
Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

In last night's Saudi Arabia Grand Slam event, national table tennis player Lin Gaoyuan started his journey with a hearty victory. What is different from the past is that Lin Gaoyuan looked extremely excited and relaxed after this victory, and the post-game interview was full of jokes, which made people sigh: This young man is so cute!

Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

First, it is finally "transferred"!

When asked about the difference between this Grand Slam and the previous two times, Lin Gaoyuan said with a smile: "I finally won this time, and I feel that my feng shui has finally improved!" It turned out that in the first two Grand Slam events, Lin Gaoyuan was unfortunately out of the tournament after one round, which made him a little "jealous" of his Grand Slam journey. However, on this trip to Saudi Arabia, he finally broke this curse and justified himself with a victory.

Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

Second, the trip to Saudi Arabia is fresh and exciting

Talking about the feeling of coming to Saudi Arabia for the first time, Lin Gaoyuan said that everything made him feel new and interesting. From the environment of the stadium to the local customs, he is full of curiosity and anticipation. He also revealed that after the competition, he would wander around more often to feel the charm of this Middle Eastern country.

Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

3. Difficult preparation, one game at a time to the end

Although he won the first battle, Lin Gaoyuan did not relax his preparations for the subsequent games. He said that every next game will be a tough battle, and he needs to be fully prepared for difficulties and fight to the end one game at a time. This humble and pragmatic attitude also makes people look forward to his future.

Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

4. Relax and enjoy the game

In the interview, Lin Gaoyuan also revealed his change in mentality during the game. He said that he was noticeably more relaxed and no longer as nervous as before. This relaxed mindset also allows him to enjoy the game better and perform at his level.

Lin Gaoyuan won the first match of the Saudi Grand Slam, and the post-match interview made the audience laugh bluntly and bluntly said that it was finally "transferred".

Seeing Lin Gaoyuan's performance in the post-match interview, people can't help but sigh that this young man is really getting more and more mature. From the previous nervousness to the current relaxed self-confidence, Lin Gaoyuan has written his own legend with his own efforts and sweat. I believe that in the future competitions, he will continue to bring us more surprises and touches. Come on, Lin Gaoyuan, I look forward to you continuing to shine in the next games!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect his rights, and the first article refuses to be plagiarized)

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