
【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

-Let civilization accompany you all the way-

Tourism is not only an activity to discover and appreciate beauty, but also an activity to create beauty. The words and deeds of the majority of tourists in tourism not only reflect the personal civilization quality, but also show the degree of civilization of the city. So how to achieve civilized, safe and green tourism while traveling happily? Let's learn with us!

Part 01 「健康出游」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Pay attention to personal health and safety when traveling

Insist on wearing masks, maintain a one-meter social distance, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently, cover coughs and sneezes, do a good job of health monitoring, and report to the tour guide or relevant departments in time if you find any physical abnormalities.

Part 02 「爱护环境」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Care for the environment and low-carbon travel

When traveling abroad, a comfortable and clean environment needs to be maintained by everyone. We need to pay attention to protecting the environment, do not litter, do a good job of garbage classification, do not spit, adhere to low-carbon travel, you can try hiking, cycling, etc., slow down and enjoy the trip.

Part 03「遵守秩序」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Be humble and orderly, and show grace

When visiting scenic spots, you should abide by public order, do not block the road in parallel, and do not cut the queue randomly. Promote yourself and others, and make it convenient for everyone. When tourists are crowded, it is necessary to be humble and avoid to ensure safety. Do not make loud noises when visiting scenic spots, and control the volume of your speech so as not to spoil the interest of others present (especially museums, art galleries, etc.).

Part 04「以礼待人」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Keep smiling and caring for others

"Smile is the language of the whole world. "A smile is the best way to melt away barriers and contradictions. During your travels, you should be tolerant, optimistic, and friendly travelers. It is an instinct to behave politely, not to insult and beat the service staff, to respect the rights of others, to care for the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and to show kindness to others.

Part 05「保护文物」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Take care of the local grass and trees, and protect cultural relics

If you like a flower, you will pluck it, and if you love a flower, you will water it. All things have spirits, and everything in the tourist destination needs to be carefully cared for. We should consciously take care of the monuments and not climb or scribble.

Part 06 「入乡随俗」

【Civilized Tourism】May Day travel, civilized tourism must be remembered

Understand the customs and culture of other places in advance, respect and integrate

Do your homework in advance on some customs in different places and foreign countries, so that you can better understand the local customs, and communicate more with the locals when you go to the local area, and finally remind everyone that you must respect and integrate while understanding the terroir, so as to have a better experience.

If the grassy green space is the coat of the city

The patchwork of buildings is the face of the city

Then, the quality of the people is the soul of the city


Start with me, start from now, start from little by little

Let's join hands to create a good tourism environment

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