
Sports Weekly Shao Huaqian: How does the Chinese Basketball Association maintain credibility?

Text/Sports Weekly Shao Huaqian

"Xinjiang Club has made great contributions to Chinese basketball over the past 20 years, and we respect his decision and regret it. Our job now is to play the league and bring the game back to the fans, and we will also work out all the follow-up work under the existing procedures. ”

After Yao Ming, president of the Chinese Basketball Association, responded like this, Zhou Qi's two-year contract dispute with the Xinjiang Guanghui men's basketball team seems to be coming to an end, for the simple reason that the basketball association has previously issued a penalty notice for the Xinjiang men's basketball team, and the Xinjiang men's basketball team said it did not accept it and chose to withdraw from the CBA.

At present, Guanghui Group will still withdraw from the CBA, but the Xinjiang men's basketball team will remain in the local area, basketball is a link, a bridge, Xinjiang cannot do without professional basketball.

The difference between the Xinjiang team and Zhou Qi's exchange of open letters, I will not repeat here, it is worth noting that in the announcement of the Xinjiang team's withdrawal from the CBA, the spearhead was also pointed at the Chinese Basketball Association, and even Yao Ming, chairman of the basketball association. Earlier, the Xinjiang men's basketball team also had a statement, which also pointed out that Yao Ming was not only responsible for the overall work of the Chinese Basketball Association, but also the chairman of the CBA company, that is, the so-called "management and office are not separated".

But in fact, the so-called "management and management are not separated" is not at all Yao Ming alone can solve it, the Chinese Basketball Association, like the Football Association, is said to be a social group, but it has never been separated from the General Administration of Sports, how can we talk about complete separation of management and management? And although Yao Ming is also the chairman of the CBA company, in the past two years, Yao Ming has actually faded out of the daily management of the CBA company, and the Xinjiang team, as a member of the CBA club, cannot be unaware of such a situation.

But the public is likely unaware. What the public does not know, or can arouse public sentiment, is actually this paragraph in the Xinjiang team's announcement, "At present, the intermediate business of the CBA league is highly concentrated, and the basketball association's coach qualification training, agent qualification certification, youth basketball events and many other businesses, as well as the CBA league's broker business and main sponsor business, are all contracted by a sports management company in large quantities, or even exclusively undertaken, why?" Why?? Why??! There's more than that..."

Three whys, five question marks, plus exclamation marks and ellipses, after watching the previous confrontation between the two Wuhan football clubs and the Chinese Football Association, such words fiercely stirred the nerves of the public.

Regarding this paragraph, after verification, I understand that the "certain sports management company" here is actually Zhonghui Sports, Yao Ming's brokerage company, Yao Ming is also an investor in this company, but after Yao Ming became the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association in 2017, he has stepped down from the company, and at the same time returned all the shares of the company, in fact, Yao Ming has already returned all the company shares he holds.

As mentioned in the announcement, the coaching qualification training of the basketball association, Zhonghui currently has the qualification of D and E level coach training of the Chinese Basketball Association, this qualification is not its exclusive, the Chinese Basketball Association has authorized a number of provincial and municipal basketball associations to carry out such training qualifications, only take Beijing as an example, in addition to Zhonghui, Beijing Basketball Association, Capital Institute of Physical Education and two other basketball training institutions, have E-level coach training qualifications, can open class teaching certificates.

As for agent qualification certification, Zhonghui was authorized by the Human Resources Development Center and Vocational Skills Appraisal and Guidance Center of the General Administration of Sports in 2017 to become a sports agent level training authorization agency, but the agent trained here is a sports agent in a broad sense, with this certificate can not represent CBA players, want to represent the brokerage rights of CBA players, you must pass the agent training assessment of the Chinese Basketball Association, and obtain the agent qualification of the Chinese Basketball Association, the organizer of this training is the Technical Department of the Chinese Basketball Association, not Zhonghui Sports.

The so-called youth basketball events and many other businesses, the small basketball project currently promoted by the Chinese Basketball Association, the right to hold the tournament has been delegated to various local basketball associations, including the final six regional finals, the basketball association found a host to do, Zhonghui did not participate. As for the NYBO National Youth Basketball Open, it is a project incubated by Zhonghui itself, and the funds are self-funded.

Then there is the brokerage business of the CBA League, Zhonghui currently has the brokerage rights of Yi Jianlian, Zhang Zhenlin and others, but as far as I know, there are only a few people, and the brokerage rights of nearly 300 players in the CBA are all in Zhonghui, is it possible? The brokerage rights of Zhou Qi, Wang Zhelin and Ding Yanyuhang are in Zhonghui?

Finally, "main sponsor business", people with a little brand experience know that many companies with investment promotion needs, will authorize advertising companies to a investment agent, you help me pull sponsorship, you can charge a certain agency fee, CBA company has investment agent, Zhonghui also has the qualification from CBA company to accept related business in a legal and compliant way.

The announcement said that "all of them are contracted by a certain company in large quantities, or even exclusively", which business is contracted in large quantities? Which one is exclusive? The Xinjiang men's basketball team is vague, but it has left a lot of imagination space for the melon-eating masses.

In communicating with some industry insiders, we all feel that the accusations of the Xinjiang men's basketball team are groundless. If you have evidence, you can go to the relevant departments to report and expose, if there is no evidence, you should express it truthfully, rather than deliberately covering up, or even splashing dirty water.

Of course, the Xinjiang men's basketball team did not specify the name of the company, which can help them avoid risks, but in fact, it has had an impact on Yao's reputation, and it has also had a negative impact on Chinese basketball and Chinese sports.

If Zhonghui Sports' business dealings with the Chinese Basketball Association and CBA are legal, compliant and in line with the process, then Yao Ming should face the doubts. The Qing people cleaned themselves, and now they do not talk about it like this, but they are actually implemented. The reporter has been interviewing for many years, some of the situation is understood, and those who do not understand can explore and verify in many ways, but the melon-eating masses do not have the time and energy to do this, you Xinjiang men's basketball team said, then I believe it.

I also wrote a comment earlier, the Chinese Basketball Association should also give a clear and clear explanation when punishing the Xinjiang men's basketball team, where Xinjiang violates the law and where the punishment is based, there should be an explanation, rather than simply announcing the punishment results.

Football is not far away, the public's trust in Chinese football, is declining year by year, Chinese basketball at this time silent, will also plant the seeds of doubt in the public's heart, Xinjiang men's basketball turmoil is now gradually subsiding, but what if next time, there is a spearhead pointing to the Chinese Basketball Association and Yao Ming?

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