
Xiaochang Steep Mountain: Spring ploughing "accelerated" mechanization breeds good "seedlings" for a bumper harvest

author:Hsiaochang Melting

In the past few days, the large grain growers in Qishan Township, Xiaochang County, have actively carried out the work of intensive seedling raising of medium rice, laying a solid foundation for a bumper harvest of autumn grain.

Xiaochang Steep Mountain: Spring ploughing "accelerated" mechanization breeds good "seedlings" for a bumper harvest

In the seedling raising greenhouse of the Sijihong Planting Professional Cooperative in Damiao Village, Qishan Township, several workers are busy arranging, sprinkling soil, sowing seeds, and covering soil...... One by one, the finished seedling trays are quickly completed, and then stacked up, waiting for the new seedlings to break through the soil.

According to Hu Jianchu, the person in charge of the cooperative, compared with the traditional seedling raising method, mechanized seedling raising has greatly shortened the seedling raising time, and the germination rate of seedlings is higher and more uniform.

Xiaochang Steep Mountain: Spring ploughing "accelerated" mechanization breeds good "seedlings" for a bumper harvest

"The cooperative plans to raise 1,200 acres of seedlings, and has raised more than 300 acres of seedlings. Hu Jianchu, head of the Four Seasons Red Planting Professional Cooperative in Damiao Village, Steep Mountain Township, said.

Xiaochang Steep Mountain: Spring ploughing "accelerated" mechanization breeds good "seedlings" for a bumper harvest

In Steep Mountain Village, the villagers are taking advantage of the fine weather to drive rotary cultivators back and forth in the fields, plowing, rotary tillage, and leveling the land, preparing for the seedling planting work before May Day, and the fields are full of vitality and vitality.

Xiaochang Steep Mountain: Spring ploughing "accelerated" mechanization breeds good "seedlings" for a bumper harvest

"Our village has purchased four rotary cultivators, and now we are plowing 2,200 acres of paddy fields in the village, and planting seedlings before May Day. The rice planted is high-quality, and it can be harvested in October. Liu Lei, secretary of the general party branch of Steep Mountain Village, Steep Mountain Township, said.

Steep Mountain Township will continue to do a good job in preparing for spring ploughing in an all-round and multi-measure manner through policy support, demonstration drive, and scientific and technological boost, so as to apply enough "bottom fertilizer" for spring ploughing preparation, so as to achieve industrial efficiency and increase the income of the masses.

Reporter: Huang Yiyang

Editor: Liu Shuang

Editor-in-charge: Li Wenli

Final review: Gao Yufeng