
Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

author:Xiaoxue will accompany you to talk about history

Jin Tielin, this name is a monument in the Chinese music industry. On November 15, 2022, this titan in the vocal music industry walked the journey of his life. What is embarrassing is that at Jin Tielin's farewell ceremony, the focus is not all on the glorious life of this art giant, but on some unexpected "vacancy" - why did his current wife Ma Qiuhua and ex-wife Li Guyi not appear at the funeral? What is the story behind this? Is it just a coincidence, or is there another hidden story?

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Jin Tielin's name may not be so loud among the younger generation, but in his music career, Mr. Jin is known to everyone, and no one knows about it. His career began in 1960, when he was only 20 years old, he was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music, the top in the country, and since then his music legend has begun. Five years later, he is a soloist in the Central Orchestra and is making his mark in the music industry.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Jin Tielin's contribution is not only his singing, but also his promotion and development of Chinese vocal music. He once said: "My Chinese dream is to carry forward Chinese vocal music and let Chinese vocal music sing the world." This phrase was more than just a slogan, and he did it. From Song Zuying to Li Guyi, from Dai Yuqiang to Zhang Ye, to Hong Kong's Liming and Li Jiaxin, these names have almost constituted an era in the Chinese music industry.

Mr. Jin's personal life seems similarly dramatic. Although his marriage to Li Guyi ended in divorce, the cooperation and interaction between the two in music has never been interrupted. Their relationship is complex and delicate, like an unfinished melody. Later, Jin Tielin married Ma Qiuhua, who was 18 years younger than him, and their married life was also quite good. Ma Qiuhua is not only his wife, but also his companion, who share the same pursuit and ideals in music education.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

In 2022, the 82-year-old Jin Tielin unfortunately passed away. His departure seemed to mark the end of an era. At his farewell ceremony, although many students and fans spontaneously came to see him off, the scene was solemn and touching, but many people noticed a detail - Jin Tielin's current wife Ma Qiuhua and ex-wife Li Guyi did not show up. The situation has sparked widespread speculation.

Some people say that perhaps because of personal feelings, after all, there are always complex emotional entanglements between divorce and remarriage. Some people have speculated that this may have something to do with their different attitudes towards Jin Tielin's death. No matter what the truth is, this "absence" undoubtedly added a different color to Jin Tielin's farewell ceremony.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

In Jin Tielin's life, he has a deep relationship with teachers and students of many artists. Such as Yan Weiwen, Dong Wenhua and others were his protégés. During the ceremony, they prayed silently with tears in their eyes to express their deep remembrance of their teacher. And Jin Tielin's son Jin Shengquan showed a deep sadness and infinite longing for his father in front of the media, he was wearing a black suit and a white flower pinned to his chest, although his appearance was handsome, but his eyes were full of sadness.

Jin Tielin's contribution to the Chinese vocal music industry is immeasurable. He not only promoted the internationalization of Chinese folk music, but also personally cultivated generations of musical talents. His influence extends far beyond his personal life and emotional entanglements. As is often the case in life, the private lives of public figures often become the focus of attention from the outside world.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Jin Tielin's life is full of legends, from an ordinary conservatory student to becoming a national music educator and singer, his every step is sonorous and powerful. His musical journey is a microcosm of Chinese vocal music from behind the scenes to the world stage. His educational philosophy has inspired countless music students to pursue excellence.

It was at his farewell ceremony that an unexpected "vacancy" arose. This situation reminds one of the fact that, despite his extraordinary achievements in the music industry, his private life was also full of twists and turns. As a public figure, every choice he makes, whether it is a musical breakthrough or a decision in his personal life, inevitably becomes a topic of discussion in the outside world.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Jin Tielin's life is so colorful, full of the charm of music and the twists and turns of life. His music career, like his life, is full of highs and lows. Even after his death, discussions and memories of him continue to ferment in the music industry and wider society. People's memory of him is not only his moving singing, but also his complex and changeable life journey.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Perhaps, one might ask, why is there such a clear "vacancy" in the last moments of such a great artist, does this reflect his complex personal relationships, or some regrets in his life? These questions may never have a definite answer. But what is certain is that Jin Tielin's artistic career and his contributions to Chinese music will be remembered by history.

Jin Tielin's funeral: The only son cried into tears, and neither his current wife nor ex-wife Li Guyi attended

Jin Tielin's life is like a wonderful epic, and he has left indelible traces on the stage of music.

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