
Picking plums and cooking delicious Huicheng Luzhou sour plum festival is very "top"

author:Huicheng release

In May, it is the season when plums are ripe, and the yellow and red plums hang on the branches, waiting for people to pick them. On May 1st ~ 3rd, Daxing Village, Luzhou Town, Huicheng District, held the second Plum Festival Agricultural Tourism Carnival of "Singing and Seeking Green, Luzhou Has 'Li'", innovating the rural tourism experience with "Li" friends, attracting tourists to come to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the green fields and enjoy the taste of Luzhou.

Flower viewing in February and fruit picking in May, the annual plum flower festival and plum festival have become unique cultural and tourism activities in Daxing Village, Luzhou. It is reported that the output of Daxing Li this year is about 200,000 catties, which is expected to bring about 1.6 million yuan of income to the villagers. Sing the "Li" brand, make the "Li" article bigger, and inject a steady stream of kinetic energy into the revitalization of the local countryside.

Daxing Li self-driving picking tour market is popular

A few days ago, the reporter walked into Luzhou Daxing Village with tourists, walked into a large lush plum forest, carried a small basket, and enjoyed the fun of picking plums. I saw the round plums hanging all over the branches, and I picked a taste that was about to be red, and the sweet and sour taste was very stimulating to the taste buds.

Picking plums and cooking delicious Huicheng Luzhou sour plum festival is very "top"

Tourists experience the fun of parent-child picking in plum forest.

Daxing people have been deeply involved in the plum industry for decades, with its unique geographical location and natural conditions, the yield and quality of plum products such as Daxing pearl plum are good, and its unique sour and crisp are unique in the fruit market with sweet as the dominant taste, and have special market competitiveness. In recent years, the Daxing Li self-driving picking tour market has been popular, and even the plum production technical regulations in Huizhou City are also formulated based on Daxing. Since mid to late April, Daxing plums have entered the picking period, and the holding of the plum festival has further broadened the sales channels of plums, and Daxing plums have been picked.

"Qiu Xiang Sister" guides visitors to experience making plum food

It is understood that Daxing's pearl plum is sought after by acidophiles, it is not only a fruit, but also can be used as a special ingredient, and various cooking techniques and other ingredients are well combined to develop a unique flavor of extended food. This year's Luzhou Plum Festival digs deep into the potential of Daxing plums and creates a variety of plum product experience activities, focusing on sweet, sour, spicy and diverse flavors, and various plum foods combined with Luzhou's special delicacies have appeared.

Picking plums and cooking delicious Huicheng Luzhou sour plum festival is very "top"

"Qiu Xiang Sister" makes pickled plums for tourists.

The reporter saw at the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Daxing Village that the Luzhou "Qiu Xiangsao" and "Li" post stations were set up on the spot to provide tourists with a professional interactive experience of homemade plum products. Under the guidance of "Qiu Xiangsao", tourists can make their own pickled plums into perilla pickled plums, plum pickled plums, handmade plum tea, a series of special plum products allow visitors to fully feel the charm of pearl plums, and experience the wonderful transformation of plums from fruits to delicious foods in handmade. "My family comes to pick plums every year, and the plums here are delicious enough for people like me who like to eat sour. Most of the plums picked this time were processed into two flavors of pickled plums on the spot, which can be taken home to share with relatives and friends. At the event, Ms. Li, a "loyal fan" of Daxing Li, said happily.

In addition, the "Li" station also arranged a fun lucky draw, and participants will receive a postcard printed with plum flowers or plums, refrigerator magnets, small backpacks and other Li-themed cultural and creative souvenirs. Not only that, tourists who come to experience can also take the opportunity to try the top ten delicacies of Luzhou such as lychee wood steamed chicken, glutinous ba, kiln chicken, and Lu goose for free, and taste a more comprehensive taste of Luzhou.

Appreciating plum flowers and picking plums, Luzhou makes a big "plum" article

"We must give full play to the appetizing characteristics of plum shengjin, use the popularity of picking to link the top ten delicacies of Luzhou, and use 'plum' as a medium to add flavor and promotion to Luzhou delicacies. Next, we will integrate plums into various Luzhou specialties and creative cuisines to meet the taste buds of more tourists, and at the same time provide more experience activities such as food making. Liao Yonglin, a member of the Party Committee of Luzhou Town, said.

Picking plums and cooking delicious Huicheng Luzhou sour plum festival is very "top"

Visitors participate in the experience of making plum food on site.

According to reports, in the past two years, the two seasons of plum characteristic festival activities of "February flower appreciation, May fruit picking" have directly promoted the rapid growth of plum planting in Luzhou Daxing, the plum planting area of the village has expanded from the original more than 700 acres to more than 1,200 acres today, and the number of tourists who come to enjoy plum flowers and plum picking is also increasing, which not only proves the huge development potential of Luzhou plum industry, but also shows the economic benefits and social value brought by the combination of rural tourism and characteristic agriculture.

In the process of implementing the "Millions of Projects", the Plum Festival has become an "inspirational" festival for Luzhou Daxing Village to promote high-quality development. Liao Yonglin introduced that in the next step, Luzhou will explore a diversified integrated development model of agricultural tourism experience, continuously enrich the influence and coverage of special festivals such as the Plum Flower Festival and the Plum Festival, and strive to realize the value enhancement of the whole chain from "plum blossoms" to "plum harvest", and write a new chapter in the development of the "Plum" economy to promote rural revitalization.

Source: Huizhou Headlines APP (reporter Peng Hongxia correspondent Lin Jian), please indicate.

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