
Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

author:Yujian Xiaopo Station


Wu Qilong's wilderness survival show

When Wu Qilong set foot on the desert island of "This Is My Island", he did not expect to become a hot topic on social media that day. As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Wu Qilong's wilderness survival skills are impressive.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

In a wilderness survival challenge, he only used flint and steel to light the bonfire in one second, which made Song Yaxuan, who was watching, stunned. For a young singer like Song Yaxuan, the seemingly simple skill of making a fire can be a huge challenge.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

But for Wu Qilong, this is just the basic skill in his wilderness survival skills. Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this scene and commented on social media, some praised Wu Qilong as a "desert island survival expert", and some joked that Song Yaxuan was "not good at learning".

The bits and pieces of island survival


The encounter between Wu Qilong and Song Yaxuan on the island is not only a demonstration of life skills in the wild, but also an exchange that spans the ages. The outdoor tools carried by Wu Qilong include not only flints, but also multi-functional knives and compasses, which have played a huge role in the survival of the desert island.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

The young Song Yaxuan, on the other hand, brings a fresh perspective and the courage to try, and although he may not be as good as Wu Qilong in terms of survival skills in the wild, his learning attitude and hard work are impressive.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

After seeing these two celebrities so engaged in desert island life, netizens began to actively discuss on social media, some netizens expressed their views on survival in the wild, and some discussed how they would cope in a similar environment.

Wu Qilong, a wild expert


Wu Qilong's experience in surviving in the wild has garnered a lot of attention on social media. Many netizens began to ridicule their wild survival skills, and some netizens even put forward a challenge, hoping to compete with Wu Qilong.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

At the same time, Song Yaxuan also gained a lot from this experience, and he said on social media that this desert island survival not only taught him a lot of survival skills, but also gave him a deeper understanding and respect for nature. This experience became an unforgettable lesson in his life.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

Fun facts about desert island vacations

During the filming of "This Is My Island", the interesting things that happened between Wu Qilong and Song Yaxuan also became the focus of discussion among netizens. From learning from each other at the beginning, to fighting side by side later, the relationship between the two has become more and more harmonious.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

In particular, Wu Qilong's creative practice of using an outdoor watch as a flint and steel surprised Song Yaxuan and the staff present.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

This small act not only shows Wu Qilong's rich knowledge of survival in the wild, but also reflects the wisdom of improvising in difficult situations.

Heated discussion among netizens


When these anecdotes were shared on social media, they immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens began to share their own or their friends' wild survival experiences, while others proposed various survival tips

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

Some netizens even began to organize offline wilderness survival activities, trying to replicate the experiences of Wu Qilong and Song Yaxuan in the show. The conversation sparked by the two celebrities not only stopped at the discussion of desert island survival skills, but also inspired people's love of nature and adventure.


Although Wu Qilong and Song Yaxuan's performance in "This is My Island" has attracted widespread attention and discussion, there are also some voices that have put forward different opinions. Some viewers believe that celebrities participating in wilderness survival shows may focus too much on performance and ignore the real survival challenges.

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

At the same time, there are concerns that such programs may encourage unsafe wilderness adventures. However, regardless of people's opinions, Wu Qilong and Song Yaxuan's performances in the show undoubtedly brought joy and inspiration to the audience

Tinder and Sparks: Wu Qilong's desert island survival guide is on fire, and Song Yaxuan also wants to have one!

It also allows more people to start thinking and discussing topics related to nature and survival. In this process, it is not only the transfer of knowledge and skills, but also the exchange of emotions and wisdom.

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