
The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

author:Flame Nezha
The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted a long post late at night in response to public opinion questions.

After the post was posted, it was deleted in seconds, but the content has been screenshotted and saved by netizens.

01 The heroine's statement

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

02 Disclaimer points

In this statement, the heroine mainly emphasized several points:

(1) For the death of the fat cat, express sadness and apologies;

(2) Apologize for the quarrel in love;

(3) I didn't expect this to be the result, I can't believe it's true;

(4) The state is very poor, and I want to think about it painfully. I have been to the psychiatric department three times, and I have to rely on drugs and alcohol to sleep for insomnia all night;

(5) still miss the fat cat and want to see news of him;

(6) One moment feels that he is wrong, and the other time he feels that he is not wrong;

(7) Maybe it's really wrong;

(8) We are online dating, I am not an online scam!

03 Fat cat personality and family of origin

The heroine introduced the experience of getting married to the fat cat because of the game.

And said that there is a problem with the fat cat's original family. This mainly refers to the fact that the fat cat's parents were divorced when he was very young, and he grew up in his grandmother's house.

Due to the lack of parental love, fat cats will inevitably feel lonely. He also has no academic qualifications, and entered society early to make a living by playing with his talent for games. This special experience will inevitably have a certain impact on the fat cat's personality.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

The heroine introduced the first quarrel between the two parties after falling in love.

She said that the fat cat has high requirements for the purity of feelings, and he can't tolerate such a small thing as giving flowers to girlfriends in the game. will be furious, will continue to be cold and violent, and even take medicine indiscriminately to think about S.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

04 The transfer of money is voluntary for fat cats

After the heroine claimed to be officially in love, she proposed to set up a joint account to be managed by both parties.

But the fat cat directly refused. He expressed his complete trust in the heroine and voluntarily handed over all the money to the woman for safekeeping.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

05 Fat cats have an unstable personality

The heroine said that during the relationship between the two parties, the fat cat had an unstable personality.

They often quarrel over small things, and are used to using cold violence, and even often have extreme thoughts.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

06 once broke up and the money was returned

The heroine said that the two had a breakup last year.

The woman returned all the money transferred by the fat cat, and the two parties deleted each other's friends.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

07 Chongqing Benxian, temporarily separated

After the two broke up and reconciled, they were determined to solve the problem of "long-distance relationship".

So the fat cat came to Chongqing from Hunan.

But because the two sides have not met for more than a year, they are slightly unfamiliar. In addition, the heroine is not suitable for the life of rash cohabitation, and the fat cat chooses to live in a rental house temporarily out of respect for the woman.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

08 The heroine is tired and intends to break up

The heroine said that due to the fat cat's personality and the frequent use of cold violence, she was unable to insist on this relationship.

The woman intends to break up and decides to repay part of the arrears first. As for the funds that have been spent, they will be returned gradually and regularly.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

09 The reason for the final breakup

The heroine said that the fat cat's money was a burden to her!

The fat cat insists on handing over all the money to the woman, and if she doesn't accept it, she suspects that the woman has a new love;

This back and forth brought a great psychological burden to the woman, and finally the heroine decided to break up. And said that the money spent, will work hard and slowly repay.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

10. Respond to online public opinion

The heroine also responded to public opinion on the Internet. The core content is:

(1) We are in a normal relationship, not cheating money;

(2) I don't have a PUA brother, and I often advise him not to work too hard and not to lose weight excessively;

(3) My brother is gone, and I am also very sad;

(4) Fishing in the circle of friends is rumor-mongering and fabrication out of nothing;

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

(5) I didn't make up all kinds of reasons to ask for money, and only reached out during festivals or difficulties;

(6) I only met twice during the online dating, and that was because the fat cat had low self-esteem due to his fat body and refused to meet;

(7) The fat cat has been clearly informed before arriving in Chongqing that it does not accept cohabitation;

(8) The flower shop is a joint venture agreed by the two people;

(9) Huge transfers include items such as joint access and store fees, and gifts such as mobile phones and skin care products are normal interactions between lovers, and there is no problem.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

(10) In Chongqing, I didn't hide all the time and didn't see each other;

