
Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards

Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards

Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards

Well-known critic James Polazzo wrote: "Who would have thought that the bravest and most honest athlete of our generation would be a tennis player? I love combat sports, but Djokovic is more of a fighter at heart than any boxer or MMA warrior. He repeatedly refused to bow to the Westerners ..."

When Djokovic wrote at the French Open that "Kosovo is the heart of Serbia, stop the violence," he should also be aware of the consequences of doing so. Yes, Western public opinion began to criticize him, the British "Daily Telegraph" accused Xiaode of "anti-Kosovo", French Sports Minister Castella angrily criticized Xiaode should not express "very radical and very political" views, and the Kosovo Olympic Committee called for the complete ban of Djokovic.

With the so-called "political correctness" of Europe and the United States dominating absolutely, Djokovic can completely refrain from speaking out against the violence in Kosovo, so as not to be bombarded by the Western media camp. But out of love for his homeland Serbia, out of defense of conscience and true thoughts, Xiaode once again offended "mainstream Western values."

Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards

Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in 2008, although Serbia still considers Kosovo its territory. There is antagonism between Albanian and Serbian people in northern Kosovo, and NATO peacekeepers have clashed with Serbian demonstrators in recent days, resulting in many injuries. Djokovic has more than once publicly expressed the view that Kosovo is not an independent state, which has made European and American politicians angry, because Xiaode has hundreds of millions of fans and has a global influence that cannot be ignored.

Djokovic is the most typical "anti-Western sports superstar", not that he deliberately opposes Europe and the United States, on the contrary, Xiaode is just loyal to his heart, said some heartfelt words, and did some things within his scope, but unexpectedly because of the incompatibility of the three views, he repeatedly poked the lung tube of Western politicians. There are many athletes who do not agree with Western politics, but among the phenomenal stars in the current service, Xiaode should be the only one.

Ironically, the Western media adopted a naked double standard in response to the political rhetoric of athletes. On the Kosovo issue, Xiaode simply frankly said: "It is necessary to support our citizens and Serbia as a whole", and he was attacked wildly, labeling him as "inciting hatred and hostility to Kosovo". And Belarusian tennis star Sabalenka refused to comment on the Ukrainian crisis, and was also fiercely attacked by the Western camp, forcing her to express her position on this, the so-called "silence is to support aggression in disguise." ——As long as it is not in accordance with the meaning of European and American politicians, voice and silence are actually wrong, you say hegemonic or not overbearing?

Serbia does not belong to the Western camp, and Djokovic loves and defends his homeland in every way possible, which is the irreconcilable contradiction for many years. Whether it is the previous vaccine turmoil, or the current Kosovo controversy, and the foreseeable future, Djokovic will inevitably be smeared and vilified by Western politicians, which is Xiaode's personal misfortune, but it also proves his tenacity and greatness.

Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards
Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards
Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards
Considerate talk|and Shuang Ding was attacked by foreign media politicians, why should Deyo be questioned by double standards

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