
The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

author:Liquor Place

According to the Propaganda Department of the Meizhou Dapu County Party Committee, at about 2:10 a.m. on May 1, a distressing highway pavement collapse accident occurred near K11 900m on the Meida Expressway towards Fujian. As of 5:30 a.m. on May 2, 23 vehicles had collapsed, 36 people had unfortunately been killed and 30 others had been injured.

This sudden incident is deplorable, but it also shows the best of human nature: in times of crisis, there are people who do not hesitate to lend a hand and do their best to help others.

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

At about 8 o'clock last night, the search and rescue site was brightly lit, the large machinery was in full swing, and the rescuers worked hard day and night.

According to the search and rescue personnel, there are many risks and difficulties at the rescue site, such as continuous rain and gravel and earthwork at the landslide site, but they will do their best to rescue the trapped people within the 72-hour golden rescue period.

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

An eyewitness told reporters that half of the road had collapsed at that time, but some vehicles still stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. They tried to stop the car behind them with the flashing lights of their mobile phones, and one elderly man even knelt down to stop the car, showing the deepest anxiety and worry in human nature.

Enthusiastic drivers rescued 6 people

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

Before rescuers arrived, a number of drivers who passed by the scene of the incident did not hesitate to stop and save people. One of them was Liu Yongjin, who was from Yongding, Longyan, Fujian Province, and was passing through the Meida Expressway at the time of the incident. When Liu Yongjin saw the scene of the incident, he immediately got out of the car to launch a rescue operation and successfully rescued 6 trapped people.

Members of the public enthusiastically donated blood to the accident victims

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

After learning that blood was needed to rescue the wounded, many volunteers and citizens actively participated in blood donation to contribute to the recovery of the injured. Although it rained from time to time, there were still crowds in front of the blood donation point, and citizens participated one after another, showing the warmth and solidarity of the society.

Meida Expressway has just completed the investigation of potential safety hazards at the end of April

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

In this accident, some highway experts and industry insiders believe that the continuous rain for several days may have caused the collapse. Although a drainage canal was installed under the roadbed, the rupture of the drainage channel could cause rainwater to invade the mountain, which exacerbated the accident.

Source: Morning News, CCTV News, Southern, The Paper, Beijing News

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

In the face of disaster, the warmest side of humanity is always revealed. In this sudden tragedy, we have seen the kindness and bravery of countless ordinary people. They may not be heroes, but their actions make people feel the preciousness of life and the warmth of the world.

After the tragedy, the rescuers fought day and night on the front line, interpreting their responsibility and responsibility with their own actions. They took risks, silently dedicated, and devoted themselves to the rescue work regardless of returns, showing the spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded.

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

And in the midst of grief and fear, there are also people who choose to reach out and do their best to help. The drivers who passed by on the road, the citizens who rescued the injured at the scene of the incident, and the volunteers who actively participated in blood donation all brought a glimmer of hope and warmth to the people in the disaster area in their own way.

In the face of this disaster, we should not only passively pay attention and grieve, but also think about how to prevent and respond to it in ordinary times. The government and relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and management of public safety, and promptly discover and eliminate potential safety hazards, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. And every ordinary person should also have a certain sense of safety, learn how to correctly save themselves and each other in an emergency, and jointly build a safer and more harmonious social environment.

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help

Finally, let us all observe a moment of silence for the victims, pray for the wounded, may the deceased rest in peace, and may the injured recover soon. May each of us be able to have good thoughts, help each other, work together in the face of difficulties, and go through every difficult moment together. May warmth and hope always be with us, so that life will be better because of love!

The tragedy escalated! 36 people were killed, the witnesses lost control and rushed into the car, and the grandfather knelt on the ground and begged for help