
From Qin Jiushao to "Needham's Question", how can we carry forward the mathematical civilization in the Chinese tradition?

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

Qin Jiushao, a southern Song Dynasty mathematician born in Puzhou (present-day Anyue), Sichuan, completed the mathematical masterpiece "Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers" in 1247. Its "Qin Jiushao algorithm" and derivation of the "Qin Jiushao formula" solved the "univariate indefinite equation system" more than 550 years earlier than the Westerner Gauss, that is, the "Great Yan Seeking One Technique". The "Great Derivative Technique" is the core solution to the problem of the system of congruent equations, now named "Chinese Residual Theorem". The 200,000-word "Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers" was born in the thirteenth century and has a major influence on the history of Chinese science. American historian of science Sutton (G. Sarton praised Qin Jiushao as "one of the greatest mathematicians of his people, of his time, and indeed of all his time."

From Qin Jiushao to "Needham's Question", how can we carry forward the mathematical civilization in the Chinese tradition?

Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers, 9 chapters and 18 volumes, 9 chapters and 9 categories, "Great Yan Class", "Tianshi Class", "Field Domain Class", "Survey Class", "Enlistment Class", "Qiangu Class", "Construction Class", "Military Brigade Class", "City Objects Class". 9 questions (9 questions) in each category, for a total of 81 questions (81 questions). The content is very rich, astronomy, astrology, calendar, weather measurement, river channels, water conservancy, construction, transportation, various geometric figures and volumes, money valley, enlistment, market, tooth and li calculation and mutual exchange, all have, known as "the treasure book in the calculation". As a valuable harvest of ancient Chinese mathematics, Qin Jiushao's mathematics is based on the mathematics of daily life, and precipitation is a meteorological factor that has a great impact on agricultural production. In the "Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers", Qin Jiushao expounded the measurement and calculation methods of precipitation such as rain measurement in Tianchi, rain measurement in circular poppies, snow testing in junji, and snow testing in bamboo vessels.

Under what circumstances was this great work written? What is your writing style? In the middle of the 20th century, the famous British scholar Joseph Needham proposed in his "History of Science and Technology in China": "Ancient China made many important contributions to the development of human science and technology, but why did the scientific and industrial revolution not take place in modern China?" This is known as the famous "Needham's Question." What are the unique characteristics of ancient oriental mathematics that are worthy of our nourishment and deep thinking today?

If you are interested in Qin Jiushao, a talented mathematician, you are welcome to sign up for this celebrity lecture hall. The keynote speaker is Cai Tianxin, a professor of mathematics from Zhejiang University. He was not only a high-achieving science student admitted to the Department of Mathematics of Shandong University at the age of 15, but also a poet and writer who has published many works. He has a high enthusiasm for Qin Jiushao's perennial in-depth exploration and popularization to the public.

From Qin Jiushao to "Needham's Question", how can we carry forward the mathematical civilization in the Chinese tradition?

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This event will collect 120 on-site spectators and 4 volunteers (subject to the final organizer's phone or SMS notification), and the friends who love mathematical culture will come to the fast hand and register quickly!

In order to inherit and carry forward the spiritual character and temperament of Sichuan historical celebrities, highlight the contemporary value of historical celebrities, and promote the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture, since the launch of the Sichuan Historical Celebrity Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Project in March 2017, Sichuan Province has announced two batches of 20 Sichuan historical celebrities (the first batch: Dayu, Li Bing, Luo Hong, Yang Xiong, Zhuge Liang, Wu Zetian, Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, Yang Shen, the second batch: Wen Weng, Sima Xiangru, Chen Shou, Chang Xuan, Chen Ziang, Xue Tao, Gesar Wang, Zhang Yu, Qin Jiushao, Li Tiaoyuan).

The "Celebrity Lecture Hall" is an important cultural activity sponsored by the Office of the Leading Group for the Implementation of the Sichuan Historical Celebrity Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Project, the Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group (Cover News, West China Metropolis Daily), and the Sichuan Provincial Library, and is sought after by the majority of fans. Since the official opening of the lecture in November 2018, the "Celebrity Lecture Hall" has invited experts in the fields of history, humanities and natural sciences, including Li Jingze, Alai, Li Bo, Yu Dan, Mei Zhengzheng, Fang Beichen, Sun Xiaochun, etc., to sit and discuss with the audience, becoming a beautiful cultural business card.

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