
Learn to turn and you win

Learn to turn and you win

Oil magnate Rockefeller said:

"A lot of tragedies are caused by paranoia."

Deeply believed.

In life, perhaps many people will always feel that "kung fu pays off".

As long as you have perseverance and tenacity, then there is nothing that you can't do, and there is no one you can't love.

However, in this world, it is true that not all things can be attached to it, and when people have entered the poor alley, the more perseverance they are to rush forward, the more they will break their heads and bleed.

Only by knowing how to turn around in time can we avoid a lifetime of wear and tear and eventually usher in a new turn for ourselves.

Learn to turn and you win

If you can't get the way, just turn

A person wants to enter a room, but the door in front of him cannot be pushed open.

However, he was a particularly stubborn person, so he was on the bar with this door.

He first found a tool to pry the lock, and when he could not pry it, he smashed the door with a sledgehammer, because the door lock was too strong and busy until dark and did not enter the room.

Because he was exhausted, he was thirsty. So he went to the store to buy a bottle of water, and when he turned to the other side of the house, he found that the house still had an open door...

It seems like a dead end, but just turning a corner solves the problem easily!

In the face of the road that does not work, many times, knowing that it cannot be done, courageous but not rational.

At this time, it is better to know how to turn a corner, and maybe you can willow the dark flowers.

In the TV series "Under the Warm Sun", Song Wei, who has just stepped into society, always feels that he is talented, so he always fantasizes that he can be admitted to a well-known company.

However, his self-proclaimed talent cannot win recognition, and all his resumes to large companies are like a sea of stones.

After encountering setbacks, the right thing for him to do is to readjust his positioning and continue to improve from a small business.

But he was always obsessed with ascending to heaven one step at a time, so he made a mess of his life and his wife left him.

Later, deeply shocked, he began to recognize the reality, started from a humble small company, and finally lived better and better.

Qian Zhongshu said:

"If you look at the world from a different perspective, you will reap different things, and the world will be displayed in a different way."

Our life is never just a road.

Sometimes the road is not clear, instead of touching a head and breaking the blood flow, it is better to turn a corner in time.

When you turn a corner, everything may turn around.

Learn to turn and you win

Those who don't get it, let it go

The philosopher Plato said:

"The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly insist on what should not be insisted on."

Feelings of this matter, not a point of hard work will inevitably have a point of gain, for people who do not love you, even if you try your best, in the end will not be exchanged for a trace of his tenderness.

Blindly obsessed with it, you will find that your attachment is like holding a cactus, and the tighter you hold it, the more painful it will be.

I have seen such a story on the Internet:

A man falls in love with a girl who doesn't love him.

But even though the girl repeatedly rejected him and made it clear that two people were impossible, he was still not dead.

In his heart, as long as he insists, as long as he spares no effort to be good to her, he can always move her to change her mind.

But in the end, his so-called sincerity was worthless in the eyes of women, and later the woman was with a man who had only known him for half a month.

And he was also too obsessed, missing a girl who loved him very much, regretting his life.

Lin Yutang said:

"Giving up wisely is better than blind attachment."

Feelings are actually like this, it is not something you can get with your efforts.

People who love you don't need you to pay too much, people who don't love you, no matter how much you give, it's useless.

It is precisely because of this that if you do not know how to turn in your feelings, then the result of the demand will only bury your good time in vain.

If you can't chase it, don't chase it.

When you know how to turn a corner, you will find that there are more beautiful landscapes in the world.

Learn to turn and you win

What can't be changed, just look away

In the Four Precepts of the Great Mortals, it is said:

"The reason why people are persistent is because they don't understand the truth, they don't know how to calculate uselessly, and they don't know how to let go in order to get it."

In life, there will always be some such people, they just have too many hearts, some things know that they can't change, and they still don't want to come out of it.

In the end, it not only hurt himself, but also troubled the people around him.

In the TV series "Special Battle Glory", Bai Long and Cao Ben were originally teammates, more like brothers.

However, later, because of a mission, the captain of the two people died unfortunately in order to save Cao Ben.

Although this is a pity, no one wants such a thing to happen.

However, Bai Long had always been angry about this, and turned this resentment into hatred for Cao Ben.

In his heart, it was Cao Ben who killed the captain.

So what did this hatred give the White Dragon?

In fact, hate not only can't change the facts that have happened, but also ruins his once-precious friendship, meaningless!

The British philosopher Russell said:

"One cannot live in memories, one cannot live in nostalgia for the past or mourn one's deceased friends, one should put one's mind on the future, on what one needs to do on one's own."

In life, most of the pain is actually that you are fighting with yourself.

Treat regrets that cannot be changed, do not always immerse yourself in it, but know how to make the mentality turn a corner.

When your mentality changes, you know how to let go of the past and walk forward.

Then, you will find that you are not only letting go of others, but also yourself.

Learn to turn and you win

There is a saying:

"There are no alleys that can't be walked out, only people who can't turn."

In a lifetime, too many things are not the more obsessive you are, the more you can get the beauty you want.

On the contrary, life requires the wisdom of turning corners.

Because only by knowing how to turn can we avoid being disturbed by unnecessary people and things, so as to better get happiness.


Author: Away from the rain slightly cool, a rational, emotional, like to use words to express personal views, bring you spiritual healing, emotional solution, life perception of the post-90s writer.

Learn to turn and you win

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