
China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

CCTV network news: Ikari Buqiao swaying, the rhythm is cheerful and flexible; Thousands of years of ancient rhyme, lighting up intangible cultural heritage treasures; The "divine beast" meets the divine beast, and the stage is vivid... On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve, the 2023 Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival Gala met the audience as scheduled in a joyful, auspicious and joyful atmosphere.

The "Spring Festival Gala" has new ideas every year.

On the night of the happy reunion of the whole family, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Rabbit highlighted the artistic conception of the "Full Tingfang" word, ran the invisible creative link of Chinese excellent traditional culture throughout, and presented thousands of families with a rich spiritual and cultural feast across the Chinese New Year's Eve with rich and diverse program forms, and also highlighted the beauty of modern innovation and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture in romantic writing.

The beauty of culture is the still water depth of classical aesthetics, and the poetic rendering of modern light and shadow.

National treasures are no longer exhibits lying quietly in museums, and the dance "Splendid" allows silent relics to "speak" on stage.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

The dancers walked on the brocade line and danced the lotus flowers, dancing out the majestic Han, weaving splendid rivers and mountains, and smiling to show the solemnity and courage of the Han Dynasty.

The amazing Han Dynasty brocade technique "came out" from the smoke and dust of history, "came alive" in the elegant dance posture, and unexpectedly "collided" with the audience... In the long river of history and the rhythm of the times, people feel the endless Chinese context.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

Discover the red of auspicious Qing from the "persimmon" in autumn, the elegant blue from the "azure blue" after the rain, and the "white of the East" from the early morning skylight... "Manting Fang, National Color" uses dance as the language and song as the rhyme, singing the understanding of Chinese color into songs and dances into paintings, and depicting the colorful and beautiful Manting Fanghua.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

The women's group dance "Ikari Bridge" is a soft and cheerful dance. In the blue waves, swaying girls wade across the stream, dancing on a piano-like Ikari bridge, depicting a gentle and poetic scenery of Jiangnan.

Traditional Chinese musical instruments are soft and soft, and the sound is lingering, accompanied by the ticking of footsteps, turning into an echo on the Ikari Bridge. The dancers are both graceful and powerful, playing lightly and cheerfully along the Ikari Bridge, and a stunning wallpaper is readily available.

This may be the Jiangnan that we yearn for in our hearts, and it is also the nostalgia that cannot be erased!

The beauty of culture is the empathy of heart-to-heart pity, and it is also the light that blooms when tradition and modernity meet.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

The ancient rhyme "Nanyin", known as "Chinese treasure" and "music living fossil", is a world intangible cultural heritage, with a history of more than 1,000 years, and this year for the first time bloomed on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

A hundred flowers bloom, "A Hundred Birds Return to the Nest", the gentle and elegant thousand-year-old music meets and collides with the fashionable and bright modern music, bringing the audience an auspicious scene of birds soaring and playing, highlighting the enduring charm of the thousand-year inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture. Some netizens sighed: "I was mesmerized to hear it!" ”

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

The musical "When the "Divine Beast" Meets the Divine Beast" sings blessings and sings vitality. With the blessing of VR, three-dimensional drawing and other main platform technologies, ancient sacred beasts with auspicious meanings such as phoenixes, unicorns, and Pixiu "walk" out of documents and ancient books, and have wonderful encounters with eccentric children in modern life, passing on auspicious and blessings together. The dynamism of the fusion of tradition and modernity is at this moment.

The beauty of culture is passed down from generation to generation, and innovation is endless.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

Enjoy the Banner Dance for nine days and enjoy the Dragon Leap Shenzhou! The acrobatic performance "Dragon Leap Shenzhou" skillfully combines the melodic timbre of modern music with traditional intangible cultural heritage, injecting strong stage expression and vigorous artistic vitality into the traditional acrobatic performance form of Nakahata.

The dancing middle flags in the hands of the warriors echo and fly up and down in the air and ground like dragons, showing their courage and ingenuity, bringing out the spirit of the Chinese people who are striving upward, and showing the vigorous vitality of traditional arts in the land of China and passed down from generation to generation.

China丨Innovation meets culture in the Spring Festival Gala The court is full of "Fang" hua

Pink and colorful, singing pear garden songs together; The gongs and drums are sonorous, and the cadenza is played.

The wonderful opera performance "Huacai Pear Garden" gathers classic passages of many genres: "Mu Guiying Hangs the Commander", "Mulan", "Outsmart the Tiger Mountain"... Old, middle, young and young performed on the same stage, showing the far-reaching and long-term charm of the opera. Flashing and moving, singing and fighting, for many years, the torch has been passed down, and every move and style is all kung fu. Tradition and modernity mingle, and craftsmanship and form complement each other.

These "highlight moments" let the audience experience the powerful appeal and attraction of Chinese culture, and linked the common cultural nostalgia of hundreds of millions of Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said proudly: "China has a long history and a broad civilization. "We must pay special attention to excavating the essence of China's 5,000-year-old civilization."

Bathed in the blossoming spring light, on the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve 2023, the Spring Festival Gala is like living water slowly immersed in the texture of 5,000 years of cultural context, finding a place in the vast land, looking at symbiosis in poetry and painting, casting the soul in one move and one style, dyeing a layer of continuous and enduring cultural background for the joyful and auspicious and joyful reunion year.

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