
Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

The NBA has officially decided to ban Dream for one game, and he will not be able to participate in the G3 game against the Kings. In an interview, NBA executive vice president Joe Dumas talked about the specific reasons for the ban, not just the decision he made because he stepped on Xiaosa. Sports Illustrated Chris Mannix complained that the league had overreacted and allowed the incident to expand.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted
Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

The ban is a combination of factors

Dumas stressed that the ban was a difficult decision and was not made without serious consideration of many factors.

"It's not a decision that can be made at the snap of a finger, we've had a lot of discussions, back and forth, going back and forth over and over the course of events itself. In the end, we decided that the act itself and his repeated violations really required a ban. Dumas said.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

In the fourth quarter of the Kings vs. Warriors G2, Sabonis grabbed Dream's ankle as he fell to the ground, and Dream eventually stepped on Sabonis's chest, which some described as a "stampede." Sabonis was whistled and dreams were banished.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

Speaking about Sabonis' role in the incident, Dumas said: "He is not completely unpunished, he just does not rise to the level of dreaming - excessive, excessive, dangerous and recidivistic." This is the difference between what he does and what he dreams do. ”

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

Dumas also said that Chasing Dream also gestured and yelled at Sacramento home fans after that, which was also one of the factors considered in the ban. At that time, Xiao Hua, the president of the alliance, was also present and witnessed these crazy moves of chasing dreams. "What happened later did not help the situation at the scene. But if that's all, we won't have a discussion. My focus is on the act itself, and the fact is repeated violations. These are the two main problems. Dumas added.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted
Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

This is the second time Dream has been banned this season, after he was automatically suspended for one game in March after receiving his 16th technical foul. He threw punches at teammate Poole in preseason, causing the team a headache, and earlier this season he was fined $25,000 for using inappropriate language to fans.

The Famous Names complained that the Alliance overreacted

Chris Mannix of Sports Illustrated posted that he believes the NBA's ban on Dreams is an outrageous overreaction and that he has been unfairly punished, as if he had been fined twice.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted
Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

"The NBA officially announced that Draymond Green had been suspended, and I had to check twice to make sure it wasn't a fake NBA account."

Mannix also said: "Chasing Dream's reaction after being held by Sabonis by the ankle was to step on the little Sabonis and jump. This got him ejected, and even this is doubtful, and the ban is even worse. ”

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

"The dream reaction was wrong. Xiao Sa made dirty movements and dreamed of a tooth for a tooth. The great thing about having unlimited replays is that it's easy to say that Green should break free or even fall, and if a technical foul is judged, the Warriors can still get free throws and possession. But in times of emotion, in more than 40 minutes of ups and downs of physical confrontation, the dream-chasing reaction is understandable. Or at least not overly punished. ”

Previously, players such as O'Neal and Lillard supported Dreamcatch, believing that if Sabonis did not grab Dream's ankle, such consequences would not happen. "Sabonis was wrong, he knew what he was doing." Mannix wrote.

Dream G3 ban follow-up: official spokesperson explains the reason in detail Mingji spit on the league overreacted

Mannix acknowledged that chasing dreams was the Shipping of this era, very unpredictable and required special supervision, but also said that the additional ban was too harsh. "It's too much. The Warriors have already paid a high price for losing Green in the final minutes of G2, and now they have to pay another. The league could have ended the incident, but to make matters worse, the ban amplified it. ”

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