
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday

Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday

Live Bar May 2 News Today is the 47th birthday of "Mega Man" Xiao Bei, the legendary star born in Preston, England on May 2, 1975, who started his career at Manchester United.

He once carried the sins and names of the Three Lions Legion, escorted the Galactic Battleship, landed in Los Angeles to conquer the US Empire, and put on a red and black battle robe, and finally ushered in the end of the romantic capital.

"He was a darling and an outcast; he was chased and exiled. He wins back respect after weightlessness, he wins more respect in respect, and he hasn't left when he leaves. ”

22 years of career, 6 clubs, one Champions League, six Premier League titles, 2 FA Cup titles, one La Liga title, one Ligue 1 title, 2 major league titles, 3 World Cups.

Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday

We will always remember that sunny afternoon, the gorgeous teenager "Beiying" is gone, and the legend is still there!

Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday
Forever "Mega Man" wishes Beckham a happy 47th birthday

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