(11) The 780 yuan order placed by the fat cat in the flower shop before jumping into the river was anonymous, and I didn't know it was him;

(12) The reason for not responding is that the mental state is not good, and the doctor's advice is followed;

(13) A friend came forward to speak out with good intentions, but did not take into account the pain of the other party's family and expressed apologies;

(14) Occasionally post some copywriting that follows the trend, without a special purpose, and it is not fishing;

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

(15) I do not agree with the statement of 510,000. Because the accounts are turned back and forth, there is not such a large amount;

(16) Do not accept "long-distance relationships", so it is recommended that fat cats go to Chongqing;

(17) The parties did not agree on a May marriage date, nor did they abandon the fat cat in the rental house;

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

(18) It's not about breaking up after your birthday. but later had a quarrel and decided to break up;

(19) The order of the flower shop before jumping into the river was anonymous, and I don't know who it was, so I didn't contact him;

(20) I haven't broken up online dating for two years, not because of money, but because I think others are good;

(21) The fat cat refused to disclose his birthday, so there was no plan to "break up when he saw that he was about to get the certificate";

(22) Using the fat cat relatives card to swipe the money was mistaken, and the binding was later unbound;

(23) The copywriting of a certain book is borrowed from peers, and it is only for traffic, and there is no other purpose;

(24) The statement that "2 years of PUA caused death" is not true, because he likes to do extremely impulsive things soon after he falls in love;

(25) There is no information about the fat cat in the circle of friends, not to create a single character, but because of a quarrel, it was deleted at the request of the fat cat.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

The heroine attaches chat records and transfer vouchers

In order to prove that what she said was true, the heroine also attached a large number of chat records between the two parties.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

At the same time, some important transfer documents are also attached.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

The editor said

【Death of a Fat Cat】Love Brain, Native Family and Material Girl: Multiple Interpretations of a Tragedy

The news that the fat cat committed suicide by jumping into the river due to the failure of online dating once again pushed social phenomena such as love brains, original families and material girls to the forefront. This tragedy is not only heartbreaking, but also provokes a deep reflection on love, family and social values.

First, let's talk about Love Brain.

The fat cat is deeply in love and can't extricate himself, regards love as the whole of life, and even pays the price of his life for it. Behind the love brain, it is based on excessive idealization and dependence on love. They often lack the ability to think and judge independently, regard the other person as their own, and once the relationship is frustrated, they cannot bear it. This blind view of love can not only easily lead to personal tragedy, but also have a negative impact on the family and society.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

Fat cat WeChat avatar

Next, we're going to talk about the influence of the family of origin. The fat cat experienced the divorce of his parents at a very young age, which caused him a deep sense of hurt and loneliness. The lack of love and support from his family made him develop a sensitive and fragile personality as he grew up. This personality trait makes him more vulnerable to hurt in the face of love and more prone to extreme behavior. The absence of the original family is undoubtedly one of the factors that led to this tragedy.

Finally, we're going to talk about the material girl. In this incident, there is an opinion that the girl is a fishing girl, using the guy's feelings to obtain material benefits. Although the heroine posted a long article to justify, it is also an indisputable fact that during the two-year relationship, she spent a lot of money on the man without a marriage contract.

In modern society, there are indeed some girls who pursue material comforts excessively in love, basing their love on money and material things. It is believed that material support is the embodiment of love. This kind of value not only distorts the essence of love, but also makes it easy for boys to lose their way in the process of pursuing love and have a wrong view of love.

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

This tragedy has forced us to re-examine social phenomena such as the love brain, the family of origin and the material girl. We need to promote a healthy view of love, so that young people understand that love cannot be measured by material things, and cannot be blindly given unilaterally, but must be based on equality, respect and understanding.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the influence of the family of origin, and provide more help and care for those young people who lack family care.

In this tragedy, we should not only feel sorry and sad for the loss of the fat cat, but also learn from it and reflect on our society and culture. Let's work together to create a healthier, more positive and uplifting environment for young people to grow up, so that they can establish the right outlook and values of love and avoid similar tragedies from happening again!

The heroine of the fat cat incident posted late at night, responding to public opinion questions, detailing the love process, and showing the record

[Click to watch]: The full version of the fat cat incident

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