe Biden presented the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" to 19 people at the White House on May 3, local time, representing the highest honor for American civilians, including former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other Democratic allies, as well as Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh and other people.

It is worth noting that according to the British "Daily Mail", when presenting Michelle Yeoh with the award, Biden initially mistakenly called her "Michael", but quickly corrected himself and changed to the correct name "Michelle".

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

On May 3, local time, Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the U.S. "Presidential Medal of Freedom". Source: US media

Regarding Biden saying the wrong name Michelle Yeoh, some netizens complained on social media X: "Does anyone think this is a serious Freudian mistake?" ↓

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

As for Biden's award to Pelosi, some netizens expressed their inability to agree and complained: "This award is meaningless at this moment." "A great way to turn the highest honor into the biggest joke. ”↓

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name
Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

According to the White House's list of Medal of Freedom recipients, the recipients include former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Vice President Al Gore and former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina, also received the medal for his key support of Biden in the 2020 primary.

Biden spoke one by one before awarding the medals to each winner. He called the ceremony one of his favorite events at the White House and shared how former President John F. Kennedy established the Medal of Freedom 61 years ago.

"The Presidential Medal of Freedom is our nation's highest civilian award—and our people do everything in their power to ensure that America's ideals, the cause of freedom, shine like the sun and illuminate the future of the world," Biden said. ”

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

"These 19 extraordinary people, whose long-standing curiosity, creativity, ingenuity, and hope, lead us to believe that tomorrow will be better," President Biden said. ”

Biden made a special greeting to Claiburn, saying, "If it weren't for Jim, I wouldn't be standing here as president to present the award." Jim is the best, thank you. ”

The president also said that Pelosi defended democracy during the Capitol Hill incident on January 6, 2021.

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

Biden said Bloomberg "has revolutionized our economy" and "changed us and challenged us."

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

Biden noted that Al Gore won the popular vote, "but for the sake of unity and trust in our institutions, he accepted the results of the presidential election." This appears to be a satire on former President Donald Trump's refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election.

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

Other winners include Malaysian-Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh, Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky, activist Opal Lee and former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Biden said Michelle Yeoh "continues to break stereotypes and enrich American culture."

Biden noted that Ledecky has won 10 Olympic medals, adding, "I can't wait to welcome you back to the White House with more medals from Team USA after Paris this summer." ”

Biden presented Michelle Yeoh with the wrong name

Other honorees include Catholic pastor Gregory J. Boyle, former Republican Senator Elizabeth Dole, and media personality Phil Donahue.

Regarding Donahue, Biden said, "He changed people's hearts and minds through candid and open conversations. ”

拜登还向民权活动家克拉伦斯· B·琼斯(Clarence B. Jones)、宇航员埃伦·奥乔亚(Ellen Ochoa)、天文学家简·里格比(Jane Rigby)、农场工人联合会主席特雷莎·罗梅罗(Teresa Romero)、前美国国家航空航天局约翰逊太空中心主任埃伦·奥乔亚(Ellen Ochoa)致敬。

The late Jim Thorpe, the first American Indian Olympic gold medalist, Senator Frank Lautenberg, a Democrat from New Jersey, and Medgar Wiley Evers, a civil rights activist, were all posthumously awarded medals.

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