
There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

author:Don't look at current events
There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

Recently, the protests on campuses in the United States have continued to ferment, and it has been more than 10 days, affecting 86 well-known universities, with more than 10,000 participants, during which as many as 700 students have been arrested for participating in the protests. In response, President Trump also issued a statement expressing concern, saying that a failure in the election could lead to bloodshed. So, where did this protest movement come from?

There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

Since April 18, mass protests have erupted in major universities in the United States, with students setting up tents, hanging banners, and putting up posters on campuses, pointing the finger at Jews. Although some people think that this is the awakening of young people, the US government does not buy it. Because the current U.S. government has close ties with Jews, Biden's election as president is inseparable from the financial backing behind it. As a result, senior government officials, including the mayor of New York, White House spokesmen, and members of Congress, have come forward to exhort students to return to class and accuse them of "wasting their parents' money." However, the students did not buy it, knowing full well that if the protests ended in a hurry, the Jews would become even more arrogant and the social contradictions in the United States would be further exacerbated in the future.

There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

In the face of the students' resoluteness, the government has taken tougher measures, threatening to use the National Guard to crack down on the protests if they do not subside. So far, in just half a month, more than 700 protesting students have been arrested, and the arrests are still ongoing. The students face great security risks, but they remain adamant that if their rights are not guaranteed, what is the point of surviving and that the protests continue.

There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

So where did the protest movement originate? In fact, the initial protests were born out of students' solidarity with the innocent Palestinian people. They have witnessed the atrocities committed by the Israeli army in the war, and as a group of knowledgeable and idealistic youth, they cannot sit idly by. Not only that, but many Americans have joined the ranks of solidarity with Palestine and called on the government to immediately stop Israel's acts of war. However, the Biden administration has ignored this and instead fully supported Israel. At the same time, the United States has sent aircraft carriers to the Middle East region and sent Secretary of State Blinken to mediate, further fueling Israel's arrogance. In addition, the United States has rejected the proposal to admit Palestine as a full member of the United Nations, which has undoubtedly hindered the process of settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

In the international community, the United States has lost the hearts and minds of the people, and at home, the wanton behavior of the Jews has exacerbated the widening gap between the rich and the poor in society. Today, the U.S. government's support for Israel has generated widespread discontent, and the campus protest movement epitomizes this discontent.

There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.
There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.
There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.
There is chaos on American college campuses, and Trump says it could lead to bloodshed.

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