
looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

author:e Lecture on literature

1. The opening chapter directly introduces the theme: Celebrities in the entertainment industry are facing the increasingly serious common problem of "hair loss", which has undoubtedly become a national mental health problem that we must seriously face and solve!

According to the latest data released by authoritative health institutions, the total number of people with hair loss in mainland China has exceeded a staggering 250 million, and young people are the main force among them. Once upon a time, on the screen, those radiant stars were all loved by the audience.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

However, what is surprising is that even these artists with extraordinary charm in people's minds cannot get rid of the problem of "hair loss".

In this entertainment industry that wins by appearance, celebrities' worries about "baldness" are everywhere. Once there are signs of "falling hair", it is bound to have a far-reaching impact on their acting careers.

Therefore, celebrities have taken various measures, such as wearing wig sets, performing hair transplant surgery, and covering up with curly hair, etc., in an effort to maintain their public image, so as not to affect the love and support of fans.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

There is no doubt that "hair loss" has become a national mental health problem that we must take seriously.

2. Memories open: Let's look back on the past and relive the youthful and glamorous years of those stars, when they were the focus of attention, and their appearance was impeccable.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

Looking back at the past, those stars whose image is not as good as before used to be were all idol-level figures in the limelight. For example, Zheng Shaoqiu has won the love of many female audiences in martial arts dramas with his handsome and chic temperament, and his role as Chu Liuxiang has become an eternal classic; He Rundong has successfully become a "muscular male god" with his sturdy figure, and has created a distinct tough guy image in TV series such as "Fengyun"; Peng Yuyan's status as a national male god is even more well-known, and hot topics about him on the Internet are endless, which shows his popularity back then.

Looking at Jiao Enjun in the costume drama industry, his bald head and "instant noodle head" can be easily controlled, which can be called the "Monkey King". And Eason Chan's songs are the good memories of many people's adolescence, which young man has not sung his "Ten Years" and "King of K Songs" loudly in KTV? Even the current popular student Bai Jingting emerged at a young age, and his handsome appearance has attracted the attention of countless girls.

3. Depiction of the current situation: However, time flies, and now most of them have gradually moved away from the glory of the past, and the traces of "hair loss" have become more and more obvious, and the image is worlds different from the past.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

Looking back on the old days, those stars who used to shine on the screen have now fallen into the dilemma of "hair loss", and the once gorgeous image no longer exists! For example, Zheng Shaoqiu, the former charismatic male god, after entering middle age, his hairline has quietly moved to the top of his head, in order to maintain his public image, he has to choose to wear a delicate wig to modify it; is so eye-catching, people can't help but sigh whether he is about to "transform into the fifth elder brother"?

However, the problem of hair loss is not limited to male celebrities, even the young and promising Bai Jingting has not been spared. In a variety show, the camera inadvertently captured his high hairline, which made the audience jaw-dropping.

The originally calm and calm temperament disappeared without a trace in an instant under the trouble of hair loss.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

Analyzing the reasons behind it, we found that there are many factors that affect the hair loss of celebrities. First of all, the headgear used in costume dramas has undoubtedly become a big "killer" of their hair.

Taking Zheng Shaoqiu and Jiao Enjun as examples, they have both been deeply affected by the "devastation" of ancient costume headgear, which makes the already thinning hair thinner Secondly, staying up late for a long time and huge work pressure are also one of the important reasons for hair loss, Eason Chan has always had the habit of staying up late, no wonder he has shown signs of "baldness" at a young age, and Sha Yi is even more through "staying up late", deliberately speeding up his aging process, so as to get rid of "little fresh meat" In addition, the increase in age is also a factor that cannot be ignored Huang Xiaoming has already shown signs of hair loss in his twenties, and even fitness expert Peng Yuyan cannot escape the fate of hair loss when he is close to 40 years old.

Faced with such a serious problem of hair loss, celebrities have to resort to various means to save their image. Such as wearing a wig cover, having a hair transplant surgery, covering it with curls, and so on.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

However, no matter which method is used, it cannot completely solve the problem of hair loss, which undoubtedly brings great trouble to celebrities, so how to effectively prevent hair loss has become a difficult problem in front of everyone.

Faced with the dilemma caused by hair loss, celebrities also tried hard to find a solution, and had to use a variety of methods to defend their image.

For example, Zheng Shaoqiu and Jiao Enjun, two celebrities, had to wear wigs in public to cover the increasingly thinning top of their heads. Even when attending the funeral of his loved ones, Zheng Shaoqiu never took off the "wig", which shows that he attaches great importance to this issue.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

Eason Chan cleverly uses small fluffy curls to cover the thinning of the top of his head and the high hairline. Sha Yi relied on the assistance of external drugs to maintain his hair volume that could be changed as he wanted.

In addition, Huang Xiaoming and Peng Yuyan put a lot of effort into the styling design. They often use hair dryers and hair wax to create the perfect hairstyle, trying to hide the truth of "bald heads".

Although sometimes image management is a little rough, the slightest flaw is enough to cause an uproar in the online world.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

It can be seen that whether they wear wigs, have hair transplant surgery, or use curls to cover them, celebrities are doing their best to maintain their "perfect" image in the public eye and prevent hair loss from negatively affecting their careers.

In this entertainment industry that pays great attention to appearance, they have no choice but to deal with it carefully.

6. Conclusion: Hair loss has become an inescapable reality, and it is important to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, while also cherishing your physical and mental health and hair.

looks handsome, but in fact the hair loss is serious! Sha Yi, Peng Yuyan, and Bai Jingting, each sad and funny

From the personal experience of celebrities, it is not difficult to find that the phenomenon of "baldness" has evolved into a widespread and unignorable national anxiety problem. Especially for an industry like the entertainment industry, which has extremely high requirements for the image of stars, once they encounter hair loss, it will inevitably deal a heavy blow to their career development.

Therefore, we have witnessed many celebrities having to take various measures such as wearing wigs, hair transplants, and curly hair coverings to cover up their "baldness" and strive to maintain their perfect image.

After all, in this "appearance-first" industry, they can't stand any "flaws".

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